Diets that work!!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Why Most Diets Fail In The Long-Term

A comprehensive review of diet solutions leads to a number of conclusions. There are many players in this market. It is now is a multi-billion dollar industry world-wide. Millions try this diet and that diet but very few find a permanent solution to their weight problem. Millions are frustrated and downright discouraged in their utter failure to find the body weight of their dreams. It might seem that the last thing the diet world needs is another diet. However a fully qualified dietician Isabel De Los Rios has challenged all these diets by designing a diet that looks at lifestyle rather a specific diet package. Her Diet Solution Program goes right to the heart of why so many diets fail long-term. In this short article we will look at some of these issues and why her program is structured around lifestyle as the key to success.

A Diet Solution Review of Current Failures in the Diet Market

What lessons can be learned? Among the hundreds of packaged diets sold today in our drug stores and supermarkets and the diets promoted in our popular magazines what feature stands out as the most significant failure. The number one unrecognised issue among all these diets lies in fact that the vast majority of dieters who lose weight on any of these diets regain their original weight soon after finishing the diet. Ask any experienced dietician or nutritionist and they will all agree. Let's look at some of the conclusions that any diet solution review will highlight.

There is no Silver Bullet, no Magic Pill or Programme.

Many will find this hard to accept but this is the harsh reality. The company or person who does come up with this magic pill will make millions if not billions!. However as we look at weight-loss it is becoming clear that the chance of this ever becoming a reality is very slight indeed. We are talking about permanent weight loss here, not just losing weight over a few days or weeks.

Weight Returns as Soon as You Stop the Diet.

In our diet solution review it is hard to ignore the experience of millions. It is a Yo-Yo ride. Lose weight, but before you know it, the weight returns. Try another diet, same result. The diet merchants love you because you keep coming back for a try at another diet. Yes these diets work - you will lose weight while you are on them if you follow the program faithfully. You reach your target weight and come off the diet. Before you know it the weight is back on. These diets offer only short-term results. Millions lose out simply because they return to the diet or lifestyle that made them overweight in the first place!

Many Diets are Just a Threat to Your Good Health.

Is the solution to stay on your chosen diet. No. Generally you would risk your health if you were to stay on any of these diets long-term. None of the diets are a long-term solution. As you will see none of these diets have yet addressed the fundamental issue that is causing you to be overweight. At the heart of this diet solution review we need to discover the main cause of obesity in the western world.

Most Can't Exercise Discipline Long-term.

Stay on the diet long-term - most can't do it in the short-term! Living on milk shakes and diet bars is no way to live. We were made to enjoy good food. The discipline of living on these extremely restricted diets is hard. The temptation to cheat is always there. It never goes away. The social pressures either within the home, at work, among friends all provide real pressures to break the diet.

What About the Famous Diets Published in Books and Magazines?

Weather you found the diet in a book, a magazine, or newspaper look hard at the program. Does it provide for full nutrition? Low carb, low-fat, low anything, these diets will often compromise our need for a varied diet that provides full nutrition for a healthy lifestyle. Many of these diets are no better than the packaged diets in our supermarkets and drug stores. Beware of the long-term effects. Beware the boredom. In many cases beware the science. In this diet solution review think back to all the fad diets that have come and gone. Many are now in total disrepute.

Why Most Diets Fail - Long Term.

The fundamental flaw with almost all of these diets lies in our 21s t century lifestyle. Most of us have lost sight of what really is good food. We now buy so much of our food from the supermarket. The major food companies do most of the food preparation for us. It saves us time and it is very convenient. What is even worse is our growing dependence on fast food outlets. All prepared food is loaded with preservatives, flavour enhancers, food colorings, artificial sweeteners, salt, and sugar in huge quantities. Add to this list a host of chemicals that for the most part have only numbers for a name. Most of us have no idea what they are and what we are eating. We have come to trust our food manufacturers. Is this trust misplaced?. We need food, not chemicals.

The reality is our bodies and our livers are overloaded with all these chemicals. Our livers are the organ that deals with fat within the body. It also has the job of removing all these chemicals and other impurities. It has to do this first. If the liver has to remove all these chemicals it cannot function to deal with fat as it should. It fails to burn fat as it would normally do. Our livers then store fat in the body and we put on weight. This is why most diets fail. The major cause of obesity in this 21st century is the food we eat. However convenient these prepared foods may be for us, they are killing us. Never forget that food is medicine for our bodies. We need fresh food, not packaged food full of chemicals. Our diet solution review leads us to only one conclusion - we need a lifestyle change not another diet.

Frank Rogers writes on diet, weight loss and lifestyle. From a very young age Frank was exposed to healthy living, much of which were negative issues like the things that we were not supposed to eat. Looking back over the decades he can laugh at much of what was taught. However Frank has never lost that initial interest in health, but today sees health issues as a positive force rather than a series of negative restrictions on a daily diet.

Having lived in many different parts of the world Frank is not afraid to embrace new and radical ideas if they have a foundation in reality. Two very different programs challenge much of contemporary thinking and he feels they are worth a closer evaluation.

To learn more of the need for lifestyle change visit

and find two very successful fat burning programs. Both of these programs could be life changing for those who are finding it difficult to lose weight.

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