Diets that work!!

Friday, November 4, 2011

The Dukan Diet Fast Weight Loss Program - Read This If You're On The Fence

The Dukan diet is hot news, there are many people proclaiming the diet as their weight loss savior and there are others panning the diet regime as a fad and flash in the pan. Well, as far as flash in the pan goes, I don't care about the 10 year history of the fast weight loss plan, nor do I give a fig about the tens of thousands evangelizing the Dukan. I have a year of experience myself and I have the combined testimony of 1000s of people on our Dukan diet dairy forum all standing by the diet and providing evidence that yes, this regime does work. All I care about is genuine people, honestly sharing their Dukan dieting experiences.

And in this spirit, I'd like to share some experiences myself. There has been some criticism that people who lose weight on the Dukan diet put weight back on. Well, hello, welcome to the real world. There are people who go on diets, who successfully lose weight and then go back to their old ways and, inevitably, the weight comes back. What's wrong with this?

I'll tell you what's wrong with this... nothing!

It makes me wonder what planet these critics of the Dukan diet are on when they lay into people who lost weight on the Dukan diet but then put some weight back on. This can happen to anyone. Sometimes, for some people, events and circumstances take precedence and you know what? The diet sometimes doesn't seem so important. And Amen to that.

I've always, from the first post on this Dukan diet dairy to this post, maintained that if your diet solution is making you miserable, or if your weight suddenly isn't the most important thing in your life, then make a change. I've met enough wonderful and beautiful people who are, what our Society calls, overweight, whom I've respected and valued that I know for sure that size and shape matters little when it comes to assessing a person's worth. I've also met people for whom their weight and shape makes them miserable and they want to change.

For the people who want to change... and only to them and for the sole reason that they want to change, I recommend the Dukan diet. Why? Because, it is the quickest, easiest and most life-changing weight loss solution I have ever experienced.

If you want to lose weight - like I wanted to lose weight when I was 30lbs heavier than I felt happy with - then the Dukan diet must be a candidate for consideration.

Critics of the diet claim that it isn't balanced. My answer to that? If you're overweight, if you're living off fast food, snacks, chocolate and sweets - how balanced is your diet right now? The Dukan diet introduces vegetables and then fruits, whole wheat breads and oat bran in a way than makes these ingredients warmly anticipated and looked forward to. Before I went on the Dukan diet, I hated and avoided all fruit and vegetables. Now these foods are a cherished part of my weekly menu.

Being overweight most of my adult life, I flitted from diet to diet either never losing any significant weight or losing 30 lbs and then putting it all back on again within weeks of ending the diet.

The Dukan Diet isn't like this. Why? Well I believe that the reason that this diet is different is because the Dukan diet, unlike other diets, teaches you to appreciate, enjoy and look forward to healthy fruits and vegetables.

I thought I was a hopeless case. In my thirties and set in my ways. I knew what foods I liked and wanted and nothing was going to change this. In fact, I felt hopeless. I thought that this was the way I was and increasing weight gain was going to be an inevitable aspect of my life.

Well I was wrong!

And I thank goodness I discovered the Dukan diet.

The Dukan diet changed the way I think about food - for the better - and it was this change that enabled me to lose weight, and keep the weight off, so easily. I bought the official book, for less than I previously spent on one meal at McDonalds, KFC, or Burger King, and followed the plan. Within the first few days I was visibly losing weight without feeling hunger. This was the easiest and quickest diet I had ever been on!

But the biggest surprise for me was my anticipation - the way I looked forward to - healthy and nutritious vegetables. And this wasn't because I was hungry! Far from it. Before starting this diet, I used to awake not feeling hungry only to feel starving a hour or so later. For the rest of the day, all I could think about was food. By the end of the day I'd eaten so much I felt stuffed and bloated. I was plagued with the symptoms of over-indulgence - heartburn, indigestion and bloatedness.

Within a day or so of beginning the diet I'd not only said goodbye to these unpleasant symptoms but I'd lost those powerful food-cravings that made my life so miserable.

I learned to appreciate what I was putting into my mouth and my taste-buds started over. Within a couple of weeks eating healthy and nutritious food wasn't some far-off hope but a daily reality.

I believe that the success of the Dukan diet is purely down to results. The way this regime works is simple, although some seem to believe it is some kind of diet 'magic'. The high protein content and low carbohydrate makes the body feel full and satisfied quicker. The typical Western diet, it seems to me, is full of fat and carbs, two things that increase appetite rather than satisfy it - why do you think restaurants offer fatty snacks like peanuts to encourage the appetite?

With the appetite naturally suppressed, I believe we have a chance to stop and think about what we're eating without constantly craving those delicious but deadly sweet and fatty snacks.

The Dukan diet is a fast weight loss diet. This means that people should notice that you've lost weight within days of beginning the regime. What better motivation to keep on going than the thought of what you've already accomplished?

I used to easily give up diets after a few weeks simply because I was craving food and couldn't see that I'd actually accomplished anything by starving myself! In fact you gain nothing by starving yourself. Any weight you initially lose will always be put back on. This diet is not a starvation diet - you can eat as much as you want while following the Dukan regime! Even while eating until you feel like stopping, if you follow this diet, you'll be losing weight. And the weight loss should be quick! Imagine being 3 weeks into a new diet, with friends and acquaintances already complimenting you on your obvious weight loss! How easily would you give that achievement up?

The Dukan diet is not a miracle diet. Nor is it some magical weight loss program that guarantees you'll shed with pounds with no effort. But in my opinion, and the opinion of hundreds of people using our forum alone, the Dukan diet is the easiest, quickest and most satisfying weight loss program currently out there.

Start the change now. You can follow my progress on the Dukan diet from day one of the attack phase until the end. I have included all my recipes and menu ideas as well as top tips in getting the most out of your Dukan diet experience. If you're ready to lose weight fast without hunger click Dukan diet to begin your journey.

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