Diets that work!!

Friday, December 30, 2011

Is a 3 Day Diet Plan a Fast Weight Loss Diet?

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The 3 Day Diet programs are making another comeback around the diet arena, once more being presented as a brand new rapid weight loss concept. They are again becoming rather fashionable as the latest fad quick weight loss plan. Regardless of their popularity, many are asking if it is safe to experience fast weight loss, are the 3 Day Diets a healthy approach to losing weight, and do they actually work?

First of all, the majority of 3 Day Diet programs which have currently been turning up all over the weight reduction market are nothing new. The current attention these diet plans are receiving will eventually lessen over time. Then after a few years of quiet they will then rise again becoming available with brand new names.

For example, I've witnessed the 3 Day Cabbage Diet, the 3 Day Cleveland Clinic Diet (or whatever medical center - choose one), the 3 Day Tuna Diet, the 3 Day British Heart Foundation Diet, the 3 Day Cardiac Diet, the 3 Day Heart Diet, the 3 Day Egg and Grapefruit diet, the 3 Day Fruit Diet ( pick a fruit) as well as the 3-Day G.I. Diet (pick a military diet branch). Those happen to be just a small example of the countless names which have been chosen regarding the 3 day diet plans. The names these weight loss programs are given is only altered to make the dietary plan seem to be the most recent, completely new, scientifically researched, weight loss program. In reality they are just a slightly altered version of any old 3 Day Diet that has not been clinically research by any well known medical clinic, hospital or foundation.

At this point in time, there isn't actually a great deal of variance between these kinds of 3 Day Diet programs created to lose weight quickly. The changes may include a protein change, or possibly a nutritional dietary fiber swap. A few of the 3 Day Diets will vary the kind of fresh fruit or fresh vegetables to include in the diet. In particular, the 3 Day Mayo Clinic Diet plan specializes in consuming quantities of grapefruit. Remember, this diet was NOT created, or approved by the Mayo Clinic.

At couple of the 3 Day Diets that I know of include a dessert indulgence, while yet another may eliminate sugar products entirely (everyone ought to quit over-indulging in sweets as well as eliminating soft drinks altogether, particularly if they genuinely wish to be in charge of your own personal overweight health issues). Other diet plans are going a little further by calling their diet programs a 5 Day Diet or a 7 Day Diet Plan.

Decreased calorie consumption, reduced carbohydrates along with large amounts of dietary vegetable fiber are the fundamentals of the 3 Day Diet. The low calories (it is around a 1000 calorie diet) along with low carbohydrates, will raise the body's metabolic rate, while the higher dietary fiber along with drinking lots of water will boost the body's elimination function.

This process of speeding up the body's elimination process explains the rapid reduction in weight loss achieved by using these kinds of diet programs. In actuality, this weight loss is almost all water, and not permanent weight loss. As long as individuals are actually exercising as well, they will additionally shed a couple of actual pounds of body fat, in addition to loss of water weight.

It won't hurt a healthy individual to use this type of weight loss diet plan intended for simply three to five days. The 3 Day Diets are generally meant for people who only want to lose 6 to 15 pounds fast in order to maybe squeeze into a pair of skinny jeans for that live concert next week, or to fit into a new prom dress, or possibly to fit back in the wedding gown which was custom fit last month but is a bit too snug right now. Remember that the actual inches lost is merely a short-term remedy due to the substantial excretion of water from your system.

You should not, on the other hand, carry on with this 1000 calorie diet any more than five days. Continuing on with eating only a 1000 calorie diet, it is possible to induce critical harm to your body's internal organs if you do so. You will also begin losing muscle tissue instead of fat. Also, please remember to never fail to check with your own private medical professional prior to going on any diet regime.

When involved in a 3 Day Diet plan, or any diet plan for that matter, it is advised that you take into account the kinds of nourishment you eat, and also to focus on the physical exercise which will promote additional calories being used up. Only put in your mouth something that is healthy to fuel the body.

Women tend to be the ones that will often forget to incorporate physical exercise in the 3 Day Diet game. Because of their hectic agendas associated with raising children, while running a full time career, they will often be so bogged down with activities that they drop into the pitfall of imagining they are receiving sufficient physical exercise. They might not really want to work out once the strain connected with the stress of the day wears them down. However, incorporating an effective exercise regime within their hectic agenda will certainly help to make virtually any 3 Day Diet a success.

Yet another pitfall both males and females fall under because of their hectic agendas will be missing meals. These people believe that this can take that extra weight off faster, while the truth of the matter is that it actually decreases the fat burning because their bodies transfer in to starvation mode through slowing down ones metabolism. Women tend to be much more likely to forget to eat in order to get more work done, while males are more likely to stop working in order to actually eat.

Meals CANNOT be missed in any 3 Day Diet program if you want to drop pounds fast. These kind of eating plans accelerate the calorie burning metabolic process, along with triggering the water elimination only if the dietary plan is actually implemented by the meals being eaten. Generally, most people will actually consume far more food in the next mealtime, if they have missed the prior scheduled meal. This merely defeats the objective of the fast 3 Day Diet.

Drinking a great deal of water as well as no sugar fruit juice (no low calorie sweeteners either) are a major element of these types of diet programs. The liquid replacement is essential to get the metabolic rate to work appropriately. Including a piece of fresh lemon into the water will improve the procedure of the diet. You need to make sure to drink a large glass of drinking water, 6 to 8 times each day. Herbal teas and black coffee (no sugar or sugar substitutes) can also be included in between the water consumption.

Avoid purchasing dessert sweets or high sodium snack foods along the lines of potato chips as well as frozen snack foods, while shopping at the supermarket. As an alternative heap on the fresh natural vegetables and fruits. The children shouldn't be consuming these types of unhealthy food stuffs, anymore than you should, but it is a good idea to keep these foodstuffs out of the house while dieting.

Planning natural wholesome meals for your own household is a sensible way to keep on course and stick with the 3 Day Diet, while at the same time introducing healthier ingredients into the home. Presenting these kinds of wholesome choices are something you are able to perform with the family long-term, even after the 3 Day Diet has ended. Although I do advise carrying on with eating fresh fruits and veggies as part of your daily eating habits, I do not advise continuing the 3 Day Diet for a session longer than 3 to 5 days.

What is the bottom line?

If you want to drop even more than 15 pounds, any 3 Day Diet plan is simply not for you personally. Altering to a new much healthier way of life is actually what you need to be accomplishing. Understanding how to eat properly as well as exercising is vital to achieving success in burning fat.

In the event that you are looking for merely dropping a couple of pounds instantly for a special function or perhaps to be able to start looking more desirable at the beach, here are a couple of points to bear in mind:

Exercise! A good every day exercise regimen for the busy lifestyle is equally as essential in a 3 Day Diet plan as it is for your own regular daily life. Focus on a different body area each time you workout. Make sure to try to get no less than half hour per day; 60 minutes each day is better. The amount of time may be divided over the course of the day however you would like which is suitable for your own individual routine.

Don't Skip Meals! Keep in mind to continually eat your planned foods. Do not miss any one of them, particularly in the morning at breakfast time. Quit consuming sugars as well as drinking soda pops. Replace health robbing, highly processed foodstuff with fresh fruits along with vegetables.

Stay Hydrated! Drink plenty of water along with a slice of lemon. Drink 100% fruit juice or herbal teas, replacing the soft drinks. Water is probably the greatest component known to aid the body's metabolic process with burning body fat as well as eliminating harmful toxins from the system.

Sleep! This is precisely what our bodies require to restore, replenish and metabolize. When you are asleep, the body is actually continuing to use calories from fat as it performs ones body maintenance. Among the restoration functions occurring in the course of your sleep is the manufacture of a particular hormone called Leptin. This hormone's purpose is to notify the brain that you don't require any food. The less sleep you have, the less Leptin ones body will generate. The less Leptin ones body generates, the hungrier you will certainly feel, hence the more you will end up eating.

To see samples of 3 Day Diet Menus, please visit Do 3 Day Diets Work? Find simple exercise routines to work into our busy life at Your Busy Life

June Tanner was born and raised in Hawaii where she studied and practiced natural healing, lomi lomi massage, alternative medicine, organic gardening and nutrition for over 30 years. She is currently living in New York where she works as a free lance writer for various publications, a website designer and as an Information Marketer.

This article may only be used in it's entirety, with the author's Resource Box attached. All links must remain included and no changes may be made to the article without the author's prior permission.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Atkins Diet -- The Final Verdict

Supporters of the Atkins Diet claim that a low carbohydrate diet is a safe and effective method for losing weight. This article evaluates the low carbohydrate diet and specifically the claims made about ketosis.

The Low Carb-Ketosis Link

By severely limiting carbohydrates in your diet, the main energy source used by your body, glucose, drops to low levels. In return, insulin levels also drop. With low glucose and low insulin levels, the body turns to alternative sources of energy.

Because of a significant change in your body's chemistry when on the Atkins Diet, certain metabolic pathways are turned "on" that are normally not "on" or run at very low levels. One such pathway involves the breakdown of fat, called Beta-Oxidation of Fats.

Now, normally fats are broken down to produce energy when your body senses a need. But in the context of a low Carb diet, the normal breakdown pathway of fats is altered and an alternative pathway kicks in. This alternative pathway produces what are called ketone bodies.

Ketosis is the term used to describe when ketone bodies are circulating in your bloodstream. The ketone bodies can be used as alternative sources of energy by, most importantly, your brain.

In case you might be curious, the three ketone bodies produced by this alternative pathway for breaking down fat are acetoacetate, beta-hydroxybutyrate, and acetone. These ketone bodies are formed in your liver and then are transported to other tissues, mainly the brain. In your brain, they are converted back to a form that can provide direct energy during times of starvation.

Here is the whole process...

Atkins Diet lowers glucose and insulin (the body's main energy source)

Alternative pathways are turned "on" to provide energy

One alternative pathway breaks down fat and produces ketone bodies

Ketone bodies represent the state called ketosis

The brain uses ketone bodies as an alternative source of energy

So, the Atkins Diet (and any low Carb diet) produces a low energy state (low glucose) that causes the breakdown fat using an alternative pathway that leads to the development of ketosis.

So far it sounds pretty good. By limiting Carbs in your diet, you can essentially force your body into breaking down stored fat, the very thing you need to get rid of to lose weight.

But there are problems...

Atkins Diet and Toxicity

Ketone bodies are toxic. Many supporters of low Carb diets claim that ketosis is safe. They state that they are natural byproducts of fat breakdown and even babies have high levels of circulating ketone bodies.

First, they are not natural by-products of fat metabolism. The normal beta-oxidation of fats does produce ketone bodies but these are incorporated into the normal cycle of energy production, called the Krebs cycle. When ketone bodies are circulating in your bloodstream, it signals an abnormal physiologic state, called starvation. They are not incorporated into the normal energy cycle, the Krebs cycle, and spill into the bloodstream.

Just because your body has the ability to transport ketone bodies to certain tissues and then use them for energy, does not make it a normal process. It is an alternative pathway that turns "on" only when your body is faced with depleted levels of the main energy source, glucose.

Secondly, babies are not small adults. A baby's liver and brain tissue are made up of different chemicals and pathways, specifically geared to handle the high fat diet coming from mother's milk. These pathways change as a baby grows and starts to eat other foods. Eventually, the normal adult pathways are set up and the infantile chemistry used as evidence to support the safety of ketosis, stop working.

But this is not even related to the fact that ketone bodies are toxic. In medicine, the three ketone bodies mentioned above are classified as toxic acidic chemicals. At high levels, they can cause your blood to become too acidic, a disease state called ketoacidosis.

Granted, this is rare because most of the ketone bodies will be used by the brain as an energy source. Ketoacidosis is usually seen in type 1 diabetics. It is a medical emergency.

So, is ketosis dangerous to your body? Yes and no. Yes, ketosis represents a state of starvation. Losing weight when the body thinks you're starving is the best way to guarantee weight regain. The weight will come back and come back as fat. No, ketosis will not cause ketoacidosis in non-diabetics. And as long as you have a large storage of fat, your brain will not starve for energy.

The Final Verdict

As an alternative physiologic state, ketosis is not dangerous, assuming the levels of ketone bodies do not increase to acidic levels.

As a diet plan, ketogenic diets are not recommended because of the state of starvation they create. Your metabolism will eventually slow down setting you up for weight regain in the near the future.

Ketogenic diets, like the Atkins Diet, may also be dangerous not because they cause ketosis, but because they promote high protein and fat intake. High protein diets, unless you're body building, increases urea production and can damage the kidneys. Supporters claim that this just doesn't happen, reporting that no kidney damage has occurred to the millions of dieters on Atkins Diet or other ketogenic diets.

However, it is well known that microscopic damage can occur to the kidneys effecting their ability to filter the blood. But clinical signs of this damage may take several years to manifest. Chronic renal insufficiency is a concern for ketogenic dieters, which may cause problems in the years to come.

Atkins Diet and other ketogenic diets (low Carb) can be safe and effective in causing weight loss. However, I recommend keeping ketosis to a minimum and keep your carbohydrate intake above 50 grams a day. Don't follow the suggestions for reaching an "induction" phase. It's not necessary to turn "on" the alternative pathways described above and burn fat.

Remember, healthy weight loss is to burn fat and fat only. But it also involves keeping your rate of weight loss around 2-3 pounds/week. The induction phase promoted by the Atkins Diet can result in a rate of weight loss far greater than 2-3 pounds/week. It may sound good to you now, but how does gaining it all back as fat sound? Because that will happen if you lose weight too fast.

For more information on ways to experience healthy weight loss, visit

Diet Basics.

To Healthy Living!

Dr. Michael A. Smith

Chief Medical Consultant

Diet Basics Website

Dr. Smith is the Chief Medical Consultant to Diet Basics, a content rich weight loss site dedicated to all dieters fighting to lose weight. Please visit his site at...Diet Basics

One visit and you'll be convinced that Dr. Smith and Diet Basics is your on-line resource for healthy weight loss!

Friday, December 23, 2011

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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

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Monday, December 5, 2011

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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Don't Be Confused About Low Carb Diets - 7 Key Points Explained

With all of the conflicting studies and fuzzy interpretation of
information, it's no wonder that confusion reigns when it comes
to the value and safety of low-carb diets. It seems like heated
debates are raging everywhere!

Whether it's Atkins, the South Beach or some other low-carb plan,
as many as 30 million Americans are following a low-carb diet.

Advocates contend that the high amount of carbohydrates in our
diet has led to increasing problems with obesity, diabetes, and
other health problems. Critics, on the other hand, attribute
obesity and related health problems to over-consumption of
calories from any source, and lack of physical activity. Critics
also express concern that the lack of grains, fruits, and
vegetables in low-carbohydrate diets may lead to deficiencies of
some key nutrients, including fiber, vitamin C, folic acid, and
several minerals.

Any diet, weather low or high in carbohydrate, can produce
significant weight loss during the initial stages of the diet.
But remember, the key to successful dieting is in being able to
lose the weight permanently. Put another way, what does the scale
show a year after going off the diet?

Let's see if we can debunk some of the mystery about low-carb
diets. Below, is a listing of some relevant points taken from
recent studies and scientific literature. Please note there may
be insufficient information available to answer all questions.

- Differences Between Low-Carb Diets

There are many popular diets designed to lower carbohydrate
consumption. Reducing total carbohydrate in the diet means that
protein and fat will represent a proportionately greater amount
of the total caloric intake.

Atkins and Protein Power diets restrict carbohydrate to a point
where the body becomes ketogenic. Other low-carb diets like the
Zone and Life Without Bread are less restrictive. Some, like
Sugar Busters claim to eliminate only sugars and foods that
elevate blood sugar levels excessively.

- What We Know about Low-Carb Diets

Almost all of the studies to date have been small with a wide
variety of research objectives. Carbohydrate, caloric intake,
diet duration and participant characteristics varied greatly.
Most of the studies to date have two things in common: None of
the studies had participants with a mean age over 53 and none of
the controlled studies lasted longer than 90 days.

Information on older adults and long-term results are scarce.
Many diet studies fail to monitor the amount of exercise, and
therefore caloric expenditure, while participants are dieting.
This helps to explain discrepancies between studies.

The weight loss on low-carb diets is a function of caloric
restriction and diet duration, and not with reduced carbohydrate
intake. This finding suggests that if you want to lose weight,
you should eat fewer calories and do so over a long time period.

Little evidence exists on the long-range safety of low-carb
diets. Despite the medical community concerns, no short-term
adverse effects have been found on cholesterol, glucose, insulin
and blood-pressure levels among participants on the diets. But,
adverse effects may not show up because of the short period of
the studies. Researchers note that losing weight typically leads
to an improvement in these levels anyway, and this may offset an
increase caused by a high fat diet. The long range weight change
for low-carb and other types of diets is similar.

Most low-carb diets cause ketosis. Some of the potential
consequences are nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and confusion.
During the initial phase of low-carb dieting some fatigue and
constipation may be encountered. Generally, these symptoms
dissipate quickly. Ketosis may also give the breath a fruity
odor, somewhat like nail-polish remover (acetone).

Low-carb diets do not enable the consumption of more calories
than other kinds of diets, as has been often reported. A calorie
is a calorie and it doesn't matter weather they come from
carbohydrates or fat. Study discrepancies are likely the result
of uncontrolled circumstances; i.e. diet participants that cheat
on calorie consumption, calories burned during exercise, or any
number of other factors. The drop-out rate for strict (i.e. less
than 40 grams of CHO/day) low-carb diets is relatively high.

What Should You Do? - There are 3 important points I would like
to re-emphasize:

- The long-range success rate for low-carb and other types of
diets is similar.

- Despite their popularity, little information exists on the
long-term efficacy and safety of low-carbohydrate diets.

- Strict low-carb diets are usually not sustainable as a normal
way of eating. Boredom usually overcomes willpower.

It is obvious after reviewing the topic, that more, well-designed
and controlled studies are needed. There just isn't a lot of good
information available, especially concerning long-range effects.
Strict low-carb diets produce ketosis which is an abnormal and
potentially stressful metabolic state. Under some circumstances
this might cause health related complications.

The diet you choose should be a blueprint for a lifetime of
better eating, not just a quick weight loss plan to reach your
weight goal. If you can't see yourself eating the prescribed
foods longer than a few days or a week, then chances are it's not
the right diet. To this end, following a moderately low fat diet
with a healthy balance of fat, protein, carbohydrate and other
nutrients is beneficial.

If you do decide to follow a low-carb plan, remember that certain
dietary fats are associated with reduction of disease. Foods high
in unsaturated fats that are free of trans-fatty acids such as
olive oil, fish, flaxseeds, and nuts are preferred to fats from
animal origins.

Even promoters of the Atkins diet now say people on their plan
should limit the amount of red meat and saturated fat they eat.
Atkins representatives are telling health professionals that only
20 percent of a dieter's calories should come from saturated fat
(i.e. meat, cheese, butter). This change comes as Atkins faces
competition from other popular low-carb diets that call for less
saturated fat, such as the South Beach diet plan. Low-carb
dieting should not be considered as a license to gorge on red

Another alternative to "strict" low-carb dieting would be to give
up some of the bad carbohydrate foods but not "throw out the baby
with the bath water". In other words, foods high in processed
sugar, snacks, and white bread would be avoided, but foods high
in complex carbohydrates such as fruit, potatoes and whole
grains, retained.

The information contained in this article is for educational purposes
only and is not intended to medically diagnose, treat or cure any
disease. Consult a health care practitioner before beginning any
health care program.

Emily Clark is editor at Lifestyle Health News [] and Medical Health News [] where you can find the most up-to-date advice and information on many medical, health and lifestyle topics.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Top 10 Questions and Answers on Atkins Diet

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1. What is Atkins Diet?

Dr. Atkins diet, first introduced in 1972, is strictly focused on limiting carbohydrate consumption.

That is why it is called a low-carb, high-protein diet or sometimes simply a low-carb diet, together with other diets such as South Beach Diet, Power Protein Diet etc...

2. What are carbohydrates, and where can they be found?

Carbohydrates provide your body with its basic fuel, very much like a car engine and gasoline. Glucose goes directly into the cells, which convert it into the energy they need.

There are two types of carbohydrates:

Simple carbohydrates (also called "sugars" on food package labels): glucose, fructose and galactose are referred to as monosaccharides. Lactose, sucrose and maltose are called disaccharides (they contain two monosaccharides).

Complex carbohydrates ("starches"), made up of chains of glucose molecules, which is simply a way plants store glucose.

Starches can be found in great quantities in most grains (wheat, corn, oats, rice) and things like potatoes and plantains.

Your digestive system breaks a starch back down into its component glucose molecules so that the glucose can enter your bloodstream.

A complex carbohydrate is digested more slowly than simple carbohydrates because it takes longer to break down a starch.

Complex carbs can be either high in fiber such as broccoli or low in fiber such as bananas or potatoes.

But carbohydrates are not the only substances the body uses: it also needs proteins and fats.

3. What are proteins and where can they be found?

A protein is any chain of amino acids. Carbohydrates provide cells with energy, proteins provide cells with the building material they need to grow and maintain their structure.

Protein can be found in both animal and vegetable foods. Most animal sources (meat, milk, eggs) provide "complete protein": they contain all of the essential amino acids.

Vegetable foods usually have few or none of the essential amino acids. Example: rice is low in isoleucine and lysine.

Some vegetable sources contain quite a bit of protein --things like nuts, beans, soybeans, etc. are all high in protein.

4. What are fats and where can they be found?

Fats are also an important part of our diet. Many foods contain fat in different amounts. High-fat foods include dairy products like butter and cream as well as mayonnaise and oils.

There are two kinds of fats: saturated and unsaturated.

Saturated fats are normally solid at room temperature, while unsaturated fats are liquid at room temperature.

Vegetable oils are the best examples of unsaturated fats, while lard and shortening (along with the animal fat you see in raw meat) are saturated fats.

We can further distinguish the unsaturated fats between polyunsaturated and monounsaturated. Unsaturated fats are currently thought to be more healthy than saturated fats, and monounsaturated fats (as found in olive oil and peanut oil) are thought to be healthier than polyunsaturated fats.

Fat is necessary because: the only way to get certain fat-soluble vitamins is to eat fat, your body has no way to make certain essential fats, so you must get them in your food.

Another reason is that fat is a good source of energy, in fact it contains twice as many calories per gram as do carbohydrates or proteins. Your body can burn fat as fuel when necessary

5. and how can I loose weight by reducing carbohydrate consumption?

Atkins diet and other low-carb diets are based on the theory that certain carbohydrates have a greater impact on blood sugar levels than others.

So you count these carbs. They are the ones that matter. To figure out the net carb count of a food item, you need to identify the carbs that don't have a high impact -- those from fiber and sugar alcohol, and subtract that total from the overall carb count

Just regulate your blood sugar levels (from carbohydrates) and you'll be able to better regulate your appetite... and your weight.

Therefore, say Atkins diet proponents, the culprits are carbohydrates and there is nothing wrong with eating as much meat as you want!

What you should do is restrict carbohydrate consumption, specially starchy foods such as bread, rice, corn etc..., except for what they consider as "good carbohydrates" such as high fiber vegetables (broccoli etc...)

According to them, the energy we need should be taken from proteins, and sometimes fat, but as few carbohydrates as possible, hence the name: low carbohydrate diet..

6 . What else does the human body need?

Mainly vitamins and minerals. These can be found in various foods, fruits, etc..It seems the "Standard Western Diet" is deficient in vitamins and minerals. This has led to the creation of vitamin and mineral supplements.

7. Is Atkins diet efficient?

Anybody can note the simple fact that cutting back on carbohydrates works, at least for a quick drop in body fat and body water.

However, for most dieters the problem is the long-term effects on the body due to such a drastic reduction in carbohydrates.

Whatever Atkins diet proponents have said, this remains a real problem and people like those at South Beach Diet have tried to solve it by introducing carbohyfrates after the 14 days initial phase.

8. What about the "fat makes you fat" theory?

According to Anthony Colpo, one of the most articulate of the Atkins diet defenders:

"Some folks have been so inculcated with the simplistic "fat makes you fat" theory that they just cannot believe a diet high in fat can lead to a loss of bodyfat.

The fact is, high fat diets can result in spectacular fat loss - as long as carbohydrate intake is kept low. Eat a diet that is high in both fat and carbohydrate and your bodyfat percentages will head north real quick! "

9. Does Atkins diet cause coronary heart disease (CHD)?

On May 26, 2004 A Florida businessman filed suit against the makers of Atkins diet.

The man claimed as a consequence of following the low-carb diet, he suffers from severe heart disease, necessitating angioplasty and a stent

One of the fiercest opponents of Atkins diet, the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) President Neal Barnard, M.D, said that the diet proponents "push dieters to avoid healthy foods, like rice, beans, and pasta, while ignoring the risks of high-cholesterol, high-fat meat and cheese. The idea that cholesterol and saturated fat don't matter is a dangerous myth."

But what does the other side say? As expected, we hear a totally different story.

Here is Anthony Colpo's take on the CHD issue:

"A low carb diet based on paleolithic food choices, that is, a diet based on free-range animal products and low carbohydrate, low-glycemic plant foods, fits the bill quite nicely. So go ahead, eat your steak and salad!"

10. Are there any other health risks?

In additon to CHD - coronary heart disease - Atkins diet has also been blamed for a number of other "atrocities", such as: colon cancer, impaired kidney function, osteoporosis, complications of diabetes, and to cap it all: constipation, headache, bad breath, muscle cramps, diarrhea, general weakness.

A few quick answers to some of these accusations from Anthony Colpo:

Kidney disease: "Bodybuilders and strength athletes have been consuming high-protein diets for decades. Given the widespread global participation in these activities, if the claims of kidney damage were true, by now there would be an enormous number of case studies of ex-bodybuilders and strength athletes afflicted with kidney disease," which is obviously not the case.

Osteoporosis: "a low-carbohydrate, high fat, high protein diet is a far better choice for building strong bones than a low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet."

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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The Proper Diet - Good Foods For Low Body Fat, Vibrant Health, and Longevity!

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Part Five of the Seven-Part Series:  Why Do American Women Get Fat? What You Can Do About It. 

The Problem:

At any given time two-thirds of all American adults are on a diet. Of those, 29 percent are men and 44 percent are women. Yet, only five percent of dieters will keep the weight off. In fact, most will actually regain their lost weight, plus more. With all the money being spent on diets and diet products, Americans aren't losing weight. According to the U.S. Surgeon General, overweight and obesity has reached epidemic levels. One of the main reasons dieters fail at their "get fit" attempts and remain a statistic is because they choose "fad diets" as opposed to a balanced, healthy diet. In fact the weight-loss industry makes its billions because "millions succumb to 'quick-fix' claims, seeking a (non-existent) effortless weight-loss method.

Diet Defined:

After a "fad diet" fails, most dieters give up, claiming, "diets don't work".   It seems to me that the word "diet" is the target of criticism and creates a lot of confusion. Is diet a bad four-letter word? If you eat food (or liquids), you're on a diet. Diet is defined as "food or drink regularly consumed," or "a controlled intake of food and drink designed for weight loss, for health or religious reasons, or to control a medical condition." The real issue is whether you on a proper diet, for your body to either lose weight (fat), or maintain a healthy and acceptable body weight.

Diets that Don't Work:  

Instead of saying, "diets don't work", we should specify which diets don't work. Unhealthy diets don't work. Restrictive and unbalanced diets don't work. Starvation diets don't work. Fake food diets don't work. Diet pills don't work. Massive supplement intake diets don't work. Fad (lose weight fast) diets don't work. We should confront the real issue; most diet programs and products offer quick-fix solutions and are basically gimmicks full of false promises, magic potions, and misleading propaganda. As a fitness expert for over 27 years, I've seen diets come and go (and some recycled) and have witnessed first-hand, the damage done by "trend diets." No sensible diet will ever compromise your physical or mental health for the sake of looking good. In fact, you don't have to starve, deprive yourself, settle for fake food, lose your sanity and health, or take pills to lose weight and get into great shape! I know that getting and staying healthy and fit involves a lifestyle of the "proper diet and exercise regimen."

The Solution:

First and foremost, don't fall victim to "quick-fix" diets and make certain your diet is proper (appropriate and sound)! Unless there is a specific medical condition that should eliminate certain foods, you should be leery of any diet program that lacks sufficient amount of calories, restricts one of the key nutrients (protein, carbohydrates, and fats), and even restricts certain wholesome foods like carrots, potatoes and bananas.

The good news is there is finally a rise in sound (proper) diet programs that will help you lose weight and gain health. There are now widely accepted, well-researched nutritional principles found in most well respected, leading diet programs, ones that do not offer quick-fix solutions that are found in so-called "fad diets".

Most fitness experts, nutritionists, diet gurus, and well-informed doctors agree that we should consume clean and wholesome foods and liquids to attain (and maintain) low body fat and vibrant health. We should eliminate junk food, fast food, fried food, and highly processed food. The real debate begins over how many calories we should consume each day and the nutrient ratio. The other debate exists over whether it is better to be a vegetarian or vegan - or not! Most also agree that fat loss is where it's at, not just weight loss, that real and lasting weight-loss results don't happen over night, and getting fit is best accomplished when you include exercise. According the Web MD, "proven weight-management strategies include a balanced diet with reduced calories with a regular exercise regimen." The key to low body fat, vibrant health, and longevity is a lifestyle of the PROPER DIET and exercise!

Proper Diet:

The proper diet includes the following factors: Liquid Consumption, Quantity and Distribution of Calories (daily caloric intake: under eating and over eating; daily nutrient ratio of protein, carbohydrates, and fat; and  meal size: portion control), and Quality and Purity of Calories.  

I would like to specifically address Quality and Purity of Calories. Calories are our friend, however, the wrong kind of calories will do harm (make women fat and sick-the opposite of fit and healthy)! Calories that are not wholesome and do not promote mental, spiritual, and physical well-being include:

Fat calories
Unhealthy calories
Dirty calories
Impure calories
Old and dead calories
Non-kosher calories

In summary quality and purity of calories include: 

Clean and pure foods-natural, fresh, organic, and kosher
Lean, healthy, fibrous, and alive foods
Foods made by God (nature) for human consumption
Carefully chosen man-made or man- manipulated foods

Good Foods:  

Unless you are a nutritionist, food expert, or well-informed fitness professional making good food choices can be a confusing subject. Even experts sometimes disagree on what to eat. There are obvious choices of what not to eat, namely most packaged, processed, and man-made foods-especially the ones full of preservatives and additives. However, some packaged and man-made foods may be good to eat, and some may even be a smart diet cheat. As you do your own research on packaged and man-made foods you can add more of them to your diet. Just remember that when you consume more man- made foods, you are increasing your odds of making mistakes in your food choices.

Pure and wholesome foods (God/nature-made foods) will always be a staple in any diet, whether you want to lose fat, improve health, gain lean body mass, increase your fitness level, become an athlete, or even just maintain your current weight and health condition.

Good Food Choices Short List

Since I have been in the fitness industry for over 27 years, I am always asked, "what do you eat?" and/or "what should I eat?' Here is a VERY short list, but I am sure it will be helpful. 

Here is a good rule to follow: "In choosing foods-now and later-use the Golden Food Rule: "If God (nature) made it, it is safe. If it is man-made, then it must be examined thoroughly." Quote from MY DIVA DIET: A Woman's Last Diet Book 

Fresh-water fish (with fins and scales; like salmon, halibut, trout, and tuna)  
Organic free-range and grass-fed animal meats (beef, poultry, turkey) - (skinless, white meat from poultry)
Kosher meats (if you eat meat you should only eat it once a month or less and trim the fat-good choices are filet mignon, flank and top sirloin))
Eggs from organic, free-range, vegetarian-fed hens (use egg whites and only a few whole eggs each week)
Carefully chosen meat products (like Boars Head deli meat -- fresh and white meat)  
Organic low- to no-fat dairy - (eat or drink minimal amounts)  
Fresh and organic legumes
Raw and unsalted nuts and seeds (dry roasted on occasion)
Plant protein products-clean and pure (like nut butter, hummus, soy butter, and more)
Organic whole grains; like barley, oats, rice, amaranth, buckwheat, couscous, kamut, millet, quinoa, rye, spelt, and others
Grain products-sprouted, stone ground (baked, never fried); like bread, cereal, rice cakes, mochi, corn tortillas, etc. 
Organic fresh fruits and vegetables
Fresh and untainted herbs and spices
 Extra-virgin olive oil and other unrefined vegetable oils
Limited amounts of all-natural spreads, sauces, sweeteners, salad dressings, and dips.
All natural gluten-free, low-sugar and low-fat smart diet cheats; like are fudgsicles, popsicles puddings and yogurts. Dark chocolate (low sugar of course)! Barbara's Fig Bars, Mrs. May's Naturals Pumpkin Crunch, and Lundberg Wasabi Rice Chips.  
Don't forget to consume plenty of water each day and the proper amounts of other liquids. Liquid consumption is another topic altogether! 

I am the creator and author of the fat-loss diet book just for women, MY DIVA DIET: A Woman's Last Diet Book . I am the the mother of two awesome daughters, an ACE Certified Fitness Trainer, and I've been in the fitness industry since 1980. I am also a retired bodybuilder and fitness competitor wining titles such as Ms. Fitness San Diego 1993, Ms. Fitness USA finalist 1990, Ms. San Luis Obispo 1989, along with promotional appearances for Thane Fitness Co., KESQ TV-3 Midday Show, Joe Weider's Muscle and Fitness, and an American Gladiators contestant in 1990. I strive to help women (and young girls) lose weight the safe, healthy and life-long way!

Stay tuned for Part Six of this Seven-Part Series: Why Do American Women Get Fat? What You Can Do About It. Exercise - A Major Factor if you are Serious About Getting Fit (Fat Loss and Superior Health) -- Six Components to an Effective Exercise Program.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Diet Fads - Some Smart, Some Scary

Dieting. Not many people like it, but lots of people have tried it. What some people don't realize is that diets, some laughable and some scary, have existed long before the Atkins diet became popular.


Vinegar Diet - British poet Lord Byron claimed to have lost 60 pounds by soaking his food in vinegar before eating it, although some historians believe he had an eating disorder.

Graham's Diet - Sylvester Graham, father of the ever-popular Graham Cracker was a Presbyterian minister who believed people should avoid coffee, alcohol, tea, spices, and meat. His followers, "Grahamites", ate pure water, fresh vegetables and fruits, high fiber foods, and whole wheat.

Zander Rooms - If you've ever watched an old movie, chances are you've seen people attempting to lose weight by wrapping a vibrating strap around their body. Believe it or not, this was an actual fad started by Dr. Gustav Zander from Sweden.

Banting Diet - William Banting, an English casket maker who struggled with his weight, wrote "Letter on Corpulence," which was the first the first popular diet book. Banting said he lost 50 pounds by eating a diet made up of dry toast, lean meats, unsweetened fruit, and green vegetables.


Fletcherizing - Horace Fletcher of San Francisco became known as "The Great Masticator" when he shared his unusual diet that encouraged people to chew their bites 32 times and then spit them out. Fletcher claimed he lost more than 40 pounds on this plan, devised after he was denied health insurance because of his weight. Fletcher said this diet allowed people to absorb nutrients, enjoy the taste of the food, and not gain weight. Famous followers include Henry James, John D. Rockefeller, and John Harvey Kellogg.

Calorie Counting - "Diet and Health, WIth Key to The Calories," by Lulu Hunt Peters, sold more than 2 million copies. The book advocated the consumption of only 1,200 calories a day. Calorie counting is still a popular dieting technique, but the numbers and approaches have changed over time.

Cigarette Diet - It seems shocking today, but when the health risks of cigarettes were just beginning to be discovered, cigarette companies tried to advertise their brand with a healthy spin. Prime example: Lucky Strikes' tagline was "Reach for a Lucky instead of a sweet."

The Inuit Meat-and-Fat Diet - Arctic explorer Vilhjalmur Stefansson spent time living with the Inuit people and then wrote a book, "The Fat of the Land," advocating their meat-and-blubber rich diet. Cardiologist Blake Donaldson continued to promote this diet, which he called "Strong Medicine" into the 1960s.

The Hay Diet - During the Depression era, Dr. William Hay advocated separating food and eating different kinds at different times because he believed the body can't process proteins and starches at the same time. What started as a way for the doctor to deal with his high blood pressure caught on as a diet fad. The diet reappeared in another form in the 80s when Judy Mazel's book "New Beverly Hills Diet" hit book stores everywhere.

Weight Loss Soap - Soaps with names like "Fatoff" and "La Mar Reducing Soap" claimed to help people loose weight just by taking a bubble bath.

Bananas and Skim Milk Diet - In one of the first known instances of a company creating a marketing campaign that attempted to sell a produce by encouraging people to eat healthy, the United Fruit Company endorsed Dr. George Harrop and his bananas and skim milk diet.

First Diet Pills - During World War I workers in a munitions factory seemed to be loosing weight. It turns out that dinitrophenol, an ingredient used in dyes, explosives, and insecticides, raised people's metabolism, causing them to burn calories more easily. The ingredient was made into a pill and about 100,000 people in the U.S. used to to lose weight. Three years later, the pill was no longer sold due to reports of blindness and even death caused by the drug.

The Tapeworm Diet - People who really wanted to lose weight without having to go through the hassle of exercising could take a pill, get the parasite, and then take another pill after the tapeworm had eaten away at their insides.

Cabbage Soup Diet - The cabbage soup diet professed to help people lose 10 pounds in a week.

Weight Watchers - When Jean Nidetch lost 72 pounds on her diet, she started Weight Watchers to help others meet their weight-loss goals. The diet has stood the test of time and remains a popular diet even today.

The Calories Don't Count - Dr. Herman Taller, an obstetrician, believed people could eat as many high protein foods as they wanted, take his pill that contained three ounces of polyunsaturated vegetable oil, and lose weight. His book "Calories Don't Count" sold more than 2 million copies. Taller was later convicted of mail fraud over issues relating to his diet program.

The Drinking Man's Diet - Robert Cameron published a book in which he stated that men could eat steak and drink martinis freely and still lose weight. This diet, which The Harvard School of Public Health deemed unhealthy, is considered to be one of the first low-carbohydrate diets.

Atkins Diet - Dr. Robert Atkins overcame weight issues by sticking to a low-carbohydrate diet and then published the diet in a book so people every where could reap the benefits. This diet remains popular.

Scarsdale Diet - Dr. Herman Tarnower started this diet that promotes eating certain percentages of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. The diet went for 14 days and suggested that followers consume only 1,000 per day.

Diet Pills - The diet pill Dexatrim, which reduces appetite, was sold in stores, then pulled from the market 2000 but was sold again later. Some people still question its safety.


The Zone - This diet focuses on eating certain percentages of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins at each meal. It also works to control insulin levels.

Vegetarian Diet - While there are several different types of vegetarian diets, one thing all vegetarians have in common is that they don't eat animal based foods, except eggs, dairy products, and honey.

Vegan Diet - Similar to the vegetarians, vegans abstain from eating animal based foods, but they do not eat eggs, dairy products, or honey.

South Beach - This diet, started by Dr. Arthur Agatston, a cardiologist, and Marie Almon, a nutritionist, works to control insulin levels and unrefined slow carbohydrates.

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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Secrets to Yeast-Free Living at its Best

A yeast free diet is a diet that is followed by those who are yeast intolerant and is intended to inhibit the overgrowth of Candida yeast within the body. The dietary restrictions are focused around promoting health & the overall well being of the person.

Check it out!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Why Most Diets Fail In The Long-Term

A comprehensive review of diet solutions leads to a number of conclusions. There are many players in this market. It is now is a multi-billion dollar industry world-wide. Millions try this diet and that diet but very few find a permanent solution to their weight problem. Millions are frustrated and downright discouraged in their utter failure to find the body weight of their dreams. It might seem that the last thing the diet world needs is another diet. However a fully qualified dietician Isabel De Los Rios has challenged all these diets by designing a diet that looks at lifestyle rather a specific diet package. Her Diet Solution Program goes right to the heart of why so many diets fail long-term. In this short article we will look at some of these issues and why her program is structured around lifestyle as the key to success.

A Diet Solution Review of Current Failures in the Diet Market

What lessons can be learned? Among the hundreds of packaged diets sold today in our drug stores and supermarkets and the diets promoted in our popular magazines what feature stands out as the most significant failure. The number one unrecognised issue among all these diets lies in fact that the vast majority of dieters who lose weight on any of these diets regain their original weight soon after finishing the diet. Ask any experienced dietician or nutritionist and they will all agree. Let's look at some of the conclusions that any diet solution review will highlight.

There is no Silver Bullet, no Magic Pill or Programme.

Many will find this hard to accept but this is the harsh reality. The company or person who does come up with this magic pill will make millions if not billions!. However as we look at weight-loss it is becoming clear that the chance of this ever becoming a reality is very slight indeed. We are talking about permanent weight loss here, not just losing weight over a few days or weeks.

Weight Returns as Soon as You Stop the Diet.

In our diet solution review it is hard to ignore the experience of millions. It is a Yo-Yo ride. Lose weight, but before you know it, the weight returns. Try another diet, same result. The diet merchants love you because you keep coming back for a try at another diet. Yes these diets work - you will lose weight while you are on them if you follow the program faithfully. You reach your target weight and come off the diet. Before you know it the weight is back on. These diets offer only short-term results. Millions lose out simply because they return to the diet or lifestyle that made them overweight in the first place!

Many Diets are Just a Threat to Your Good Health.

Is the solution to stay on your chosen diet. No. Generally you would risk your health if you were to stay on any of these diets long-term. None of the diets are a long-term solution. As you will see none of these diets have yet addressed the fundamental issue that is causing you to be overweight. At the heart of this diet solution review we need to discover the main cause of obesity in the western world.

Most Can't Exercise Discipline Long-term.

Stay on the diet long-term - most can't do it in the short-term! Living on milk shakes and diet bars is no way to live. We were made to enjoy good food. The discipline of living on these extremely restricted diets is hard. The temptation to cheat is always there. It never goes away. The social pressures either within the home, at work, among friends all provide real pressures to break the diet.

What About the Famous Diets Published in Books and Magazines?

Weather you found the diet in a book, a magazine, or newspaper look hard at the program. Does it provide for full nutrition? Low carb, low-fat, low anything, these diets will often compromise our need for a varied diet that provides full nutrition for a healthy lifestyle. Many of these diets are no better than the packaged diets in our supermarkets and drug stores. Beware of the long-term effects. Beware the boredom. In many cases beware the science. In this diet solution review think back to all the fad diets that have come and gone. Many are now in total disrepute.

Why Most Diets Fail - Long Term.

The fundamental flaw with almost all of these diets lies in our 21s t century lifestyle. Most of us have lost sight of what really is good food. We now buy so much of our food from the supermarket. The major food companies do most of the food preparation for us. It saves us time and it is very convenient. What is even worse is our growing dependence on fast food outlets. All prepared food is loaded with preservatives, flavour enhancers, food colorings, artificial sweeteners, salt, and sugar in huge quantities. Add to this list a host of chemicals that for the most part have only numbers for a name. Most of us have no idea what they are and what we are eating. We have come to trust our food manufacturers. Is this trust misplaced?. We need food, not chemicals.

The reality is our bodies and our livers are overloaded with all these chemicals. Our livers are the organ that deals with fat within the body. It also has the job of removing all these chemicals and other impurities. It has to do this first. If the liver has to remove all these chemicals it cannot function to deal with fat as it should. It fails to burn fat as it would normally do. Our livers then store fat in the body and we put on weight. This is why most diets fail. The major cause of obesity in this 21st century is the food we eat. However convenient these prepared foods may be for us, they are killing us. Never forget that food is medicine for our bodies. We need fresh food, not packaged food full of chemicals. Our diet solution review leads us to only one conclusion - we need a lifestyle change not another diet.

Frank Rogers writes on diet, weight loss and lifestyle. From a very young age Frank was exposed to healthy living, much of which were negative issues like the things that we were not supposed to eat. Looking back over the decades he can laugh at much of what was taught. However Frank has never lost that initial interest in health, but today sees health issues as a positive force rather than a series of negative restrictions on a daily diet.

Having lived in many different parts of the world Frank is not afraid to embrace new and radical ideas if they have a foundation in reality. Two very different programs challenge much of contemporary thinking and he feels they are worth a closer evaluation.

To learn more of the need for lifestyle change visit

and find two very successful fat burning programs. Both of these programs could be life changing for those who are finding it difficult to lose weight.

Friday, November 4, 2011

The Dukan Diet Fast Weight Loss Program - Read This If You're On The Fence

The Dukan diet is hot news, there are many people proclaiming the diet as their weight loss savior and there are others panning the diet regime as a fad and flash in the pan. Well, as far as flash in the pan goes, I don't care about the 10 year history of the fast weight loss plan, nor do I give a fig about the tens of thousands evangelizing the Dukan. I have a year of experience myself and I have the combined testimony of 1000s of people on our Dukan diet dairy forum all standing by the diet and providing evidence that yes, this regime does work. All I care about is genuine people, honestly sharing their Dukan dieting experiences.

And in this spirit, I'd like to share some experiences myself. There has been some criticism that people who lose weight on the Dukan diet put weight back on. Well, hello, welcome to the real world. There are people who go on diets, who successfully lose weight and then go back to their old ways and, inevitably, the weight comes back. What's wrong with this?

I'll tell you what's wrong with this... nothing!

It makes me wonder what planet these critics of the Dukan diet are on when they lay into people who lost weight on the Dukan diet but then put some weight back on. This can happen to anyone. Sometimes, for some people, events and circumstances take precedence and you know what? The diet sometimes doesn't seem so important. And Amen to that.

I've always, from the first post on this Dukan diet dairy to this post, maintained that if your diet solution is making you miserable, or if your weight suddenly isn't the most important thing in your life, then make a change. I've met enough wonderful and beautiful people who are, what our Society calls, overweight, whom I've respected and valued that I know for sure that size and shape matters little when it comes to assessing a person's worth. I've also met people for whom their weight and shape makes them miserable and they want to change.

For the people who want to change... and only to them and for the sole reason that they want to change, I recommend the Dukan diet. Why? Because, it is the quickest, easiest and most life-changing weight loss solution I have ever experienced.

If you want to lose weight - like I wanted to lose weight when I was 30lbs heavier than I felt happy with - then the Dukan diet must be a candidate for consideration.

Critics of the diet claim that it isn't balanced. My answer to that? If you're overweight, if you're living off fast food, snacks, chocolate and sweets - how balanced is your diet right now? The Dukan diet introduces vegetables and then fruits, whole wheat breads and oat bran in a way than makes these ingredients warmly anticipated and looked forward to. Before I went on the Dukan diet, I hated and avoided all fruit and vegetables. Now these foods are a cherished part of my weekly menu.

Being overweight most of my adult life, I flitted from diet to diet either never losing any significant weight or losing 30 lbs and then putting it all back on again within weeks of ending the diet.

The Dukan Diet isn't like this. Why? Well I believe that the reason that this diet is different is because the Dukan diet, unlike other diets, teaches you to appreciate, enjoy and look forward to healthy fruits and vegetables.

I thought I was a hopeless case. In my thirties and set in my ways. I knew what foods I liked and wanted and nothing was going to change this. In fact, I felt hopeless. I thought that this was the way I was and increasing weight gain was going to be an inevitable aspect of my life.

Well I was wrong!

And I thank goodness I discovered the Dukan diet.

The Dukan diet changed the way I think about food - for the better - and it was this change that enabled me to lose weight, and keep the weight off, so easily. I bought the official book, for less than I previously spent on one meal at McDonalds, KFC, or Burger King, and followed the plan. Within the first few days I was visibly losing weight without feeling hunger. This was the easiest and quickest diet I had ever been on!

But the biggest surprise for me was my anticipation - the way I looked forward to - healthy and nutritious vegetables. And this wasn't because I was hungry! Far from it. Before starting this diet, I used to awake not feeling hungry only to feel starving a hour or so later. For the rest of the day, all I could think about was food. By the end of the day I'd eaten so much I felt stuffed and bloated. I was plagued with the symptoms of over-indulgence - heartburn, indigestion and bloatedness.

Within a day or so of beginning the diet I'd not only said goodbye to these unpleasant symptoms but I'd lost those powerful food-cravings that made my life so miserable.

I learned to appreciate what I was putting into my mouth and my taste-buds started over. Within a couple of weeks eating healthy and nutritious food wasn't some far-off hope but a daily reality.

I believe that the success of the Dukan diet is purely down to results. The way this regime works is simple, although some seem to believe it is some kind of diet 'magic'. The high protein content and low carbohydrate makes the body feel full and satisfied quicker. The typical Western diet, it seems to me, is full of fat and carbs, two things that increase appetite rather than satisfy it - why do you think restaurants offer fatty snacks like peanuts to encourage the appetite?

With the appetite naturally suppressed, I believe we have a chance to stop and think about what we're eating without constantly craving those delicious but deadly sweet and fatty snacks.

The Dukan diet is a fast weight loss diet. This means that people should notice that you've lost weight within days of beginning the regime. What better motivation to keep on going than the thought of what you've already accomplished?

I used to easily give up diets after a few weeks simply because I was craving food and couldn't see that I'd actually accomplished anything by starving myself! In fact you gain nothing by starving yourself. Any weight you initially lose will always be put back on. This diet is not a starvation diet - you can eat as much as you want while following the Dukan regime! Even while eating until you feel like stopping, if you follow this diet, you'll be losing weight. And the weight loss should be quick! Imagine being 3 weeks into a new diet, with friends and acquaintances already complimenting you on your obvious weight loss! How easily would you give that achievement up?

The Dukan diet is not a miracle diet. Nor is it some magical weight loss program that guarantees you'll shed with pounds with no effort. But in my opinion, and the opinion of hundreds of people using our forum alone, the Dukan diet is the easiest, quickest and most satisfying weight loss program currently out there.

Start the change now. You can follow my progress on the Dukan diet from day one of the attack phase until the end. I have included all my recipes and menu ideas as well as top tips in getting the most out of your Dukan diet experience. If you're ready to lose weight fast without hunger click Dukan diet to begin your journey.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Every Other Day Diet German - Die Alle Zwei Tage Diaet

Jon Bensons successful Weight Loss Information Product now in german language. March 16th: Update Of The German Site/New Conversion Boost - If You Need Help Making Your Ads We`ll translate for you:

Check it out!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Are You Confused By All The Different Diets? Here's A Quick Diet Comparison

It would not be surprising to hear your answer is "yes, I'm confused by all these so called diets." You may read from one expert that low carbohydrate (low carb) and high protein is the way to lose weight. Another will try to convince you that low fat, lots of carbs, fresh fruits and vegetables, is the right way to go. Yet another will try to convince you that you need to count the amount of sugar; or another that main culprit for your being overweight is white flour. So, if you are serious about losing weight, who should you listen to?

The brief summaries below give a quick overview of the pros and cons of each of the popular types of diet plans.

1. Weight Loss Programmes

There are quite a few well known weight loss programmes, for example SlimFast, Jenny Craig, and NutriSystem. These and a number of other weight loss programmes rely heavily on pre-packaged 'diet' foods. However, they incorporate professional coaching into the programme; plus, they also offer some sort of social structure and support to reinforce the diet programme.

Advantages of Weight Loss Programmes

The professional coaching and nutritional benefits of such diet programmes are a big positive factor, as are the reinforcement and support aspect of the diets. Meals and supplements are prepackaged in the right proportions, and if you stick to the diets and exercise as directed you should lose weight.

Disadvantages of Weight Loss Programmes

You will normally have to pay weekly charges for this type of programme, plus the cost of the meals can be expensive. Furthermore, if you rely totally on the packaged foods, you will miss out on your re-education as far as your eating habits go. That could be important to maintaining any weight loss in the long term.

2. Low Carb & Hi Protein Diets

Diets like the Atkins diet, the South Beach diet, and the Zone Diet all recommend restricted intake of carbohydrates, but allow liberal amounts of protein, including protein derived from animal sources. Generally, these diets limit the overall amount of carbohydrates, and/or teach you to tell the difference between "good" and "bad" carbohydrates. Bad carbohydrates, which are forbidden, include white flour, white bread, and white sugar.
The diets all encourage learning healthy eating as part of losing weight. Deriving most of your daily calories from high fiber sources of carbs like leafy green vegetables and grains is generally considered the best diet for nutrition by the established medical community. The popularity of the diets makes it easy to find low-carb foods.

Advantages Of Low Carb Diets

These low carbohydrate diets do encourage you to learn healthy eating as part of losing weight. That will have long term benefits for you. A diet in which you derive most of your daily calories from high fibre sources of carbohydrates, such as leafy green vegetables and grains, is often recommended by the established medical community for good nutrition. Because these diets are popular, it is easy to find low-carb foods.

Disadvantages Of Low Carb Diets

The allowance for eating all the protein and fats you like does go against conventional medical wisdom. it is thought that a diet high in saturated fats could lead to heart disease, diabetes, gout and other chronic health conditions. These diets are accompanied by cautions and advice, which suggest you keep portions reasonable. Follow that advice and that concern may be allayed somewhat; but if in doubt, consult your doctor.

3. The Real Mayo Clinic Diet

This diet is not the one which has circulated for the past thirty or more years and purported to have originated at the Mayo Clinic! The true Mayo Clinic's nutrition and diet centre recommends a healthy eating weight loss plan that is based on limiting fats, proteins and carbohydrates, counting calories and deriving most of the daily nutrition from vegetables, grains and fruit.

Advantages Of The Real Mayo Clinic Diet

Really, there is no 'diet' as such, in the sense we often use the word when we are talking about losing weight. Instead, you are encouraged to take control of your own eating. By doing so, you aim to achieve portion control, and a sensible balance of nutrients. These are the pillars of a weight loss plan that takes weight off gradually, but then helps you keep your weight down permanently.

Disadvantages Of The Real Mayo Clinic Diet

This may be a difficult diet to maintain. Counting calories and portions can be difficult if you are eating out or on the run living an active and busy life, and often away from home.

There are many diets claiming to take weight off quickly and painlessly, without exercise or changing your eating habits. Most doctors believe the optimum way to lose weight, for long lasting results, is to lose 1-2 pounds of loss per week. The variations of the three major diets above are all capable of helping you do just that.

This diet comparison [] article was written by Roy Thomsitt, owner of the Routes To Self Improvement website.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Why Are There Different Diet Types?

Diet is a dreadful word for most of us because it will mean food deprivation. This is especially so for those who love to eat, hearing this word seems like asking them to commit suicide. However, the term diet is not what we know it to be, because the definition of the word diet is "the usual food and drink of a person" or "something that is used, enjoyed or provided regularly". Having said this, nothing is dreadful in the word; in fact, it is something enjoyed as the dictionary tells us. Will this change our fear of the word diet? May be not but at least I will try and explain a little bit more about diet and dieting that we know it to be.

Since I already mention that nothing should be dreadful about dieting, it may be worth it to note that there are different diet types because there are different body types. Aside from the body type that we grow in, there are body shapes we long to have. This is the reason why there are nutritionists and health care professionals who design the necessary food intake to give us the body shape we dream of having. It is true that there are different diet types that will deprive you of indulging to your favorite food, but if you want a particular body shape, you need to apply a little sacrifice in order to get it. This is why models and hunks learn to love dieting.

Different diet types only become successful when complimented with exercise. This is because exercise will help speed up your metabolism. Your metabolism is the primary player in loosing weight. If you have slow metabolism, breaking down of food in your body will be slow. Thus, it will be very hard for you to loose weight. There are body types that has fast metabolism, especially the thin ones. They never need the diet that deprives them of food, they have a different diet type requirement, and they need the diet that will require them to eat more.

There are different diet types that are popularly making waves like Atkins diet, south beach diet and so on and so forth. However, success of these different diet types still depends on the discipline of the person dieting. Even if you try all these different diet types but you refuse to exercise, you will never be successful in loosing weight. Exercise is very important in using diet for loosing weight.

There are also different diet types that may help those who want to gain weight, but then again there are exercises necessary for the success of this diet. You need to consider metabolism, which is the major player in designing your body shape, thus it is always a requirement that before you try different diet types, you need to visit a health care professional. The health care professional will be the one to tell you, which among the different diet types will suit you and your desired body shape.

Finally, I would like to reiterate that success of these different diet types only depends on the discipline of the person dieting. Exercise to induce fast metabolism is necessary. Oversleeping is also bad discipline for these different diet types. Programming your eating habit will also depend on the type of diet you are following.

Root word for success in these different diet types is discipline. With discipline, you will get the body shape you want which ever among these different diet types you use.

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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

High Carb & Low Carb Diets: How To Avoid The Dangers

There's a two hundred year history of people prescribing both high and low carb diets for weight loss. So how does one choose? One factor you should consider is the dangers associated with each diet.

What is a carbohydrate, anyways?

There are three types of nutrients that every body uses:
*Proteins in our diet usually come from Meat and soy products like tofu. Amino acids, the building blocks of proteins, are used to make muscles and enzymes (the proteins that do most of the work our bodies need to survive)

* Carbohydrates are sometimes described as "sugars," but they're not just white stuff in you find in the baking aisle. Simple sugars include the sugar you put in coffee; pasta, bread, and potatoes are among the source of starches, or complex carbohydrates. Most of your body uses carbs for energy, and it's the preferred energy source for the brain.

* Fats are long, chainlike molecules that are don't mix with water (oils are fats). They are an efficient way for the body to store energy.

You can see that all three nutrients are crucial for functioning. What happens if you take in more or less of a given nutrient than you need?

The Low-Fat Diet

The low-fat diet reduces fat intake, following the governmental food pyramid that suggests using fats sparingly. There are many good reasons to limit the amount of fat in your diet:

*cholesterol and fats can result in clogged up arteries, leading to heart disease and possible cardiac damage (in the form of a heart attack), stroke, and kidney disease

*fat packs a lot of calories - if you don't use those calories up in your daily activities, they will be stored in your fat cells and cause weight gain

Low-fat diets are often higher in carbohydrates than the average American's diet. Low-fat products take advantage of the fat-carbohydrate trade-off; if you compare "lowfat" cookies with their "normal" counterparts, you may notice that the fat per serving is lower but there is more carbohydrate per serving than the "normal" alternative. Because fat is flavorful, simple sugar and loads of salt may be added to lowfat products to enhance taste.

Carbohydrates are not as good a signal of satiety. In contrast, when you eat a bit of fat, your body "recognizes" it as a signal to limit the amount of intake. So, while a low-fat diet can help you stay healthy, a no-fat diet may encourage you to eat more than you need. If you make up in carb-calories what you lose in fat-grams, excess carbs will be stored as starch in the liver and fat in your fat cells! So even though your diet is low-fat, you may end up gaining weight if you eat more carbs than you use in daily activities.

Lastly, you need the right sorts of carbs to keep healthy and assist weight loss. Simple sugars are quickly absorbed and use little energy to process - in other words, they add lots of calories to your meal. In contrast, foods with more complex carbohydrates, like starches in whole grain breads - take longer for your body to absorb and use more energy. They also give your body time to recognize that you're full. Complex carbohydrates are more likely to have vitamins (like potato skins which have lots of B12) and fiber (like whole grain bread), both of which are important for good health.

Low-Carb Diets

Low-carb diets may help you lose weight by:

* making sure that you're satiated, since both fats are better signals to your body that "food's here!" than carbohydrates

* promoting ketosis: in ketosis/ Ketones are a byproduct of burning fats and proteins instead of carbohydrates.

* leveling out your hormonal response to carbohydrates. We make the hormone insulin in response to food, particularly sugar, entering the body. It's been hypothesized that large changes in insulin levels (for example, a large increase in response to a carb-heavy meal) trigger the storage of sugars as fat.

However, if decreasing carbs increases your fat intake, serious problems can result. In some studies, about 30% of people on low-carbohydrate diets showed an increase in cholesterol levels, even if they lost weight on the diet. Studies have also shown that low-carb diets may increase in kidney problems, especially in people who already had some kidney disease.

In addition, some studies suggest that ketosis in the Atkin's diet is not caused just by fat burn but by burning muscles instead. Muscle loss does result in weight loss, but is unlikely to give you the look you want, or to help you function. Lastly ketosis can be fatal in diabetic - if you're diabetic, you should speak with your doctor before starting any diet.

Women have some special issues to think about when looking at a low-carb diet. Some studies show that people on these diets lose a lot of calcium, which makes them a bad idea for women at risk for osteopenia or osteoporosis. In addition, some low-carb diets do not include the right foods for a balanced intake of vitamins; while a few days of missed vitamins aren't a problem, chronic deficiencies can lead to skin, eye, and bone damage. And for women who are pregnant or trying to become pregnant, ketones can be dangerous for a fetus as well as for you.

Which Diet Should I Use?

The keys to weight loss are moderation and tailoring. If you're interested in losing weight, talk with your healthcare provider about tailoring a weight-loss plan that takes into account your current health and weight-loss goals. Lowering calories and balancing nutrients, rather than focusing on a single "culprit" gives you the best chance of long-term weight reduction.

Auchincloss, E, "Byron's Weight," Times Literary Supplement, 4896, p 15, 1997

Bravata DM, et al." Efficacy and safety of low-carbohydrate diets: A systematic review," Journal of the American Medical Association, Volume 289, issue 14. p 1837-1850. 2003.

Meckling, K, "Comparison of a low-fat diet to a low-carbohydrate diet on weight loss, body composition, and risk factors for diabetes and cardiovascular disease in free-living, overweight men and women," Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, Volume 89, issue 6, pages 2717-23

Westman, EC, et al "Effect of 6-month adherence to a very low carbohydrate diet program," American Journal of Medicine , Volume113, p. 30-36, 2002

Olsen, M., et al,"A low-carbohydrate, ketogenic diet versus a low-fat diet to treat obesity and hyperlipidemia," Annals of Internal Medicine, Voume 140 pages769-777, 2004

Copyright (C) Shoppe.MD and Ian Mason, 2004-2005

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Friday, October 7, 2011

Top Ten Fad Diets Reviews

Many people want to lose a lot of weight and are willing to try anything from a stomach staple to a far out wacky diet. Some diets are controversial and can be injurious to health. Others are short-term starvation. Here is a list of the top ten fad diets.

#1 The Atkins diet is a one of Americas most popular and still endures after many years. The Atkins diet basis is that processed foods and a high carbohydrate diet are the core problems that make and keep people fat. The diet has four phases.

The first phase and most restrictive is the OWL phase. The Owl phase (Ongoing Weight Loss) restricts the carbohydrate intake to just 20 grams per day. Twelve to fifteen of those grams must come from salads. Meat, seafood, fish and poultry are plentiful in this stage. A little soft cheese is allowed daily, some low carbohydrate vegetables, no alcohol, limited caffeine, butter or oils and water, lots and lots of water, needs to be consumed.

Phase two allows more carbohydrates each week selected from a food ladder. The dieter gets an increase of five grams of carbohydrates per week from a different food group each week during this phase.

The next phase increases the carbohydrates until weight loss stops. Once the dieter reaches the final weight goal the maintenance phase kicks begins.

The Atkins diet shows immediate weight loss but is difficult to stick to because of rigid eating patterns. A study showed that the diet might cause kidney damage.

#2 The green tea diet uses a nutritional low calorie diet and adds green tea to every meal and snack.

#3 Number three on the top ten fad diet list is the negative calorie diet.
The diet gets its name from the theory that the foods on the diet use more calories to digest than they contain. While there is no scientific proof that you can eat your way thin, many of these foods are healthy, nutritional foods that are low in calories. The foods on the list increase the body's metabolism and aid in faster weight reduction.

#4 The grape diet is number four of the top ten fad diets and one probably the worst. Nothing but grapes and water becomes the fare for days on end. This diet, originally created to cleanse the system and fight cancer, became a weight loss diet somewhere along the way.

#5 The three hour diet takes into consideration the time of day that you eat. The diet breaks the food down to mini-meals eaten every three hours. It resembles a diet for hypoglycemia. The diet is nutritionally balanced and keeps blood sugar levels stable. That stability reduces the urge for a 5:00 o'clock feeding frenzy that frequently occurs in dieters. This one makes sense. The down side is the need to constantly eat, even if you're busy or not hungry.

#6 The lemonade diet was another cleanse diet that switched to a weight loss one. Nothing but a concoction of maple syrup, cayenne pepper and lemon juice is on the list of edibles for the ten day fast.

#7The ice cream diet is just a regular calorie controlled diet that makes room for a little ice cream at the end of the day. Of course, if calories are controlled, weight loss occurs. The diet is nothing more than allotting for ice cream. The calcium in the ice cream is good for the bones and aids metabolism, but outside of that, you could substitute a brownie and call it the brownie diet.

#8 The cabbage soup diet uses a soup created from cabbage and other vegetables and mixes it with rations of other low calorie foods and cranberry juice or tea for five days of monotony and gassy stomachs.

#9 The raw food diet is a vegan diet with all foods left uncooked. Blend them, chop them and arrange them but don't cook anything or heat it beyond 116 degrees Fahrenheit. Raw food contains more vitamins in many cases than its cooked counterparts do. Nuts are included in the raw food diet as the protein source. The diet consisting mostly of vegetables is a low calorie diet, but it is difficult to keep it well balanced. It is a lot healthier than most fad diets and the introduction of raw vegetables into the body brings in many nutrients. The fiber of the raw vegetables cleans out a lot of noxious waste.

#10 The final diet on the list of the top ten fad diets is Zone diet. Much like the Atkins diet it has phases and attempts to change lifestyle and eating habits. The Zone diet uses a balancing act for its carbohydrate ratio. Each meal consists of 40 % of the food as carbohydrates, 30% protein and 30% of the meal in fats. The popularity of this diet created by Oprah's endorsement puts it on the list of the top ten fad diets.

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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Candida Diet

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The Candida Diet is a necessary evil, as many of my patients will agree. If you are a Candida sufferer, the diet is something that "you can't live with yet you can't live without." The diet is feared, hated, despised, misunderstood, and often can make the difference between the success and failure in the elimination of the yeasty beast! The purpose of this article is not to explain what the Candida Diet is. This can actually be found on our website in the "patient only section," or by simply searching the Candida Diet on the internet. The purpose here is to explain why it is important!

I will also explain how the diet is generally healthier than most diets that are being followed in the 21st century.

The Candida Diet is low in carbohydrates, low in sugar, and generally low in fermented foods like vinegar, alcoholic beverages, etc. Candida feeds on sugars. Sugars make it grow and strengthen its adherence to the intestinal lining. While on a Candida Diet, the total amount of carbohydrates for the day should not exceed 150 grams. At the Biamonte Center, we use 3 versions of the Candida Diet that range between 30-50 grams, 60-90 grams, and 100-150 grams of total carbohydrates for the day. Avoiding sugar and alcohol are the most important factors. These substances can cause the fastest and greatest increase in Candida growth. They are the most dangerous. Starches come next. Starches convert to sugars in your body. Candida can feed on healthy sugars just the same as it can on junk food. Many of your patients will notice that sweet fruits will flare their symptoms just as noticeably as junk foods! When eating starches (carbohydrates), choosing those foods that have a lower "glycemic index" rating is best. The glycemic index is a scale that rates how fast a food converts to sugar in you blood stream. Examples of the glycemic index can easily be found on the internet. Fermented foods like soy sauce, vinegar, etc. can be important to avoid, especially if the person has reactionary symptoms from the food. These foods often produce an allergic reaction in the Candida sufferer's intestinal tract which can upset the good flora and the intestinal immune response. Foods from the fungus family like mushrooms, etc. can be allergens in the same manner as the fermented foods.

Foods high in yeast can have a similar effect to fermented foods and the foods from the fungal family. Foods that contain yeast do not contain Candida. They contain baker's yeast. This is not Candida. These foods can aggravate Candida by causing allergic reactions, but they cannot cause Candida.

The Candida Diet, though apparently restrictive, is actually higher in nutrients than the diet of the average American. The Candida Diet in fact is very similar to "The South Beach Diet," "The Zone," and "The Hunter/Gatherer Diet" (also known as the "Paleolithic Diet"). There are races of people who are all slimmer, stronger, and faster than us. They all have straight teeth and perfect eyesight. Arthritis, diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, stroke, depression, schizophrenia, and cancer are absolute rarities to them. These people are the last 84 tribes of hunter-gatherers in the world. They share a secret that is over 2 million years old. Their secret is their diet- a diet that has changed little from that of the first humans 2 million years ago, and their predecessors, up to 7 million years ago. Theirs is the diet that man evolved on, the diet that is coded for in our genes. It has some major differences to the diet of "civilization." You are in for a few big surprises.

The diet is usually referred to as the "Paleolithic Diet," referring to the Paleolithic or Stone Age era. It is also referred to as the "Stone Age Diet," "Cave Man Diet," or the "Hunter/Gatherer Diet." More romantic souls like to think of it as the diet that was eaten in the "Garden of Eden," and they are correct in thinking so. For millions of years, humans and their relatives have eaten meat, fish, fowl, and the leaves, roots, and fruits of many plants. One big obstacle to getting more calories from the environment is the fact that many plants are inedible. Grains, beans, and potatoes are full of energy but are all inedible in the raw state, as they contain many toxins. There is no doubt about that- please don't try to eat them raw. They can make you very sick.

Around 10,000 years ago, an enormous breakthrough was made- a breakthrough that was to change the course of history, and our diet, forever. This breakthrough was the discovery that cooking these foods made them edible- the heat destroyed enough toxins to render them edible. Grains include wheat, corn, barley, rice, sorghum, millet, and oats. Grain based foods also include products such as flour, bread, noodles and pasta. The cooking of grains, beans, and potatoes had an enormous effect on our food intake- perhaps doubling the number of calories that we could obtain from the plant foods in our environment.

Grains, beans, and potatoes (GBP) share the following important characteristics:

-- They are all toxic when raw. There is no doubt about this; it is a fact that no competent source would dispute. They can be extremely dangerous and it is important never to eat them raw or undercooked. These toxins include enzyme blockers, lectins, and other types. I will talk about them in detail later as they are very important.

-- Cooking destroys most but not all of the toxins. Insufficient cooking can lead to sickness such as acute gastroenteritis.

-- They are all rich sources of carbohydrate, and once cooked, this is often rapidly digestible, giving a high glycemic index (sugar spike).

-- They are extremely poor sources of vitamins (particularly vitamins A, B-group, folic acid, and C), minerals, antioxidants, and phytosterols.

Therefore diets high in grains, beans, and potatoes (GBP):

-- contain toxins in small amounts

-- have a high glycemic index (i.e. have a similar effect to raw sugar on blood glucose levels)

-- are low in many vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytosterols ( i.e. they are the original "empty calories")

-- have problems caused by the GBP displacing other foods

As grains, beans and potatoes form such a large proportion of the modern diet, you can now understand why it is so common for people to feel they need supplements or that they need to detoxify (i.e. that they have toxins in their system). Indeed both feelings are absolutely correct. The essentials of the Paleolithic Diet are:

-- Eat none of the following: (Note the following is not the Candida Diet - this information is present in order to compare the Candida Diet to the Paleolithic Diet.)

-- grains- including bread, pasta, noodles

-- beans- including string beans, kidney beans, lentils, peanuts, snow-peas, and peas

-- potatoes

-- dairy products

-- sugar

Eat the following: (Note the following is not the Candida Diet- this information is present in order to compare the Candida Diet to the Paleolithic Diet.)

-- meat, chicken, and fish

-- eggs

-- fruits

-- vegetables (especially root vegetables, but definitely not including potatoes or sweet potatoes)

-- nuts, e.g. walnuts, Brazil nuts, macadamia, almond- Do not eat peanuts (a bean) or cashews (a family of their own)

-- berries- strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, etc.

Try to increase your intake of:

-- root vegetables- carrots, turnips, parsnips, rutabagas, Swedes

-- organ meats- liver and kidneys (I accept that many people find these unpalatable and won't eat them.)

This diet strongly resembles the typical Candida Diet, which in fact is higher in nutrient density than most diets that are followed by the average American.

From a layman's point of view, we can say that we use the diet to starve Candida in order to kill it. From a more scientific point of view, sugars, when metabolized by Candida cells, help Candida to adhere to the intestinal lining in order to hold on and keep its grip on you! Therefore, the avoidance of sugars can weaken the grip that the Candida has on your intestinal lining.

Sugars also make up and comprise the outer most layers of the yeast cells. A flip to this statement is the sugar, "Mannose." The sugar, Mannose, is currently being researched by this author, as it has shown the ability to block the adherence of Candida to the vaginal lining and perhaps the intestinal lining.

Candida above all is a yeast/fungus so it can be considered vegetation, like a mushroom. Like brewer's yeast, it metabolizes sugars and converts them to toxic alcohols called aldehydes. Many of the symptoms of Candida are produced by this toxic alcohol, the toxic proteins called antigens, mycotoxins (fungal toxins), and the neurological toxins (neurotoxins) that the Candida produces. When Candida is fed sugars, it not only strengthens its grip on you but it produces more of these toxins. Starches and carbs are naturally broken down and converted to sugars by your own body. This is normal for your health. However, Candida will eat these sugars as well. Fermented foods contain predigested sugars and substances that react like an allergen with your Candida. So sugars, starches, alcohol, and fermented foods feed Candida and make it worse! They also make it harder for medicines to kill Candida.

Diet, however, rarely causes Candida. It is usually caused by antibiotics, steroids, birth control pills, and other drugs. However, a diet high in sugar, starch, and alcohol, consumed during a period of extreme stress, can bring Candida about as if one took these medications.

At the Biamonte Center, the Candida Diet is used to weaken the Candida by starving it. This makes it more susceptible to the anti-yeast/ anti- fungal substances that we use. The Candida Diet is not used to kill the Candida as its own weapon. Diet very rarely can eliminate Candida. Candida grows a root system into your blood vessels. Here it taps into you blood and feeds on blood glucose and other nutrients. There is always enough blood glucose to keep the Candida alive, despite being on a low carbohydrate diet or even if you fasted. Fasting cannot kill Candida! This is because even when you fast, your body must keep a normal level of glucose (blood sugar) circulating for your brain and muscles to work. However, the low carb diet weakens it, like a weed which has had little water for some time.

Even when it is barely alive, it can continue to survive. And if "watered and fed properly," could grow again, returning to its former glory.

This is a very important concept to understand when we consider the importance and place the diet treatment holds in the elimination of Candida.


When you cheat on the diet, the Candida can temporarily increase. If one cheats for 1 day on the diet but continues the Candida rotation and phase 0, little will happen to set one back. Any increase in growth can be reduced within 1-2 days. The more one cheats, the more Candida grows. If one does the program but does not follow the diet, either no progress will be made or the person will continually feel ill from feeding the Candida, then making it grow, and then killing it and becoming toxic from the dead Candida wastes!

So when you cheat a day or so here and there on the diet, it does not defeat the entire program, providing that you stay on the anti-fungal rotation and Phase 0.


Many of the Candida diets also suggest excluding Gluten and Casein (milk protein) from the diet. What isn't explained is why. It is observed that most, but not all Candida patients worsen when eating these foods.

A possible theory as to why is that an underlying allergy to these foods causes damage to the intestinal condition, where damage to the intestinal villi occurs. These villi are finger- like hairs that absorb nutrients that pass through the intestines. This damage causes putrefaction and decay of food in the intestines due to malabsorption.

In that case, the Candida is provided with food so it can continue to proliferate. This can also suppress normal, healthy flora and the intestinal immune response. The underlying problem is gluten-induced intestinal damage, but because the Candida is easier to identify, the underlying pathology is missed. Candida could easily eat these foods and release allergens as a by product of its metabolism, which causes intestinal allergies and further degrades the intestinal flora.


"It's Not Your Fault"

If you have failed to lose weight despite following a diet exactly, it could be due to Candida. The late Dr. Robert Atkins, an international expert on the low carbohydrate diet, says in his books that Candida or low thyroid function can prevent weight loss despite a low carbohydrate diet. Candida adversely affects your metabolism and interferes with many hormones, nutrients, and the body's ability to burn fat!

One of the major secondary problems associated with Candida Albicans is weight gain. A number of the problems associated with loosing weight and staying with a diet are due to Candida Albicans. A person with Candida Albicans will often crave sugar and simple carbohydrates because this is the main source of nutrients for yeast. Mood swings and depression are often associated with the rapid change in blood sugar levels caused by the yeast.

Lower thyroid function, lower Dhea levels, Estrogen dominance, and elevated Cortisol levels are all typical in someone with chronic Candida. Each of these situations has been known to contribute to weight gain or difficulty losing weight. Focusing on removing Candida Albicans from the body rewards the dieter with a feeling of well being and weight loss that is steady, sustainable, and healthy. Very often a person trying to lose weight will not be able to do so because of a Candida infection.


Hemp Hearts (Shelled Hemp Seed) is a natural food that is concentrated with all of the required proteins, essential fats, and many vitamins and enzymes, and contains only insignificant quantities of saturated fats and carbohydrates.

Because Hemp Hearts provides people with an excellent balance of proteins and essential fats, they will have less difficulty avoiding the sugar and starchy carbohydrates that cause obesity and many other late onset health problems. Individuals who use Hemp Hearts as described above--eating them in the morning for their nutritional essentials, to increase their energy and reduce their dependence on sugar and carbohydrates, and having all day to burn off the calories--these individuals always experience profound health benefits.

Except for those with diabetes and other conditions which may seem to require individuals to eat more frequently, most people eat at least four, but usually five, measuring tablespoons of Hemp Hearts early each morning, preferably on fruit and yogurt (vegetables for diabetics), but also sometimes on cereal. They frequently report that they are not yet hungry at lunch time, and often only slightly hungry at three or four o'clock in the afternoon. Those who are overweight can quite easily limit themselves to a large salad in the afternoon. Because those who eat Hemp Hearts in quantity every morning are nutritionally satisfied, they have less difficulty avoiding foods made with sugar, flour, potatoes, pasta, and rice, and they are less inclined to regain lost weight.

Michael Biamonte holds a Doctorate of Nutripathy, a Degree in Natural Healing, and a Master's in Clinical Nutrition. He is affiliated with the International Academy of Clinical Nutritionists and the International Academy of Nutrition and Preventive Medicine. He is listed in "The Directory of Distinguished Americans" for his research in Nutrition and Physiology. Michael Biamonte, C.C.N. 139 Fulton St. Suite 507, New York, NY 10038 (212) 587-2330,