Diets that work!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

So What Is All The New Detox Diet Craze

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Effective or Fad?

It seems like the latest craze in dieting and health, everywhere you turn there are commercials, infomercials, magazine articles, and of course, sales pitches regarding the Detox diet. So how is one to decipher whether detoxification is a relative need or a simple promotion to assist the diet industry's billion dollar a year sales?

A little due diligence can help determine whether a Detox diet is something that can help you retain or gain a higher level of health. Removing toxins from your body can make a significant difference in your overall health. Detox diets are based on the principle that our food is for the most part chemically treated, and filled with toxins. Even foods listed as organic are not completely organic unless they are labeled 100% organic. Anything with an organic label that does not specify 100% organic can have as much as 25% non-organic material and toxins in the processing, growing, or cultivation phases.

"So What Is All The New Detox Diet Craze" It's no secret that farmers utilize growth hormones in their livestock to produce more pounds of meat per animal. These growth hormones are pinpointed as one of the leading causes for the rapid growth rate of our children. The majority of twelve year olds are now above five feet. Scientists look toward the growth hormones used in animal production to help explain this.

Thus, toxins are in the foods we eat, the water we drink, even the water we purchase. There is a build up of chemicals in the body that the body is not likely to rid itself of, and thus the Detox diet was introduced to assist in the removal of toxins from the body.

A Detox diet that has been tailored to you is best. Being able to readily lay your hands on information about how to guide yourself through the detoxification process is also vital to the success of an effective Detox diet. For instance, a person who eats a diet that consists mostly of fish, particularly salmon can find themselves with a sudden case of mercury poisoning. Mercury poisoning is not an obvious ailment. In fact it is very difficult to diagnose until the individual loses the function of their hands. Even then it can be missed. However, once the mercury poisoning is diagnosed, one of the fastest methods of treatment is an effective Detox diet. Why? Because a good Detox diet will cleanse the system and rib the body of the majority of poisons and toxins that build up in our systems through the foods we eat and the environments we live in.

However, the same Detox diet utilized for an individual with too much fish in their diet is not likely to be as effective for an individual who wishes to use the Detox diet to assist in the process of smoking cessation. An effective Detox diet for smoking cessation will vary, as the primary goal is to rid the body of a build up of nicotine in the system.

The next logical question is do Detox diets work? Some Detox diets work and other Detox diets don't work. "So What Is All The New Detox Diet Craze" How can you tell the difference? For starters, an effective Detox diet should be able to explain why the foods that are being suggested are on the list in the first place. Anyone can slap together an outline of vegetables and call it a Detox diet. A Detox diet contains more than just vegetables.

An effective Detox diet will have strong recommendations for various vitamins and minerals, along with an explanation of why these vitamins and minerals help in the detoxification process. The detoxification process is more complex than most people realize, and using a blend of vitamins and minerals to assist in the detoxification process is necessary, without overdosing on detoxification vitamins. It is possible to overdose on vitamins. Any Detox diet that does not restrict the vitamin intake is not an effective Detox diet.

An effective Detox diet will educate the dieter along the way. The detoxification process is not just a blanket idea. Retaining the positive effects takes some education as well as a constant desire to remain healthy. An effective Detox diet will show you how to rid your body of the current toxins while teaching you how to minimize the intake of toxins once normal eating has resumed.

There are those who should avoid a Detox diet. Just like all diets and diet products, the Detox diet is not a one size fits all plan. People with specific health concerns, eating disorders, or chronic illnesses should at the very least consult their physician or avoid the Detox diet altogether. Any Detox diet that markets to everyone without regard to personal health or possible complications is not an effective Detox diet plan.

The Dieting Industry

The dieting industry is a billion dollar a year business, with annual growth that leaps by about 10 to 15% annually. People are searching for better ways to be healthy, not to mention better ways to lose weight, look younger, and feel more energized. The dieting industry is loaded with companies that take full advantage of any fad or trend that comes along. It's a dieting jungle out there, and it is a case of buyer beware.

"So What Is All The New Detox Diet Craze" Most Detox diets available today are simple plans that the designer of the plan wishes you to execute time and again, thus very few teach you about common toxins. Common toxins are easy to avoid, and of course easy to ingest. It is difficult to avoid ingesting the common toxins if you are unaware of what they are and how we end up with these common toxins in our body. Common toxins that produce illness, stress, fatigue, and run down your body are everywhere. How easy would it be to avoid them if you just knew where these common toxins existed? Of course, most Detox diets are based on the principle that you will notice how much better you feel and as you re-ingest the common toxins, you will return time and again for more information on the detoxification process.

Thus, while you are seeking an effective Detox diet, you want to be sure that it offers methods of avoiding the common toxins that we run into on a daily basis. These common toxins are in the air, in the products we use on our hair and skin, and in the foods we eat.

Detox Supplementationg

There is quite a bit of controversy surrounding Detox supplements. Particularly Detox supplements that are sold by the creators of the Detox diet you are interested in purchasing. Many Detox diet programs are designed to automatically ship you their products month after month. This creates a simple chain that allows them to maximize their profit at your expense.

Detox supplements that are set up for consistent delivery charge you prior to receiving the Detox supplements. That means if you decided that you are not interested in their Detox supplementation programs, and you have forgotten to cancel your order, sometimes in as little as two weeks, you will be charged for a product you do not wish to receive.

These Detox diet programs are set up for maximum profit and little regard to customer satisfaction. While there are advantages to some Detox supplements, not all of them are high quality. Once again, the due diligence must be considered by the buyer in cases such as these.

Doctor Recommended Detox Diets

As with any diet plan, it is always better to take advice from doctor recommended Detox diet plans than it is from any other source. You are not interested in witchcraft and potions, you are pursuing better health through the detoxification process. There is a big difference when it comes to Detox diet programs. A Detox diet plan that comes with the recommendation of a physician, as well as physician assisted Detox diet planning, there is a much higher chance of success and overall wellness.

Don't be fooled into thinking that all Detox diet plans are doctor recommended. One doctor's stamp of approval doesn't really mean anything. When a doctor recommended Detox diet plan has been approved and contributed to by numerous doctors, then you have a little proof in your pudding. Doctor recommended Detox diet plans are actually much less common than most people realize. A specialized Detox diet plan that includes all the basic nutrients your body needs not only to rid itself of toxins, but to operate well during the detoxification process takes vast amounts of research to produce.

Take the Next Step

So now you're ready to do your homework and find the right Detox diet plan that will work for you. Luckily, most of the research has been done for you. The absolute best bang for your buck Detox diet plan out there today can be found in "detoxmanual".

The "detoxmanual" a complete guide offers full scale information, as well as a complete Detox diet plan that is founded in medical advice from medical providers. The Detox diet plan offered is not only about half the price of other Detox diet plans, but it is much more comprehensive, and comes with a money back guarantee. You have nothing to lose except the unwanted toxins flowing through your body.

Bobby Ryatt, If you enjoyed reading this articles, then go to my website where I the detox guide. You will have all the information on the subject. The facts will open your eyes and expose some real truths.

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