Diets that work!!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Grapefruit Diet

The Grapefruit diet is not a diet for life. It is a short time diet; it only lasts 2 1/2 months. It is a diet for rapid weight loss and fast weight loss diets are always popular. We have seen popular diets come and go and this dieting program is no exception; we can call it a fad diet. It is also a weight loss diet for real heavy weighters who need to lose lots of pounds. If you follow this diet exactly you should be able to lose 52 pounds during this two and a half month's dieting period. To sustain the weight loss however, you need to change to a long term diet. The usefulness of this diet is to motivate people who are severely overweight towards a flying dieting start. If you look at the diet this way, it might be useful for you.

General Guidelines

During this diet you should reduce your coffee consumption, it slows down the burning process. Only one cup a day

Don't eliminate anything from the diet. The combinations of food listed in the diet are important for the fat burning (especially bacon AND salads)

Drink eight 8 oz. glasses of water per day which means 64 oz. total daily

Fry your food in butter and cover your vegetables generously with butter

If you want you may double or even triple helpings of meat, salad or vegetables

Never change the amount of grapefruit or juice. This has to do with the diet's fat burning effect

This diet allows no desserts, breads, white vegetables or sweet potatoes

The diet does not allow eating between meals. If you follow the diet you will not get hungry

Stay on the diet 12 days, then stop the diet for 2 days and repeat the dieting cycle for two and a half month (approximately 75 days)..

On this diet you can eat until you are stuffed

Never eat less than the minimum listed at each meal in this diet.
The Diet Plan

Either 1/2 grapefruit OR 8 oz. unsweetened juice
2 eggs any style
2 slices of bacon

Either 1/2 grapefruit OR 8 oz. unsweetened juice
Salad with any dressing
Meat any style and any amount

Either 1/2 grapefruit OR 8 oz. unsweetened juice
Salad with any dressing OR a red or green vegetable cooked in butter or spices
Meat or Fish any style cooked any way
Coffee or Tea (1 cup)

Evening Snack:
8 oz. glass of tomato juice or 8 oz cup of skim milk.

This diet is not for everyone but could be right for you. Good Luck!

Terje Brooks Ellingsen is a writer and internet marketer. He runs the website Terje enjoys to give advice and help people with fast weight loss with the grapefruit diet. fad diets and more balanced diets.

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