Diets that work!!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Weight Loss Diet Reviews

Here's a look at some of the most common diets people are using.

The Atkins Diet

The Atkins diet is based on high protein, low-carbohydrate fare. It allows all of the meat and vegetables you want with no restrictions on fats. Fruits are kept to a minimum. Bread, pasta, and other grain products are restricted. Many people have had weight loss success on the Atkins' Diet because it offers many delicious food options. However, it can be high in fat, possible harmful over long periods of time and low in fiber and calcium.

The Carbohydrate Addict's Diet

This is another reduced carbohydrate diet that allows meats, dairy, vegetables, fruits, and grain products, but restricts all other carbohydrates. It tends to be quite high in fat and saturated fat.

The Choose to Lose Diet

This is a low fat diet that allows you to eat from all of the major food groups. You are only restricted by a "fat budget" that you choose how to spend. Carbohydrates are allowed, as well as lean meat, poultry, seafood, fruits, vegetables, bread and pasta. The Choose to Lose Diet allows an ample amount of fruits and vegetables and it is low in saturated fat and it provides a fairly healthy eating plan for fast weight loss.

The DASH Diet

The DASH diet allows for a high carbohydrate intake, with moderate amounts of fat and protein. It was originally designed as a low-pressure diet. The DASH diet follows the principles of the Food Pyramid, but it suggests more servings of fruits and vegetables (up to nine daily,) and more dairy servings (two to three daily servings of low fat or nonfat dairy.) The DASH diet may require too much food for most people to see weight loss results.

The Eat More Weigh Less Diet

This diet is an extremely low-fat diet that focuses on vegetarian fare. It allows fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, egg whites, and some nonfat dairy products. This is a very restricted diet that limits even healthy foods like lean organic meats, poultry, and low-fat dairy products. This diet is great for vegetarians, but it is low in calcium, and it may be too difficult for most people to follow long enough to see weight loss results.

The Eat Right For Your Blood Type Diet

This diet plan bases you food choices on your blood type. For example, those with Type O blood follow an eating plan that includes lots of meat. Some of the "blood type" diets in this plan are too restricted in calories and they may be poor in nutritional balance. Little proof is offered on basis of the diet, that blood type should affect dietary choices.

The Pritkin Principle Diet

This diet focuses on restricting calories and eating more "watery" foods that fill you up quicker. (It follows the same principle that suggests you should drink a full glass of water before each meal to make your stomach feel full faster. It allows fruits, vegetables, pasta, oatmeal, soups, salads, and low-fat dairy, but limits protein sources to lean meats, poultry and seafood. This is a low-fat diet that offers plenty of fruits and vegetables, but it can be low in calcium.

The Protein Power Diet

This is a very high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet. It allows for lots of meats and fats but limits that consumption of fruits and vegetables. This is a very restrictive diet that limits healthy foods like whole grains and beans. It is very high in fat, especially saturated fat and it is very low in calcium.

Power Busters

This is a low-carbohydrate diet that is high in fat and protein. Fruits and grain products are forbidden, but high-fat meats and dairy products are allowed. Like many other low-carb diets, the Power Busters diet is high in fat, high in saturated fat, and low in calcium.

The Slimirex Diet

I highly recommend the Slimirex diet. I've found use of weight loss product Slimirex combined with moderate exercise at least three times per week and a moderate diet to be an effective method of losting the weight you want.


The Volumetrics diet is a restricted calorie diet that allows fruits, vegetables, pasta, oatmeal, soups, salads, lean meats, poultry, seafood and dairy. High fat food and "dry" foods like crackers, pretzels, and popcorn are restricted. It is low in saturated fat and provides an ample amount of fruits and vegetables..

Weight Watchers

This diet does not restrict followers to a set meal plan. Dieters are able to plan their own diet every day following a point system that allows the dieter to spend a certain "allowance" in each category. This diet allows moderate fat and protein intake and high carbohydrate consumption. Generally, vegetables and whole grain products have the lowest point value and high fat foods "cost" the most amount of points.

The Zone Diet

This diet is moderately high in protein and low in carbohydrates. It allows low fat foods like chicken and fish and plenty of fruits and vegetables. But whole grains are restricted. This is a healthy eating plan, although it is low in calcium.

Out of all these diets, I personally recommend taking Slimirex and following the "Bio-Rhythm Diet Plan" outlined in the "Weight Loss Secrets Revealed" E-book at website.

Dr. Edward F. Group III, D.C., Ph.D. is an internationally recognized weight loss and natural health expert and the President of Houston-based Global Healing Center. Dr. Group's latest product is the weight loss product Slimirex. For more information on weight loss, visit The Weight Losss & Obesity Resource Center at

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Diet's Don't Work - 12 Facts Why They Never Do Or Will!

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You heard me right! They Never Have! They Never Do! They Never Will!

The Diet Industry is a 40 Billion Dollar Industry filled with misinformation.

96% of people who go on diets can't stay on them to reach their desired goal.

98% of people who go on diets gain the weight they lose back + 5 extra pounds. (National Institute of Health)

50% of Americans are on a diet at any given time yet 70% of Americans are overweight and 30% are obese.

My Story

When I was in my late teens I took up bodybuilding and after a couple of years I began competing. A typical year consisted of me gaining fifty or more pounds in the off season by eating lots of food and then dieting and loosing fifty or so pounds over the next few months as I prepared for the competition. After doing this for six years I stopped competing in bodybuilding. Over the following years I continued to gain fifty or so pounds a year and then go on a diet and lose all or most of it over the following months. I became an expert and gaining weight and loosing weight. I became an expert dieter. I could lose weight on the Atkins, Stillman, Scarsdale or any other diet. I was master of the low calorie, low fat and low carbohydrate diets. The only problem that once I lost the weight I couldn't keep it off and eventually would gain it all back plus some. I eventually ended up gaining and losing almost a thousand pounds. After giving up on dieting I began researching why people gain weight and why diets don't work. After spending over five years researching why diets don't work and discovering what does work when it comes to loosing weight and keeping it off. I began applying the principles I discovered and today I am celebrating over ten years at a body weight that hasn't fluctuated more then five pounds up or down.

Why Diets Don't Work

Fact #1: Diets are downers. People hate to diet. Have you ever met anyone on a diet that liked it? Does anyone like doing anything with the word DIE in it? When I went on diets I hated it. It made me unhappy and depressed.

Fact #2: Dieting slows your metabolism. The longer you diet the slower your metabolism gets causing you to eat less and less until your weight loss stops entirely. Then when you resume normal eating the weight quickly returns + extra pounds due to it taking months for the metabolism to return to normal. Then guess what? You need to go onto another diet.

Dieting simply is a way to create an artificial famine. Your body doesn't know that it's a diet. All it knows is that its in a famine. So it slows the metabolism as much as 40%. If you naturally need 2000 calories a day to sustain your current body weight and go on a diet where you are consuming 1000 calories a day your metabolism will get lower and lower to say 40% or 1200 calories below its natural level of 2000 calories. At that point weight lose is minimal and extremely difficult. Then when you return to eating 2000 calories a day which is what the majority of people do you begin adding 800 extra calories daily. That's 800 calories about 1.75 pounds of fat per week.

When I was on the dieting roller coaster I'd lose 50 pounds in six months and go off it and gain all the weight back over the next six months. One thing I noticed was that as soon as I'd go off the diet the weight would quickly come back due to my metabolism having slowed due to the dieting.

Fact 3: Diets offer a poor temporary fix What's really needed is a lifestyle change. The only people who lose weight and keep it off are the people who change their lifestyle once and for all. Changing your lifestyle is easier then dieting and far more rewarding.

I used to go on diets knowing that they were only a quick fix. After losing hundreds of pounds and gaining it back convinced me that dieting could never able me to sustain the weight lose. Dieting was just a superficial way of treating symptoms instead of the cause of my weight gain.

Fact 4: Since 96% of people who go on diets gain the weight they've lost back plus some the next time they diet it gets a little harder to lose weight. With each never dieting round the body becomes more resilient to giving up the weight and dieting gets tougher and tougher. With each new diet I went on it became more and more difficult to get the weight off. Finally after years of yo-yo dieting It became almost impossible to get the weight off dieting.

Fact 5: Diets fail to deal with the things that cause people to overeat. People overeat due to a number of psychological reasons. Some overeat because they fail to eat consciously. After years of eating on the run, in the front of the television or while stuffing a hot dog into their mouth while driving down the highway; they eat like dogs never stopping to taste, savor and enjoy the food their eating.

Another thing that causes people to overeat is previous conditioning that can go back to their childhood. As a child I was told to clean my plate because children were starving in Africa. I was also told that if I didn't clean my plate I couldn't have desert. The experts in my life conditioned me to eat every scrape on my plate even if I was stuffed. They conditioned me to overeat. Something that took me years to understand and change.

Fact 6: Dieting Causes Eating Disorders. People who get onto the dieting roller coaster can develop eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia. Dieting serves as a precursor to these illnesses.

During my weight gain and dieting cycles I frequently would binge and after the binge think nothing of purging while standing over the toilet. I eventually got pretty good at it and could down five burgers and a dozen Dunken Donuts and drop them in the toilet only to be back eating fifteen minutes later.

Fact 7: Dieting Causes Obesity. Dieting slows down the metabolism making it harder and harder to lose weight. Eventually the metabolism slows to a crawl and even a well balanced healthy diet causes the person to gain weight. Have you ever seen an obese person who says, "I don't eat a lot and continue to gain weight." They may be telling the truth. After years of dieting their metabolism is running slow and low making it really easy to keep on adding the pounds.

You would think that in America with all the diets, diet pills, and diet centers that we would be the thinnest country on the globe. But instead we are the fattest and getting fatter every year. With all the dieting I was doing and all the expertise on dieting I was gaining I still just kept getting fatter.

Fact 8: Diets cause starvation or semi starvation. Starvation occurs at 900 calories or less that's when you start to die. Most diets are in that range. Starvation plays havoc with the systems of the body and brain and if continued will cause permanent damage. When faced with starvation your body will do everything it can to survive. Things like slowing your metabolism to conserve energy and creating intense hunger to drive you to find food. When I was dieting I has hungry all the time. I didn't know it at the time but I was starving. I was putting my body through what people in famines go through.

Fact 9: Diets damage your body and cause disease. Studies show that ongoing dieting causes heart disease, osteoporosis, gall stones, high blood pressure, anemia, constipation, kidney stones, dry skin, hair lose, depression, anxiety.

When I was on the dieting roller coaster I would frequently get sick. I would get frequent colds, the flu, tonsillitis, sinusitis, and constipation was a daily experience. Over the past ten years I've had two colds.

Fact 10: Dieting Causes Malnutrition. Dieting restricts people from getting the necessary macro and micro nutrients. Not getting these nutrients causes damage to our bodies and results in sickness. I didn't know It back when I was dieting that the main reason why I was getting sick so frequently was that I was suffering from malnutrition. I simply wasn't getting the nutrients that me body needed.

Fact 11: We don't fail at dieting, diets fail us. Diets simply don't work. Every person who ever quit dieting or gained the weight they lost back did so due to the fact that diets are built upon false premises. If you build a house upon a foundation of straw it will crumble. Diets are built upon a foundation of straw.

While on the dieing roller coaster I continuously felt like a failure. I struggled to stick to the diets I would go on and always gained the weight back. I felt like a frustrated failure. I didn't know at the time that I wasn't the failure but that the entire diet industry and everyone of their diets was a failure.

Fact 12: Diets Cause Death. The name Diet fits well. Dieting shortens your life span. Diets cause a number of problems that lead to sickness, disease and eventually death.

Had I not discovered the truth I likely would have dieted myself to death. I am eternally grateful for discovering the truth. For the truth truly set me free.

Why Diets Don't Work

1. Diets treat superficial symptoms instead of causes.

2. Diets cause major deprivation. You deprive yourself of food. Not only food, but food that you like. This drives people crazy. When I used to diet all I did day and night was think about food. When I wasn't dieting I thought about other stuff like the geo-political situations in the world and sex. But while on the diet I just thought about Italian bread, pasta, and cannoli's.

To Your Health!

Frank Bolella

Learn how to lose weight without dieting ever again...Ever! Health & Vitality is the only true way to prevent disease and create a happy healthy long life. Let me reveal to you many of the ways I can help YOU live a Healthier life! By revealing things like the Real Fountain of Youth...and what foods you are eating that could be killing you! What Super Foods could change your life dramatically! I invite you to learn more at

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Rating the Fad Diets

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With so many different diets available, how are we to know

what works and what is safe? The only way to be sure is to

discover the author's background and the research behind

the diet's methodology. Every good diet should give a

background about the author and his/her credentials and

experience in the fields of nutrition and biochemistry.

However, even a vast resume does not mean a credible and

safe diet. But it does suggest, at least, that the author has

some knowledge of nutrition. Providing research behind the

diet proves that the diet is not something the author

invented, so long as the research is not self-serving and

altered to fit a hypothesis.

Some diets may not need a great deal of tests and studies

behind them, simply because they are based on

fundamentals. For example, many women's magazines

have articles on dieting and weight loss, but they are

common sense suggestions that most people concerned

about weight should know already: "Eat smaller meals", "cut

down on sugar and fat", etc., are typical philosophies. More

structured diets should give some scientific reasons for its

suggested success, preferably case studies and research

performed on everyday test subjects, as well as athletes.

Since we have established the importance of eating a

balanced diet in accordance to selecting healthy foods and

obtaining RDA minimums, it is possible now to rate the

diets in accordance to those specific criteria. Begin with a

score of 200 and subtract 10 points from the total for each

statement below in which the diet concedes. An ideal diet

should maintain a score of 200, but a score of 160 or

greater is acceptable.

1. The diet does not include the food groups in adequate

amounts. Some fad diets eliminate one or more of the food

groups. Do not deduct 10 points if a food group's nutrients

(e.g., carbs, proteins, fats, fiber, vitamins, and minerals) are

adequately substituted with that of another food group.

2. The diet does not provide at least 45% of its calories from

carbohydrate sources. In order to prevent ketosis, at least

150g of glucose/day is required. That's 33-50% of total

calorie intake on a 1200-calorie diet. Keep in mind that is

the minimum. For highly active individuals, that amount

should increase to 60% at times, i.e., immediately after


3. The carbohydrate content exceeds 20% concentrated

sugars. At least 80% of carbohydrate sources should be

complex, and preferably in the form of vegetables, seeds,

and legumes.

4. The protein content exceeds 30%. A very high protein

intake is unnecessary, it places additional strain on the

urinary system, and it is a poor source of energy. Thirty

percent is more than adequate, even for growing children

and teenagers. The only group that requires higher protein

intake are those who recently suffered a severe injury (e.g.,

leg amputation), infection, or surgery. However, these

individuals will be under the care of a physician with a

special high protein diet.

5. Protein content accounts for 15% or less of total calories.

Although unnecessary in large amounts, protein still has

many vital functions, including tissue repair and the

formation of enzymes.

6. Fats exceed 30% of total intake. Besides increasing the

risk of cardiovascular disease, high fat diets have not been

demonstrated to decrease weight better than other methods

of 'proper' eating.

7. Total fat consumption is less than 15% of total calories.

Fat in moderate amounts is essential for a healthy diet, and

such a diet provides taste to many foods. Fat intake below

15% for long periods, for most individuals, is unrealistic.

Fat intake that is too low can also be detrimental to children

and teenagers who require ample kcalories for continued


8. Total fat consumption is less than 25% essential fatty

acids, and saturated fat is more than 30% of total fat

consumption. Deduct 10 for each.

9. The diet does not suggest common foods, meaning

foods you should be able to obtain at any grocery store or


10. The foods for the diet are expensive or monotonous.

Some diets require the purchase of 'their' foods or

expensive 'organic' foods only obtained through health food

stores. Some foods taste so bad they are difficult to

tolerate repeatedly (e.g., seaweed). Deduct 10 for each.

11. The diet consists of an inflexible meal plan. The diet

does not allow for substitutions or deviations, requiring a

person to live under 'house arrest' with the same food

selections every day.

12. The diet provides less than 1200 kcalories per day.

Less than that and the body's basic functions may not be

getting the energy, vitamins and minerals needed to work

properly, and the dieter almost is certain to feel hungry all

the time. Diets below 1200 kcalories should be reserved for

those under the supervision of a dietitian or licensed


13. The diet requires the use of supplements. If the diet

provides adequate energy and it is well balanced,

supplements are unnecessary. 'Fat accelerators,' such as

ephedrine, may increase the rate of weight loss, but the diet

should be able to stand on its own merit. Some diet clinics

promote a vast array of herbal preparations and fat

accelerators, and this is where these clinics make their

money - not in their knowledge and ability as nutritionists.

14. The diet does not recommend a realistic weight goal.

Diets should not be promoting the body of a Greek god or a

supermodel. They should not be suggesting that a person

lose 100 pounds (even if 100 pounds overweight). Nor

should diets recommend weight loss below an ideal


15. The diet recommends or promotes more than 1-2

lbs/week weight loss. Do not expect to lose more than 1-2

pounds of fat a week - it is physically impossible unless

chronically obese, at which point 3 pounds may be

possible. If more than two pounds is lost per week, the

body change is due to a loss of water and/or muscle tissue.

Gimmicks that promise 10 pounds in 2 weeks are either

simply not true or else something other than fat is being

lost. Also keep in mind that the more fat a person wishes to

lose, and the less a person has, the more difficult and

slower it will be to lose additional fat.

16. The diet does not include an evaluation of food habits.

Dieting should be a slow process by which a person

changes normal eating habits. It should not include looking

for quick fixes and quick plans promising short cuts and

extreme changes - a person would never stay with these

programs and such diets do not work long-term. The

number of kcalories eaten, and the food selections and their

amounts, should be reevaluated on a regular basis...

perhaps once every 1-2 months to determine the program's


17. Regular exercise is not recommended as part of the

plan for proper weight loss. Weight loss occurs twice as

fast with exercise, and without exercise there is a greater

tendency to lose lean muscle tissue as well as fat. This is

not ideal.


Low Carbohydrate Diets: Ketosis occurs, and this presents

the same problems as fasting. Once glycogen stores are

spent (which happens quickly with athletes and those who

exercise regularly), glucose must be made from protein

sources, and there is greater wear on the kidneys as a

result. Even on a high protein diet, some protein will be

taken from body tissues in order to produce enough energy

for the nervous system and regular activity. The onset of

ketosis is an indication that this process has begun and it is

not a positive aspect, regardless of what pro-high-fat

authorities indicate.

Great weight loss on a low-carb diet is evident because of

the fact that carbs hold water in the muscles at a ratio of 1:3.

As carb intake decreases then so, too, does water retention.

Much water flushes as a result of lack of glycogen to hold

water molecules. Moreover, by increasing protein intake,

excess nitrogen flushes with even more water since the

kidneys use water to dilute the concentration of nitrogen.

Once leaving a low-carb diet and the muscles refill with

glycogen, fluid concentrations increase and the dieter

regains some of the weight.

Low calorie diets of 400-600 kcalories that consist primarily

of protein have the same problems as fasting and

low-carbohydrate diets: proteins are used for energy and

weight loss comes largely from water. Low-cal diets must

be supervised properly by a medical professional and only

as a last resort for those who cannot seem to lose weight by

other methods. However, even those individuals tend to

regain most of their weight back once they return to a

balanced diet.

Beverly Hills Diet - a diet consisting of grapefruit, eggs, rice,

and kelp; it is deficient in minerals and vitamins.

Cambridge Diet - a very low kcalorie (300-600 kcal/day);

protein/carb mixture with mineral imbalances; the dieter is

close to fasting.

Complete Scarsdale Diet - this diet is unbalanced

nutritionally; some days are calorically restricted; the dieter

alters portions of carbohydrate, protein, and fat; the diet

consists of low carbs (20-50 g/day), and high fat and

protein; the diet has a high meat (saturated fat and

cholesterol) content.

Dr. Atkin's Diet Revolution - this diet is unbalanced

nutritionally; some days are calorically restricted; the dieter

alters portions of carbohydrate, protein, and fat; carbs are

very low (20-50 g/day), whereas fat and protein are high;

there is high meat (saturated fat and cholesterol)


Dr. Linn's Last Chance Diet - this diet has a very low

kcalorie intake (300-600 kcal/day); it consists of a

protein/carb mixture with a mineral imbalance; the dieter is

close to fasting.

Dr. Reuben's The Save Your Life Diet - this is a calorically

dilute diet consisting of high fiber (30-35g/day); the diet is

low in fat and animal products; there is poor absorption of

minerals because of too much high fiber.

"Fake" Mayo Diet - this diet consists of grapefruits, eggs,

rice, and kelp; it is deficient in minerals and vitamins.

F-Plan Diet - this is a calorically dilute diet consisting of

high fiber (30-35g/day); it is low in fat and animal products;

there is poor absorption of minerals because of too much


LA Costa Spa Diet - this diet promotes weight loss of 1-1_

lbs/day; there are various plans of 800, 1000, and 1200

kcal/day composed of 25% protein, 30% fat (mostly

polyunsaturates), and 45% carbohydrate; the diets includes

the four food groups.

Medifast Diet - this diet is balanced nutritionally, but

provides only 900 kcal/day; use of liquid formulas makes

this diet monotonous and expensive.

Nutrimed Diet/Medifast Diet - this is a nutritionally balanced

diet, but it supplies only 900 kcal/day; the use of liquid

formulas makes this diet monotonous and expensive.

Optifast Diet - this diet is nutritionally balanced, but

supplies only 900 kcal/day; use of liquid formulas makes

this diet monotonous and expensive.

Pritikin Permanent Weight-Loss Diet - this is a nutritionally

unbalanced diet; some days are calorically restricted; the

dieter alters portions of carbohydrate, protein, and fat; the

diet consists of high protein (100 g/day); unless the foods

properly chosen, it may be low in vitamin B12.

Prudent Diet - this is a balanced, low kcalorie (2400

kcal/day) diet for men; it is low in cholesterol and saturated

fats; a maximum of 20-35% calories are derived from fat

with an emphasis on protein, carbohydrates, and salt; there

is ample consumption of fish and shellfish, and saturated

fats are substituted with polyunsaturated fats.

Quick Weight Loss Diet - this diet is unbalanced

nutritionally; some days are calorically restricted; the dieter

alters portions of carbohydrate, protein, and fat, although

there is low carbs (20-50 g/day), and high fat and protein;

there is high meat consumption (saturated fat and

cholesterol) with this diet.

San Francisco Diet - this diet begins at 500 kcal/day,

consisting of two meals per day of one fruit, one vegetable,

one slice of bread, and two meat exchanges; the second

week limits carbohydrates, with most food coming from the

meat group and with some eggs and cheese, and a few

vegetables; week three includes fruit; in week four there is

an increase in vegetables; week five the dieter add

fat-containing foods (e.g., nuts, avocados); week six

includes milk; week seven includes pastas and bread,

where the diet is maintained at about 1300 kcal/day; this

diet avoids the issue of saturated fats and cholesterol.

Slendernow Diet - this diet is unbalanced nutritionally;

some days are calorically restricted; the dieter alters

portions of carbohydrate, protein, and fat; the protein is

generally high (100 g/day); unless foods are properly

chosen, there may be a deficiency in vitamin B12.

Weight-Watchers Diet - this diet is balanced nutritionally, at

about 1000-1200 kcal; use of high nutrient-dense foods are

consumed; economic and palatable food makes it one of

the most successful diets with no real health risks.

Wine Diet - this diet is about 1200 kcal/day, containing 28

menus together with a glass of dry table wine at dinner;

besides the medicinal components of wine, it is believed

that individuals reduce portion sizes when wine is

consumed with a meal; the diet is low in cholesterol and

saturated fats; there is a focus on fish, poultry, and veal with

moderate amounts of red meat.

Yogurt Diet - this diet consists of two versions, being

900-1000 kcal/day, and 1200-1500 kcal/day; plain low-fat

yogurt is the main dairy dish, consumed at breakfast, lunch,

and as a bedtime snack; the diet is high in protein, and it is

low in cholesterol, saturated fat, and refined carbohydrates.

Diets that do not provide 100% of the U.S. RDA for 13

vitamins and minerals:


Beverly Hills

Carbohydrate Craver's Basic

Carbohydrate Craver's Dense

California (1200 kcal) California (2000 kcal)


I Love America

I Love New York

Pritikin (700 kcal) Pritikin (1200 kcal)

Richard Simmons



Brian D. Johnston is the Director of Education and President of the I.A.R.T. fitness certification institute. He has written over 12 books and is a contributor author to the Merck Medical Manual. An international lecturer, Mr. Johnston wears many hats in the fitness and health industries. You can visit his site at

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Detox Diet Benefits

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What to Expect when Detox Dieting

All detox diets are a little bit different. Some restrict food down to almost nothing while others allow for mostly veggies, beans, fruit, and rice. There are a few things that you should expect when beginning a detox diet, so that you can receive the full detox diets benefits.

Your body is significantly used to adjusting to toxins and poisons running through your body. One of the greatest detox diet benefits, naturally, is that you will rid your body of these toxins and poisons. There are side effects of receiving these detox diet benefits. If you are particularly used to that steaming cup of caffeinated beverage in the morning, you will experience caffeine withdrawal. While it may not seem like it while you are experiencing caffeine withdrawal, this is one of the detox diet benefits. Once your body has adjusted to the absence of caffeine, you should find that you have more energy.

Constipation is considered a leading cause of lethargy and fatigue. One of the detox diet benefits is the cleansing of the colon, which can cure even long term constipation. I had a room mate that was on narcotic pain relievers for over a year due to a severe injury. The narcotics kept her chronically constipated. The day she was finally through with her narcotic pain relievers, she went through a detox diet. She found that the detox diet benefits included relieving her body of the narcotic dependency as well as relieved her chronic constipation. She now regularly cleanses and detoxifies her colon when she is having difficulty going to the restroom, with obvious detox diet benefits as she returns from the restroom with a pleased grin on her face instead of the anguish she used to live in.

Even with the detox diet benefits, some people report feeling a bit weak about one week into the detox diet. Most detox diets do reduce food consumption, which can have an effect. The basic key is knowing how to elongate the effects of the foods you do eat. Those who really struggle with the lowered food consumption report that splitting the lunches into 2 meals works better for them than eating just the suggested breakfast and lunch. This still gives them the detox diet benefits but doesn't introduce additional foods into the scenario. Most detox diet experts state that provided you are not adding additional foods to the diet, segregating the meals into smaller snacks is perfectly acceptable.

The excessive water consumption associated with the detox diet is going to encourage your system to flush, which means you will be visiting the rest room much more often. This is a positive detox diet benefit. The more water that flushes your system the more toxins that will exit your body when you excrete it, and excreting it often will enhance the productivity of the entire process.

One of the little known detox diet benefits is the regeneration of the liver that can occur while following a detox diet. Milk thistle is typically recommended as part of the supplementation of the detox diet. Milk thistle aids in the liver's ability to regenerate. It's not a cure for liver disease, however it can help in the prevention of a liver disease, along with other changes to your lifestyle.

What Not to Expect when Detox Dieting

Detox dieting is designed to alleviate the ailments associated with large quantities of toxins that are built up in the human body. Detox dieting is not a "cure" for every disease. While most people experience great relief from every day annoying symptoms, detox dieting does not eliminate diseases that are already in the system. For instance, you can not rid you body of cancer cells by detox dieting. The cancer cells, for starters are not an actual toxin. They may have been caused by toxins, but the cells themselves are not something that can be flushed away.

Most people drop several pounds when detox dieting. There are those who drop a significant amount of weight when detox dieting. This is normal, and while some of it can be contributed to the flushing of fat cells, water weight, and calorie reduction, there is some permanent weight loss happening provided you do not return to eating habits that are probable for weight gain. This means that if you were prone to eating potato chips and cookies prior to detox dieting and you return to eating potato chips and cookies after detox dieting, you will gain the weight back. This may seem obvious, but there are plenty of foods that people believe contain a low calorie and low fat content but in reality they contain quite the opposite. An avocado for example contains nearly three times the amount of fat and calories as a measured serving of enriched white rice. While detox dieting, learn to recognize the foods you are putting into your body and what they actually do once they enter your gullet.

Detox dieting is not a cure for serious emotional or mental conditions, such as clinical depression. While many people admit to feeling less "depressed" during and after detox dieting, there is a difference between situational depression and clinical depression. Clinical depression requires medication. Detox dieting can not take the place of medication that is necessary to function on a day to day basis. Situational depression may be alleviated through detox dieting simply because you are taking control of your body, your health, in essence, your situation. These two depressions are significantly different.

How is Detox Dieting Different from Other Diet Plans?

Diet plans are a dime a dozen. There are grapefruit diet plans and the Atkins diet plan and the green tea diet plan and the national chain diet plans. An individual can spend countless hours and thousands of dollars "trying on" various diet plans. Some will work while others will ultimately fail. Why? Because not all diet plans will work for everyone. Does detox dieting work for everyone? Yes. Why? Because losing weight is a by product of the goal. The goal is to clean the body of the various toxins and wastes which have accumulated over the years. This is a process of ridding the body of the ailing chemicals we introduce it to on a daily basis while eliminating the build up of residual toxins. Weight loss occurs as a result of numerous factors, but weight loss in not the primary goal of a detox diet plan.

Keep in mind that not all detox diet plans are the same. Some detox diet plans are put together by professionals who understand the body's ability to cleanse itself of these harmful chemicals. While diet plans are typically put together by an entrepreneurial spirit, the detox diet plan was actually something that originated by a naturopathist, an individual who studies the various body types and how they process things on their own unique level. Since the detox diet plan was developed, there have been a remarkable number of "knock off" detox diet plans that have shown up on the market. These are all plans that suggest you stop eating and drink only diluted juice for several days (beyond twenty four hours this becomes unhealthy) and then limits food intake so dramatically that people find it impossible to stick to. If you're going to try any diet plan at all, it would simply make sense to start at the beginning. The beginning of healthy weight loss is a healthy body.

The dramatic detox diet benefits is that people who tried to detoxify their bodies using the original detox diet plan found themselves losing weight as a welcome surprise. Detox dieting has grown in popularity due to its dual effect. Detox dieting cleanses the body of the toxins and as a result, weight loss occurs. There simply isn't another diet plan that can match that no matter what they claim.

We live in a cluttered and chemically enriched society. Compare our lifestyles, our food products, and our basic need for heat and eat meals to the lifestyles and foods of people in remote and natural regions such as the Pacific Islands. People in natural regions are healthier overall. They eat natural foods that haven't been laced with chemicals and they live natural lives that don't revolve around the constant breathing of polluted air. Their bodies are not only healthier, but they are naturally thinner. They have fewer health complaints such as headaches and toothaches and stomach cramping.

The detox diet plan can help you jumpstart your body toward a healthier state of being. Naturally, effective detox dieting requires an effective detox diet plan. You really shouldn't just linger out there in cyberspace hoping the right detox diet plan will pop up into your browser. There are very few detox diet plans that I would dare put my stamp of approval on. However, one in particular I have found has excellent reviews by some actual detox dieters. Finding an authentic detox diet plan that is effective, safe, and of course reliable shouldn't be left to luck.

Bobby Ryatt, If you enjoyed reading this articles, then go to my website where the detox guide is available. You will have all the information on the subject. The facts will open your eyes and expose some real truths.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Comparison of Leading Diets

Diet, it's a word that you probably hear every day, either on the news, online or from someone you know. If you're over the age of 30, you've probably tried several diets yourself, hopefully with some success but most likely not. Millions of people a year start a new diet and millions of people a year don't continue it for long.
Why is that? Why are diets so difficult for people? Could it be that diets are just too complicated? Or perhaps too restricting? In this article we take a look at three of today's popular diets, otherwise known as weight loss programs or lifestyle changes. The three diets we're going to discuss are the Atkins Diet, The South Beach Diet, and Weight Watchers.
Atkins Diet
The Atkins Diet became popular in the mid to late 90's throughout present time, although it has lost some of its popularity. This diet is very strict and very controversial. While historical diets have you restrict fats or portions, the Atkins Diet takes a more extreme, and at the same time, more liberal approach. With the Atkins Diet you basically eliminate almost all carbohydrates. While not entirely eliminated, the amount of carbs you can have, especially early on, is a drastic change to many people's diets. But, you can eat as much protein or fat as you want. Hungry for some eggs? Go ahead and have a dozen because the Atkins Diet lets you eat as much as you want.
Personally, I did try Atkins Diet about 3 years ago. My wife and I tried it for 3 months. I will say that it did do what it said it would and we both lost weight, fairly quickly. The first few days of the diet, as explained in many of the books, were the most difficult because of the drastic change you are putting your body through when you switch your food intake with this diet. This phase is called induction. After about a week your body adjusts and the weight starts to come off. The problem for us was that bread, pasta, and especially pizza was something we couldn't live without. We did learn something from the diet though, and have since used some of the tips we learned from the Atkins Diet in our everyday lives.
South Beach Diet
The South Beach Diet is similar to the Atkins Diet in that is a diet that restricts carbohydrates. It is a little more liberal after the first 2 weeks, but the South Beach Diet still represents a drastic change to most people's diets. The main difference between the South Beach Diet and the Atkins Diet is that the South Beach Diet actually differentiates fats and bans unhealthy ones and promotes the healthy ones. The other difference with the South Beach Diet is how it views carbs. The South Beach Diet takes a much closer look at the sugar within the carb. Those carbs that cause blood sugar to rise quickly are bad, those that don't are good. The South Beach Diet is therefore a little more balanced of a diet and targets multiple areas.
My uncle tried the South Beach Diet a few years ago, and he did in fact lose about 30lbs and was able to keep most of it off to this day, even though he doesn't strictly follow the South Beach Diet anymore.
Weight Watchers
The third diet I'm going to discuss is Weight Watchers. Weight Watchers has been around the longest of these three diets. Weight Watchers is also more of a broad program than a strict diet. Weight Watchers says that dieting is just a part of your long term healthy lifestyle goal. There are two plans for Weight Watchers. The traditional plan puts food into different groups that give you points. You have a quote for each day and you tally up your points to see how you do. Protein, carbs, and fat are accounted for in the point system. They have a newer program that does away with points altogether for people that found the points system to cumbersome.
My wife and sister tried Weight Watchers a few years back and met with limited success. At the time it was due to not tracking points every day and losing track of what they did or did not eat that day. I do know several other people that swear by it, so feel free to check it out yourself.
In closing, there are many other diets out there than were touched on in this article. The key when starting any new diet is research and check with your doctor before you start a new diet.
Mike Abraham writes freelance articles. Please checkout his website at [] for more diet information.

I'm Mike Abraham. Typical overweight American who's tried many diets, just like you. If you liked this Article, check out Your Diet Store []

Thursday, July 14, 2011

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The New Detoxification Diet Craze - What is it All About?

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Truth or just a hoax?

With the latest trends in health and diets, advertisements, magazines and articles all over the globe seem to promote something about detoxification diets. Some are so hyped-up that people almost certainly gets to buy them in an instant just to see if they really work. But for most of us, is there any way we can truly know if a well advertised detoxification program can help improve our lives or just a million dollar hoax to keep us away from our money?

Exerting a little effort in getting to know these diet trends can help us judge if a particular detoxification diet program can truly help improve our state of health. Getting rid of the toxins inside our body can make a whole lot of difference in overall health and well-being. Detoxification diets focuses on the concept that most of the food we eat nowadays are chemically treated for the most part, which means it is also filled with toxins. One must be careful with foods labeled as organic as they may not be completely organic unless labeled as 100% organic. Any organic food products that does not say 100% organic can mean that they have anywhere from a small percentage to a considerable amount of non-organic material in them, which again means toxins and other harmful substances.  

It is not unusual for farmers to make use of growth hormones in their poultry products in order to increase the meat yield of each animal. It is these same growth hormones which are said to cause the rapid growth rate of many children. Most of the twelve-year old you see nowadays are usually beyond 5 feet. Scientists determined that growth hormones used in the animal industry causes these abnormalities in children.

We can therefore conclude that toxins are present whether in the food we eat or water we take in everyday, even on the bottled water we are purchasing from convenience stores. The accumulated toxins inside our bodies are less likely to flush itself out, and it is for this reason that the detoxification diet was made in order to aid in toxin removal in our system.

A detoxification diet that custom made just for you is the best you can get. A vital factor for the success of a detoxification diet is one's capability to readily access important information or guides throughout the duration of the program. Like for example, an individual undergoing a diet focusing mostly on seafood such as salmon can be susceptible to a certain degree of mercury poisoning. Quite obviously, mercury poisoning is not a disease. This health condition is hard to detect not until the person exhibits symptoms like the loss of function of the hands. Even this can be overlooked or may not happen at all. But the moment mercury poisoning is diagnosed, one of the most fastest and effective methods of treatment is a good detoxification diet. The reason is because a good detoxification diet has the ability to cleanse the system and get rid of considerable amount of toxins and poisons that has accumulated in our body from the food we take in and the environmental hazards around us.

The same detoxification diet applied for a person with excessive fish in their diet is however not probably effective to another who would like to use the program to help stop smoking. The detoxification diet for someone addicted to smoking will be different as this particular program will need to deal with the accumulation of nicotine inside the system.

The next argument regarding detoxification diets is if they actually work. In reality, there will always be programs that work and don't work. But how do you distinguish one from the other? First and foremost, an efficient detoxification diet must be able to justify the reason for including the foods they have on their list. It is easy to just mix and match a list of vegetables and call it your own version of a detoxification diet. A good detoxification diet is beyond a dose of just fruits and vegetables.

A good detoxification diet will also be able to teach the individual during the course of the program. The whole detoxification process is more than just a blanket concept. Education and the will to stay healthy is needed in order to maintain the positive effects of the diet. An effective detoxification diet also must be able to demonstrate to you in detail how you can eliminate toxins inside your body and teach you to keep the intake of toxins to the minimal level.

Some people will also be advised against going under a detoxification diet. As with all diet products and programs, not every one of them is suitable for everyone. They are not like clothes that have a "one size fits all" category. People with certain health conditions or history of particular illnesses are advised to visit their doctor before undergoing any form of detoxification program. Any detoxification diet program that is labeled as for everyone without taking consideration a person's health condition is definitely not a good detoxification diet plan.

The Dieting Industry

This industry is a multi-million or even billion dollar trading, and annual growth can be anywhere between 10 to 15% each year. A lot of individuals are looking for better means of staying healthy, including losing weight, countering the effects of aging and feeling more rejuvenated. The field of dieting consists of a lot of firms that are always taking advantage of any craze or trend that comes along the way. The dieting world is like a jungle, and it's easy to get lost, so always proceed with caution.

A lot of the detoxification diets available in the market nowadays are simple methods created by the plan designer which is intended for you to apply them over and over again, and therefore less of them deals with teaching you about toxins. Common toxic substances can be avoided with relative ease, but is also that easy to take in. It is hard to avoid taking these toxins in if you are not armed with knowledge about them and how they end up inside our bodies. The most common toxins are those that can easily cause sickness, fatigue, stress and cause considerable burden to your body. Don't you think it would be really easy to dodge these toxins if you knew where they exist? In truth, most detoxification diets are based on the concept that you will truly feel better after the diet plan, and the moment you take in those toxins again, you will be coming back to these diet plans over and over again in order to get information about the process of detoxification.

So what you must do is, in order to find an effective detoxification diet plan, you want to check it and make sure that it gives you ways on how you can avoid common toxins that we encounter each and everyday. They can usually be found in the air we breathe, the food we eat, and the cosmetics we use on our skin.

Detoxification Supplements

Controversy surrounds the topic of taking detoxification supplements, specifically those that are marketed by the designers of the detoxification diet you intend to buy. A lot of the detoxification diet plans available in the market were designed to ship a monthly supply of their products. If you look at it closely, this creates a chain of purchases in which at your expense, they gain more profit.

Detoxification supplements that were designed for continuous shipment always charges your account before you even receive your detoxification supplements. So in the event that you decide that you no longer want to continue with their detoxification programs and didn't remember to cancel your order with them, then you are bound to pay for a product that you didn't really want to get.  

These detoxification diet plans are designed to give the creators maximum profit and give little consideration to the satisfaction of their customers. Although there are numerous benefits available with a few detoxification supplements, they are not created all in the same way and some may be of inferior quality. So it is best to always proceed with caution before buying any of these products.

Detoxification Diets recommended by doctors

Like any other diet programs, it is always best to discuss with your doctor your plans of getting into any form of detoxification diet plan. We are not going for any kind of witchcraft sessions or magic spells, we are aiming for health improvement through body detoxification. A good detoxification plan will have a higher level of success and safety when it has been recommended and carefully assisted and monitored by your physician. Never go for any programs that have just been referred to you by friends or by advertisements without first researching about it thoroughly.

Of course, not every one of these detoxification diet plans will be doctor recommended, and a mere doctor's stamp does not always mean a go signal. When a doctor has recommended a particular detoxification diet plan and at the same time endorsed by several doctors, then you could just be at the right track. These types of detoxification programs are actually less prevalent in the market than most people might think. A custom-tailored detoxification diet plan will have all the necessary nutrients that your body requires in cleansing itself of all harmful toxins, as well as to efficiently function during the course of the detoxification process. But right now this may be difficult to find anywhere since having this kind of diet plan may take enormous amounts of research and development just to produce.

Taking the next step

So now what you need to do is take the first step in your body's healing process by doing your research and investigation in finding the best suited detoxification diet program for you. Fortunately, most of the researching work has already been done for you. If you are looking for the some guides regarding this matter, why not try looking at our "detoxmanual"?

This "detoxmanual" contains a comprehensive guide and provides an easy to understand detoxification diet plan which is based on scientific and medical facts and people. This detoxification diet plan is also very much affordable and guarantees satisfaction, or your money will gladly be returned. All you are about to lose upon getting into this manual are the toxins that have accumulated inside your body. 

Beyonce Knowles recently announced on the Oprah Winfrey talk show that she had lost a massive 20 pounds on the Master Cleanse detox diet! Compare the best detox diets used by the Hollywood's superstars!

The Grapefruit Diet

The Grapefruit diet is not a diet for life. It is a short time diet; it only lasts 2 1/2 months. It is a diet for rapid weight loss and fast weight loss diets are always popular. We have seen popular diets come and go and this dieting program is no exception; we can call it a fad diet. It is also a weight loss diet for real heavy weighters who need to lose lots of pounds. If you follow this diet exactly you should be able to lose 52 pounds during this two and a half month's dieting period. To sustain the weight loss however, you need to change to a long term diet. The usefulness of this diet is to motivate people who are severely overweight towards a flying dieting start. If you look at the diet this way, it might be useful for you.

General Guidelines

During this diet you should reduce your coffee consumption, it slows down the burning process. Only one cup a day

Don't eliminate anything from the diet. The combinations of food listed in the diet are important for the fat burning (especially bacon AND salads)

Drink eight 8 oz. glasses of water per day which means 64 oz. total daily

Fry your food in butter and cover your vegetables generously with butter

If you want you may double or even triple helpings of meat, salad or vegetables

Never change the amount of grapefruit or juice. This has to do with the diet's fat burning effect

This diet allows no desserts, breads, white vegetables or sweet potatoes

The diet does not allow eating between meals. If you follow the diet you will not get hungry

Stay on the diet 12 days, then stop the diet for 2 days and repeat the dieting cycle for two and a half month (approximately 75 days)..

On this diet you can eat until you are stuffed

Never eat less than the minimum listed at each meal in this diet.
The Diet Plan

Either 1/2 grapefruit OR 8 oz. unsweetened juice
2 eggs any style
2 slices of bacon

Either 1/2 grapefruit OR 8 oz. unsweetened juice
Salad with any dressing
Meat any style and any amount

Either 1/2 grapefruit OR 8 oz. unsweetened juice
Salad with any dressing OR a red or green vegetable cooked in butter or spices
Meat or Fish any style cooked any way
Coffee or Tea (1 cup)

Evening Snack:
8 oz. glass of tomato juice or 8 oz cup of skim milk.

This diet is not for everyone but could be right for you. Good Luck!

Terje Brooks Ellingsen is a writer and internet marketer. He runs the website Terje enjoys to give advice and help people with fast weight loss with the grapefruit diet. fad diets and more balanced diets.

The Atkins Low Carb Diet: Still Very Popular After All This Time!

The Atkins Low Carb Diet: Still Very Popular After All This Time!

The Atkins low carb diet has been around since the mid-1970's and really took off in popularity during the 1990's and 2000's. After all that time it has certainly proven its ability to help people lose weight and keep the weight off.

The Atkins Low Carb Diet Difference

What has made the Atkins diet program continue to be so popular over the years when other diet plans have come and gone? What is so different about the Atkins diet guidelines that have allowed followers to be so successful with their weight loss?

The difference is in the attitude that the Atkins low carb diet fosters. It is not just a temporary pattern of eating, nor is it a huge cutback in calories that cannot be maintained over time. Instead, the Atkins diet program is really a lifestyle, not just a diet program. It focuses on changing habits for long term effect, not just short term cutting calories and then a return to old eating patterns.

Making it Easy to do Atkins

Most people find it easy to follow the Atkins low carb diet for two reasons:

o The food is delicious - no bland or boring meals

o The food is easy to find - at the grocery store, at convenience stores, at restaurants, and more

The taste of food in the Atkins diet meal plans is really different from other diet plans. You do not have to deprive yourself of the foods and flavors that you really enjoy. In fact, you are practically required to eat the foods and flavors that you most enjoy. What a deal!

With other diet plans, it can be tough to find the food that you are supposed to eat each day. Some plans require you to buy their own food, which is okay if you have easy access to it and do not ever eat a meal out. With Atkins, though, you know which foods are okay and which ones are not, and you use that information to select what you eat no matter where you may be.

Atkins Diet Foods - Make it Yourself or Buy it Pre-Made

The Atkins low carb diet lets you have the best of both worlds when it comes to selecting food. You can make meals yourself by selecting from the huge list of allowed foods, or if you are in a hurry, you can choose pre-made meals from the Atkins group themselves.

Some of the most popular pre-made foods include:

o Breakfast bars

o Snack bars

o Meal replacement bars

o Liquid shakes

o Candy

o Ice cream

Pre-made foods are really convenient and easy when you are on the go and do not have time to eat a regular meal, or just to carry along in your purse or briefcase for those times when you need a little boost. Many people keep a box of snack bars in their office drawer or a few liquid shakes in the office refrigerator just to have on hand.

How does Atkins Compare to Other Low Carb Diet Plans?

When the Atkins low carb diet first came out in the 1970's it was unique; there was nothing comparable in widespread use. During the resurgence in the 1990's and 2000's, though, a whole host of imitators and similar versions began to appear.

Most of those other low carb diet plans were similar to the Atkins diet guidelines, but they lacked two important components for success:

o A proven nutritional approach

o Ongoing support and motivation to stay with a low carb lifestyle

The Atkins diet program is a proven nutritional approach. When you feed your body a diet high in carbohydrates that is what it burns mostly for fuel, leaving fats to build up and get stored away. Reducing the carbohydrate intake, though, forces the body's metabolism to "switch gears" so to speak, and start burning stored fats instead.

When you adopt an Atkins-based low carb lifestyle, you are not left alone to muddle through entirely by yourself. There are many Atkins books, articles and other publications available to encourage you and motivate you to truly change your lifestyle. There are carb counters, calendars, food journals, cookbooks, recipe collections and more - just about any kind of support or helpful tool you could possibly want.

The Atkins web site is also a tremendous source of information and support. There are free online classes, discussion groups, informational articles, and a free e-mail newsletter. All of these items are designed specifically to help you adopt and maintain a low carb lifestyle so that you can enjoy dramatic and lasting weight loss success.

Atkins Controversy

Of course, no diet plan is without at least some controversy along the way, and Atkins is no exception. Some people are very concerned about the high levels of fats allowed on the diet, especially during the induction and weight loss phases.

What most naysayers do not fully appreciate, though, is that as your body becomes accustomed to a low carbohydrate lifestyle you can gradually increase carbs. Over time, your diet gradually starts to include many more varieties of nutrients, offering you a good solid nutritional base to keep you active and healthy.

Another reason to appreciate the unique Atkins low carb diet is that it cuts down on harmful sugars and other sweets without leaving you with uncontrollable cravings that cause you to have episodes of binging on cookies, candy and other sweets. Atkins is a satisfying collection of foods, allowing you a taste of sweets now and then but generally keeping you satiated and satisfied thanks to the variety of other foods that are allowed.

Getting Started

Before starting any diet or nutritional regimen, you should consult with your doctor and have a thorough check up. He or she will then have a baseline of information about your health, making it easier to track your progress and really see how much your health improves over time.

I encourage you to work with your doctor and connect with others who are following a low carb lifestyle in order to gain the maximum benefit and effectiveness from the Atkins low carb diet.

About the Author:

Kevin Urban is the editor at, an easy-to-use guide to help you get started on the Atkins diet plan. His website is a great resource for free Atkins diet plan information, Atkins diet books, recipes and low carb meal plans.

Copyright 2006

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Why Isn't My Diet Working?

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Have you been on a new diet for a couple of weeks and found that you STILL can't lose weight? Have you actually GAINED a pound or two since you've been on it? Are you just about ready to throw this diet out the window and try something else? Well, hold on a minute. There might be something else going on that's preventing your diet from working.

Getting your diet to work is like planting a seed in a garden. In order for the seed to grow, you have to plant it in good soil. You have to water it, fertilize it, and protect it from weeds. In other words, a seed needs a good environment if it's going to have any chance at all to sprout, take root, and grow.

Similarly, in order for your diet to start showing results for you, it also needs a good environment. Here are 10 "weeds" that will prevent the success of any diet and may actually be the reason that yours isn't working.


For your diet to work, you obviously have to be serious about losing weight. You need to have the right mental attitude about weight loss. In other words, you have to get your "head right." This includes:

a. Making a firm commitment to lose the weight, no matter what.

b. Making sure you're doing this for the right reasons. Trying to lose weight to please someone else never works.

c. Convincing yourself that you CAN lose the weight--and that you WILL!

If your diet isn't working, it could be because you're not really serious about losing the weight in the first place.


Cheating on your diet and cheating on love both end in disappointment. Consistent weight loss requires, well, consistency. Most of us work so hard to stick to our diet during the week that we convince ourselves that we can splurge on the weekend. Or we think that because we skipped breakfast, we can have dessert with lunch. Both are a bad choice.

It's easy to convince yourself that having a small snack won't hurt, or that you'll work it off later. The problem is it does, and you never do. If your diet isn't working, it could be because you're not following it consistently.


I heard of someone that started one of those protein shake diets. He actually gained a couple of pounds. When he was asked how often he was drinking the shakes, he said, "I drink one with every meal." It never occurred to him that the shakes were supposed to replace his meals, not supplement them.

Many dieters buy low-cal foods, and then eat twice as much. Don't be one of them! The only way to lose weight is to reduce your total caloric intake. Make sure you reduce the size of your portions and cut out all snacks that are not part of your diet plan. If your diet isn't working--or if you've actually gained a pound or two--it could be because you're not eating fewer total calories.


Eating fewer calories is only part of the battle. You need to make sure that the foods you do eat are the right types. A good rule of thumb is to make sure you get plenty of fruits, salads, and dark green vegetables. Stay away from refined foods and starches and eat meat in very small amounts (sorry, I'm not an Atkins fan).

Leafy, green, water-rich vegetables will aid digestion, help keep you healthy, and will actually help your body get rid of excess fat. If your diet isn't working, it could be because you're not eating the right foods.


When you go on a diet, your body goes into overdrive to get rid of the excess fats and toxins that the diet liberates. Many diets (especially the protein ones) put a strain on your body's organs, especially the kidneys. Because of this, it's vital that you drink plenty of water.

Drinking 8 or so full glasses of water every day helps to flush out the excess fats and toxins your body is trying to eliminate. Drinking plenty of water has other benefits including reducing headaches and improving your hair and skin. If your diet isn't working, it could be because you're not drinking enough water.


The best way to increase the number of calories you burn is through exercise. Pick walking, running, playing sports, swimming, or whatever--just make sure that when you exercise, you actually exercise. Some people go to the gym to socialize, not to exercise. Make sure you're not one of them! Get to work and make sure you stay with it long enough to burn off some excess calories.

To lose weight, shoot for 20 to 30 minutes of aerobic exercise, every other day. Note that these 20-30 minutes do not include stretching, warm ups, cool downs, or checking yourself out in front of the mirror. Sure, these are an important part of your exercise routine but you're not going to lose any weight by stretching. At least 20 to 30 minutes of aerobic exercise, every other day.

If you've reduced the amount of calories you're eating and your diet isn't working, it could be because you're not exercising enough.


This may be counterintuitive but it's true. If you exercise too hard, your body goes into an ANAEROBIC state (without oxygen). This is when you get so out of breath that you can't seem to take in enough air. When the body is in this state, it burns mostly carbohydrates and very little fat. This is why runners "carb up" before a big race--and also why runners have just as much body fat as the rest of us.

Slow your exercise down to no more than 85% of your maximum heart rate (subtract your age from 220 to get your max heart rate). At this pace, your body is in an AEROBIC state (with oxygen) and most of the calories that are burned are from fat, not carbs. An added benefit is that aerobic exercise tends to be low impact making it easy on your joints.

If you already get plenty of exercise and your diet still isn't working, it could be because you're exercising too hard.


We all live stressful lives. Dieting typically changes your eating and exercise habits-- two more stressor's your body has to deal with. The only chance your body has to relieve tension, rejuvenate and rebuild itself is during sleep so it's important to get enough when dieting.

Not getting enough sleep can actually slow your metabolism making weight loss difficult. It can also make you feel "groggy," which means you probably won't make the best food choices throughout the day. If your diet isn't working, it could be because you're not getting enough rest.


Weight loss requires both consistent effort and focus. You won't have either if you're trying to diet and deal with other "major events" in your life at the same time. Major events include things like changing jobs, moving to new house or city, trying to stop smoking, a death, accident, or sickness in the family, and so on. All of these things create a disruption in our lives and cause us to put everything--including our diets--on hold. To make matters worse, how do most of us deal with the stress caused by these major events? By snacking! Your diet doesn't have a chance.

So don't even try. Give yourself permission to put your diet on hold until you can give it the consistent energy and focus it needs. Choose your battles carefully and fight only one at a time. If your diet isn't working, it may be because you're trying to fight too many at once.


Like all good things, healthy weight loss takes time. Make sure you're not setting yourself up for disappointment by setting a weight loss goal that is totally unrealistic. This includes not only the amount of weight you want to lose, but also the amount of time you think it will take. If you're doing all the right things and your diet isn't working, it may be because your weight loss goal-or the time required to reach it-isn't realistic.

Once you get all of these issues resolved, you've cleared the way to get your diet back on track. As your diet takes root and begins to work, you should start to see the weight come off easily and naturally.

Hiram Perez has made good health and fitness a lifelong study. Discover other simple and common sense techniques to improve your wellbeing by signing up for a free 5-part mini-course at

The Scarsdale Diet Companion

Understand the fundamentals and principles of the Scarsdale Diet. Consider the advantages and disadvantages. Compare it to 8 other popular diets. Includes the complete Scarsdale Diet meal plan, 4 alternative plans and 96 related Scarsdale Diet recipes.

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Atkins Diet Foods - A Guide To Low Carb Food Products

Atkins diet foods are many and varied, so much so that many people are surprised at just how many different kinds of foods are allowed on the Atkins diet food plan. You still have the responsibility to select appropriately and double check the actual carb content of different foods, but you will quickly learn just how varied and interesting a low carb lifestyle can be.

The Basics of the Atkins Diet Plan

The basic philosophy behind the Atkins diet plan is that if you switch to a low carb diet your body's metabolism will adjust and start to burn stores of fat. The process starts during the induction phase when you change your eating habits substantially so that you only consume 20 grams of net carbohydrates per day. Net carbs are determined by taking the total grams of carbs in a food and subtracting the amount of fiber grams.

Once you are past the 14 day induction phase you then start to increase your daily net carb intake a little bit each week - starting at 25 grams per day, then the next week going to 30 grams per day, and so forth. As you raise your intake gradually, you pay attention to how much weight you continue to lose, until you find a level at which weight loss slows significantly or stops altogether. When you get close to your goal weight, you move into pre-maintenance and maintenance phases so that low carb choices become part of your everyday lifestyle.

Defining Low Carb Foods

Low carb foods are those that have low enough levels of carbohydrates that they are considered Atkins diet foods. In general, meats, poultry, fish, leafy green vegetables, eggs and butter form the core assortment of your low carb food choices. Some cheeses and other dairy products are relatively low carb but typically are not allowed in huge quantities while on the Atkins low carb diet plan.

Remember, though, a food which is high in carbs but also high in fiber can be eaten as part of a low carb lifestyle because the goal is to keep net carbs low, not just carbs as a whole. Make sure you read the labels of the foods you buy to determine the net carbs, and consider carrying a pocket sized carb counter with you to double check the net carb counts in fresh foods.

As the Atkins diet plan exploded in popularity over the last few years, many food producers have tried to get in on the phenomenon by promoting their products as low carb. The problem is, though, that many of these foods are not really low carb. With the exceptions of certified Atkins diet foods, you should never just believe the large print on the front that says low carb. Always, always read the nutrition label and confirm for yourself whether or not the food is really low carb.

Finding Low Carb Foods

Finding low carb foods is as easy as going to the grocery store, dropping into the convenience store located at your neighborhood gas station, or going to your favorite restaurant. Of course, some places will have a better selection of Atkins diet foods than others will, and some will also have more high carb temptations, but there is no reason for you to visit a specialty store in order to get the low carb foods you need.

Atkins Diet Foods from the Grocery Store

In the grocery store you have a huge selection of foods, ranging from fresh to processed, all of which you can check for net carb count. Processed foods will have nutrition information printed on the outside box or label, making it easy to determine net carbs. Fresh foods are a bit more difficult because that information is not printed on the food item and usually not on the shelf label. You can certainly remember a few core fresh foods that are allowable, but a really good tool is to carry a carb counter in your purse or pocket so that you can check it if you have any questions.

Convenience Store

In a convenience store, you have to search a bit more for the low carb Atkins diet plan foods. The big display of chips, candy, cookies and more is not a place you are likely find low carb choices, but if you go a little further in you can usually find official Atkins snack bars, liquid shakes or even some fresh foods that are low carb.


Restaurants can be a bit tricky because you do not always know what is in that great tasting gravy or sauce, but most eating establishments now offer designated low carb choices. If in doubt, order your meal without sauces and other add-ons that may have hidden carbs. When you find a restaurant that serves a good selection of low carb foods that you enjoy, be sure to give the manager or owner positive feedback and make that establishment a primary choice whenever you want to dine out.

Atkins Diet Plan Meals

Atkins diet foods are much more than individual foods. They can be combined in many ways to create tasty and interesting meals, but even the most dedicated low carb follower can get tired of the same old thing. The best way to keep your low carb meals interesting is to seek out a variety of Atkins diet plan meals.

There are many cookbooks and recipe books available that are filled with low carb meal choices using approved Atkins diet foods. All you have to do is mix and match each day or each week to keep a variety of meals on the table. Another reason to have a good cookbook or recipe book on hand is for those times when you are tired, running late or otherwise need to come up with something low carb to eat when maybe you do not feel like putting a lot of effort into it. These are the times when you will be most tempted to grab something that is not low carb, so having a collection of Atkins diet food recipes close by can help get rid of that temptation.

About the Author:

Kevin Urban is the editor at, an easy-to-use resource on the Atkins Diet Plan. He has written numerous articles ranging from Atkins diet foods to Atkins diet criticism.

Copyright 2006

10 Reasons Why Diets Don't Work

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Are you thinking that some diet program you heard about or read about might help you with your weight loss problem? Do you wonder if that diet program is good for your health? You know that weight loss is generally believed to affect health positively, but does the diet program you're looking at accomplish weight loss in a healthy manner?

Let's take a look at some basic facts about diet programs, their health affects, and their effectiveness on weight loss.

1. DIETS ARE NOT FUN! Is this important? Well, as soon as you "go on a diet", you feel as if you are being punished. You begin to think about the pleasures you are going to have to forego, and the difficulties you will have to put up with. You think about the lack of support from others around you, and the possiblity of failure. Your future begins to look a little grim...not deadly, but not fun either. How long will you be able to sustain your commitment feeling this way? A healthy eating plan for weight loss should include some elements of fun, pleasure, and rewards. That would be a little more encouraging.

2. DIETS CAN BE BORING! Again, how long are you going to be able to remain on a boring diet program? Many diets, in addition to limiting portion sizes and amounts, also call for foods that may be bland or unappetizing. Eating in much the same pattern day after day can become boring.

3. DIETS CAN GO BEYOND JUST BORING! Some make it all the way to disgusting, either in the foods you are allowed to eat (want to eat cabbage soup all day long), or simply by the fact that you DO have to eat the same thing day after day. Ice cream can become loathsome if it is all you ever get to eat.

4. DIETS CAN BE COMPLICATED! Eat this for lunch, that for dinner. Count carbohydrates, don't count carbohydrates. Eat protein, don't eat protein. What are the calories and nutrients in this food and that one? Which one is the best one? You almost need a full time dietician working with you to accomplish your weight loss goals on some diet programs.

5. DIETS INTERFERE WITH THE JOY OF LIVING! Well, are we surprised? They're not fun, they're boring and complicated. What else can we say about them? Well, could you see yourself not going on a trip, or missing a family gathering because you're on a diet? If you go, you will possibly give in to the desire to savor the moment and enjoy the experience, but you will possibly feel guilty and weak before, during, and after the event. If you go, but stick doggedly to your diet while everyone else is sipping champagne or eating turkey and dressing, how much joy are you going to get out of it? Not only that, how are you going to treat everyone around you? Are you going to be snappish to your family because you are hungry all the time and miserable because you're "on a diet"?

6. DIETS ARE TEMPORARY FIXES TO A PERMANENT PROBLEM! You will need to learn a whole new style of eating and living for weight loss to become permanent. Simply cutting down on calories for a while is not the real answer. You must change the way you live your life. This may be scary, but it doesn't have to be a bad thing. Is it bad to look in the mirror and like the person you see? Is it bad to become healthier and more alive?

7. DIETS CAN BE BAD FOR YOUR HEALTH! Isn't weight loss good for your health? Well, of course it is, but the diet itself may be bad for you. Your body requires a broad range of vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, protein, carbohydrates, and yes, even fat, in order to remain healthy. It can be difficult to get the entire range of nutrients needed even in a normal diet, not to mention getting them in the amounts and combinations which are most effective. If your diet restricts foods, types of foods, and amounts, you may seriously injure your health.

8. DIET FAILURE MECHANISM NUMBER ONE! Diets are self defeating, even if we ignore the problems we have already mentioned. Your metabolism is the rate at which calories are used. This varies from person to person and even within the person based on life style, age, environment, inherited characteristics, etc. As we get older, our metabolism tends to slow down, for example. That's why most people tend to put on weight as they age. There are ways to increase the metabolism, the most common being exercise. The body, whatever its normal state, called homeostasis, tries to maintain that state. If you decrease the flow of calories that the body is accustomed to receiving, it will, after a while, learn to establish a new homeostasis based on the lower amount of calories. In other words, although you may lose weight at first, you will probably eventually level out long before you reach your weight loss goal. Even worse, if you go off the diet after the body has learned to sustain itself on fewer calories, you may actually gain back the weight you have lost AND MORE!

9. DIET FAILURE MECHANISM NUMBER TWO! Remember that metabolism thing above? If you gain muscle mass, you will burn more calories, If you lose muscle mass, you will burn fewer calories. One common effect of exercise is an increase of muscle mass (no ladies, you are not likely to look like the new governor of California if you exercise...even if you lift weights. In fact you may look more like Miss America if you exercise...most Miss Americas do). Additionally, not only can you burn more calories during exercise, by exercising regularly, you can lift your body to a higher metabolic rate as it goes about its day to day activities...including sleeping. Unfortunately, on a diet, your body tends to rob your muscle mass since you are cheating it out of the nutrition it believes it needs. This will also tend to depress your metabolic rate as in diet failure mechanism number one, increasing the affects. Again, if you stop your diet, the loss of muscle mass may increase the weight gain.

10. DIETS DON'T LET YOU SNACK! Is that a biggie? Well, to me and a few other people it is. Those stretches from breakfast to lunch, lunch to supper, supper to bedtime. Do you really get thru them without a snack...even if you ate a big meal? Probably not. You want that little treat. You want to stop that little hint of hunger until it is time for a meal. You want to live normally, and for most of us, snacks are normal!

There you have it. Ten reasons why diets don't work and may even be unhealthy. So what can you do about it? There's a lot you can do.

You can substitute healthier items or remove unhealthy ones. Drink a diet drink instead of one with sugar. Put less on your plate the first time around, and eat more slowly. By the time you finish, your hunger may have begun to ease, you will have satisfied head, heart, and stomach...and everybody else will be getting up from the table.

Change your activities to help your body burn off a few more calories. You don't have to start by running a marathon, just get out and walk a little more. Spend less time in front of the TV. Instead of a piece of pie, go have sex. That burns a lot of calories.

Find an organization or weight loss program which can make the foods more appealing, that can plan the food choices for you, that can help you snack and still lose weight. In addition to these, many weight loss programs such as NutriSystem, Jenny Craig, TOPS International, or Weight Watchers can also provide a key element....SUPPORT!

The author is retired from the Army after 21 years of service, has worked as an accountant, optical lab manager, restaurant manager, and instructor. He has been a member of Mensa for several years, and has written and published poetry, essays, and articles on various subjects for the last 40 years. He developed an interest in health and fitness in the '70s after reading numerous books, including Dr. Kenneth Cooper's "Aerobics". This has led him to continue his personal research into health and fitness for over 30 years, and to pursue course work on health and fitness. He now has an online health supplement store at []. Find more weight loss tips at

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Take Hoodia Diet Pills with a Smart Diet, Not a Starvation Diet

Could Hoodia weight loss supplements fulfill the expectations of dieters and impact the United States obesity troubles? Today fifty million Americans are attempting to slim down with just a low five percent sustaining the weight loss they are seeking. Can Hoodia, the new comer on the scene, assist you to be in that small percentage that gets there, one of the few that will be able to lose the pounds and not have it them come back? From initial reports it may have a chance if these Hoodia pills are not abused and taken in an improper way. The Hoodia Gordonii African weight loss supplement can't do all the work by itself; you can't just take this pill, sit back and watch it do a miraculous make over on your body. Hoodia will help you to not be hungry, but this is only the beginning of the process; what follows needs to be regular meals with good nutrition and some form of physical exercise.

If Hoodia is going to accomplish what no other diet pill has ever done, help people to keep the weight off; dieters are going to need to look at this supplement in a different way than they have all the pills that have come before. We need to look at why it is that we have so many supplements for dieters on the store shelves and yet just a small number of people in reality lose the weight? To look at the state of obesity in America effectively you need to step aside from the examination of diet pills and weight loss supplements like Hoodia and observe the bigger picture. Who are American's embodying in their daily lives that have them have such problems with their weight. To follow are some rationales I believe people in United States have adopted with regard to weight loss; holding these ideas could play a role in making it difficult to lose the weight and keep it off.

o Being preoccupied with our weight; we think being thin equates to a happy life. We think we will find romance, the best career and friends if we are at the right weight. Because of this we will jump on virtually any diet fad or diet pill that comes along.

o Idolizing everybody in the media; we look up to these people and want to be like the people we see on television, films and magazines. Something that we don't understand is that for movie stars and people on TV being thin is just a part of their profession. They are required to be a particular size to fit in their character and obtain the acting jobs they want to get; they then have their trainer's and dietitians work with them to help accomplish it. You have to think about the fact that these actors and actresses in show business also make up a very small part of the general population.

o Accessibility of junk food; our lives are busy, fast paced and stressed; because of this our lives suffer in the domain of eating good foods and physical exercise. We don't think we have the time to eat right and work out so we take easiest route which is fast food, snacking on junk food, eating late at night with no exercise; all this is an equation for being overweight.

o Yo Yo dieting; we go from dieting to not dieting and from one diet program to another diet program. This is not a healthy way to live and unquestionably stops you from staying at your desired weight; studies have shown with "on again, off again dieting" that you gain more overall weight each time you start and stop your weight loss program. With our overall weight only increasing we become more desperate to find that magical diet pill that will give us the results we can't manage to achieve on our own.

o Quick Weight Loss; we are always looking for the fastest way to lose weight, that magic weight loss supplement or fad diet that will take those pounds off instantly without exercising or eating right. We refuse to listen to old adages like "if it's too good to be true, it probably is", instead we hope this time it will be different, this time it will work. We just can't accept the fact that true, healthy weight loss doesn't happen fast. In reality attaining your goal weight takes time and dedication; it takes doing things you may not want to do, such as eating foods that are not as tasty as usual and getting to the gym and sweating some of those pounds off.

If Hoodia, the new weight loss supplement from Africa is going to have any chance of helping people sustain a healthy weight, a few of the issues above will have to be addressed. Hoodia is not the magic diet pill that will melt the pounds off. In fact Hoodia won't actually make you lose weight at all; it doesn't do what other diet pills do; which is quickening your metabolism so you burn calories. What Hoodia does do is fool the brain into thinking your stomach is full. So if your plan is to just take Hoodia pills without proper nutrition, then know that what you are doing is the equivalency of going on a starvation diet. If you are not aware of this, let me tell you starvation diets don't work; you may have weight loss at first but in the end you will gain the weight you lost back and more. You slow down your metabolism when you don't eat on a regular basis during the day; then once you start eating again regularly your body stores more fat than it did before. Hoodia will help you not be hungry but if you just don't eat you won't be doing yourself any favor, you will gain that weight back and you'll blame it on the Hoodia.

Hoodia taken properly, with a good nutritional program that includes exercise and healthy approach to dieting could aid with weight loss and perhaps give you the edge you've been looking for in loosing weight. Hoodia diet pills can assist dieters with weight loss if they use them intelligently, as an aid in addition to a good weight loss plan. Hoodia will benefit most any dieter's program including the Atkins Diet, the Zone Diet, the South Beach Diet, Low Carb Diet or any other of today's popular diet plans. Hoodia is an all natural supplement with no none side effects and has been proven to help people reduce calorie intake by 1,000 calories a day. Reducing your calorie intake, eating healthy foods and regular exercise can be a triple threat to obesity; this is the approach you should take if you're thinking of using Hoodia. Create a weight loss program for yourself that will be realistic and manageable long term, think in terms of a way of life, not a quick fix.

Taking a Hoodia supplement may help you in many of the tough battles along the way in your weight loss journey. Hoodia's effect of enabling you to not be hungry can be very beneficial when it comes to not snacking on junk foods, late night eating, eating better foods and an overall reduction in calories. You should also be educated when it comes to selecting the right brand of Hoodia for you; not all Hoodia brands are the same. A few of the top brands of Hoodia are: Desert Burn Hoodia, Hoodoba and Hoodia Max; consult a Hoodia comparison chart to find out which brand is right for you. Hoodia may be just the thing you have been looking for if it's used in the right way, let it help you change your approach to weight loss from fad dieting and magic pills to proper nutrition and a healthy way of life.

There is no need to take Hoodia diet pills forever, just use them as a weight loss aid to get into a better dieting regime where you can maintain a healthy weight. Taking Hoodia while making good dieting choices could put you well on your way to being one of the five percent of the population that keeps the weight off for good. For more information about Hoodia go to

Andrew Aitaken is a contributing writer for the Totalink Net Directory. For more information about Hoodia Gordonii Weight Loss visit Totalinks Hoodia Gordonii Weight Loss Directory.