Diets that work!!

Friday, December 30, 2011

Is a 3 Day Diet Plan a Fast Weight Loss Diet?

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The 3 Day Diet programs are making another comeback around the diet arena, once more being presented as a brand new rapid weight loss concept. They are again becoming rather fashionable as the latest fad quick weight loss plan. Regardless of their popularity, many are asking if it is safe to experience fast weight loss, are the 3 Day Diets a healthy approach to losing weight, and do they actually work?

First of all, the majority of 3 Day Diet programs which have currently been turning up all over the weight reduction market are nothing new. The current attention these diet plans are receiving will eventually lessen over time. Then after a few years of quiet they will then rise again becoming available with brand new names.

For example, I've witnessed the 3 Day Cabbage Diet, the 3 Day Cleveland Clinic Diet (or whatever medical center - choose one), the 3 Day Tuna Diet, the 3 Day British Heart Foundation Diet, the 3 Day Cardiac Diet, the 3 Day Heart Diet, the 3 Day Egg and Grapefruit diet, the 3 Day Fruit Diet ( pick a fruit) as well as the 3-Day G.I. Diet (pick a military diet branch). Those happen to be just a small example of the countless names which have been chosen regarding the 3 day diet plans. The names these weight loss programs are given is only altered to make the dietary plan seem to be the most recent, completely new, scientifically researched, weight loss program. In reality they are just a slightly altered version of any old 3 Day Diet that has not been clinically research by any well known medical clinic, hospital or foundation.

At this point in time, there isn't actually a great deal of variance between these kinds of 3 Day Diet programs created to lose weight quickly. The changes may include a protein change, or possibly a nutritional dietary fiber swap. A few of the 3 Day Diets will vary the kind of fresh fruit or fresh vegetables to include in the diet. In particular, the 3 Day Mayo Clinic Diet plan specializes in consuming quantities of grapefruit. Remember, this diet was NOT created, or approved by the Mayo Clinic.

At couple of the 3 Day Diets that I know of include a dessert indulgence, while yet another may eliminate sugar products entirely (everyone ought to quit over-indulging in sweets as well as eliminating soft drinks altogether, particularly if they genuinely wish to be in charge of your own personal overweight health issues). Other diet plans are going a little further by calling their diet programs a 5 Day Diet or a 7 Day Diet Plan.

Decreased calorie consumption, reduced carbohydrates along with large amounts of dietary vegetable fiber are the fundamentals of the 3 Day Diet. The low calories (it is around a 1000 calorie diet) along with low carbohydrates, will raise the body's metabolic rate, while the higher dietary fiber along with drinking lots of water will boost the body's elimination function.

This process of speeding up the body's elimination process explains the rapid reduction in weight loss achieved by using these kinds of diet programs. In actuality, this weight loss is almost all water, and not permanent weight loss. As long as individuals are actually exercising as well, they will additionally shed a couple of actual pounds of body fat, in addition to loss of water weight.

It won't hurt a healthy individual to use this type of weight loss diet plan intended for simply three to five days. The 3 Day Diets are generally meant for people who only want to lose 6 to 15 pounds fast in order to maybe squeeze into a pair of skinny jeans for that live concert next week, or to fit into a new prom dress, or possibly to fit back in the wedding gown which was custom fit last month but is a bit too snug right now. Remember that the actual inches lost is merely a short-term remedy due to the substantial excretion of water from your system.

You should not, on the other hand, carry on with this 1000 calorie diet any more than five days. Continuing on with eating only a 1000 calorie diet, it is possible to induce critical harm to your body's internal organs if you do so. You will also begin losing muscle tissue instead of fat. Also, please remember to never fail to check with your own private medical professional prior to going on any diet regime.

When involved in a 3 Day Diet plan, or any diet plan for that matter, it is advised that you take into account the kinds of nourishment you eat, and also to focus on the physical exercise which will promote additional calories being used up. Only put in your mouth something that is healthy to fuel the body.

Women tend to be the ones that will often forget to incorporate physical exercise in the 3 Day Diet game. Because of their hectic agendas associated with raising children, while running a full time career, they will often be so bogged down with activities that they drop into the pitfall of imagining they are receiving sufficient physical exercise. They might not really want to work out once the strain connected with the stress of the day wears them down. However, incorporating an effective exercise regime within their hectic agenda will certainly help to make virtually any 3 Day Diet a success.

Yet another pitfall both males and females fall under because of their hectic agendas will be missing meals. These people believe that this can take that extra weight off faster, while the truth of the matter is that it actually decreases the fat burning because their bodies transfer in to starvation mode through slowing down ones metabolism. Women tend to be much more likely to forget to eat in order to get more work done, while males are more likely to stop working in order to actually eat.

Meals CANNOT be missed in any 3 Day Diet program if you want to drop pounds fast. These kind of eating plans accelerate the calorie burning metabolic process, along with triggering the water elimination only if the dietary plan is actually implemented by the meals being eaten. Generally, most people will actually consume far more food in the next mealtime, if they have missed the prior scheduled meal. This merely defeats the objective of the fast 3 Day Diet.

Drinking a great deal of water as well as no sugar fruit juice (no low calorie sweeteners either) are a major element of these types of diet programs. The liquid replacement is essential to get the metabolic rate to work appropriately. Including a piece of fresh lemon into the water will improve the procedure of the diet. You need to make sure to drink a large glass of drinking water, 6 to 8 times each day. Herbal teas and black coffee (no sugar or sugar substitutes) can also be included in between the water consumption.

Avoid purchasing dessert sweets or high sodium snack foods along the lines of potato chips as well as frozen snack foods, while shopping at the supermarket. As an alternative heap on the fresh natural vegetables and fruits. The children shouldn't be consuming these types of unhealthy food stuffs, anymore than you should, but it is a good idea to keep these foodstuffs out of the house while dieting.

Planning natural wholesome meals for your own household is a sensible way to keep on course and stick with the 3 Day Diet, while at the same time introducing healthier ingredients into the home. Presenting these kinds of wholesome choices are something you are able to perform with the family long-term, even after the 3 Day Diet has ended. Although I do advise carrying on with eating fresh fruits and veggies as part of your daily eating habits, I do not advise continuing the 3 Day Diet for a session longer than 3 to 5 days.

What is the bottom line?

If you want to drop even more than 15 pounds, any 3 Day Diet plan is simply not for you personally. Altering to a new much healthier way of life is actually what you need to be accomplishing. Understanding how to eat properly as well as exercising is vital to achieving success in burning fat.

In the event that you are looking for merely dropping a couple of pounds instantly for a special function or perhaps to be able to start looking more desirable at the beach, here are a couple of points to bear in mind:

Exercise! A good every day exercise regimen for the busy lifestyle is equally as essential in a 3 Day Diet plan as it is for your own regular daily life. Focus on a different body area each time you workout. Make sure to try to get no less than half hour per day; 60 minutes each day is better. The amount of time may be divided over the course of the day however you would like which is suitable for your own individual routine.

Don't Skip Meals! Keep in mind to continually eat your planned foods. Do not miss any one of them, particularly in the morning at breakfast time. Quit consuming sugars as well as drinking soda pops. Replace health robbing, highly processed foodstuff with fresh fruits along with vegetables.

Stay Hydrated! Drink plenty of water along with a slice of lemon. Drink 100% fruit juice or herbal teas, replacing the soft drinks. Water is probably the greatest component known to aid the body's metabolic process with burning body fat as well as eliminating harmful toxins from the system.

Sleep! This is precisely what our bodies require to restore, replenish and metabolize. When you are asleep, the body is actually continuing to use calories from fat as it performs ones body maintenance. Among the restoration functions occurring in the course of your sleep is the manufacture of a particular hormone called Leptin. This hormone's purpose is to notify the brain that you don't require any food. The less sleep you have, the less Leptin ones body will generate. The less Leptin ones body generates, the hungrier you will certainly feel, hence the more you will end up eating.

To see samples of 3 Day Diet Menus, please visit Do 3 Day Diets Work? Find simple exercise routines to work into our busy life at Your Busy Life

June Tanner was born and raised in Hawaii where she studied and practiced natural healing, lomi lomi massage, alternative medicine, organic gardening and nutrition for over 30 years. She is currently living in New York where she works as a free lance writer for various publications, a website designer and as an Information Marketer.

This article may only be used in it's entirety, with the author's Resource Box attached. All links must remain included and no changes may be made to the article without the author's prior permission.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Atkins Diet -- The Final Verdict

Supporters of the Atkins Diet claim that a low carbohydrate diet is a safe and effective method for losing weight. This article evaluates the low carbohydrate diet and specifically the claims made about ketosis.

The Low Carb-Ketosis Link

By severely limiting carbohydrates in your diet, the main energy source used by your body, glucose, drops to low levels. In return, insulin levels also drop. With low glucose and low insulin levels, the body turns to alternative sources of energy.

Because of a significant change in your body's chemistry when on the Atkins Diet, certain metabolic pathways are turned "on" that are normally not "on" or run at very low levels. One such pathway involves the breakdown of fat, called Beta-Oxidation of Fats.

Now, normally fats are broken down to produce energy when your body senses a need. But in the context of a low Carb diet, the normal breakdown pathway of fats is altered and an alternative pathway kicks in. This alternative pathway produces what are called ketone bodies.

Ketosis is the term used to describe when ketone bodies are circulating in your bloodstream. The ketone bodies can be used as alternative sources of energy by, most importantly, your brain.

In case you might be curious, the three ketone bodies produced by this alternative pathway for breaking down fat are acetoacetate, beta-hydroxybutyrate, and acetone. These ketone bodies are formed in your liver and then are transported to other tissues, mainly the brain. In your brain, they are converted back to a form that can provide direct energy during times of starvation.

Here is the whole process...

Atkins Diet lowers glucose and insulin (the body's main energy source)

Alternative pathways are turned "on" to provide energy

One alternative pathway breaks down fat and produces ketone bodies

Ketone bodies represent the state called ketosis

The brain uses ketone bodies as an alternative source of energy

So, the Atkins Diet (and any low Carb diet) produces a low energy state (low glucose) that causes the breakdown fat using an alternative pathway that leads to the development of ketosis.

So far it sounds pretty good. By limiting Carbs in your diet, you can essentially force your body into breaking down stored fat, the very thing you need to get rid of to lose weight.

But there are problems...

Atkins Diet and Toxicity

Ketone bodies are toxic. Many supporters of low Carb diets claim that ketosis is safe. They state that they are natural byproducts of fat breakdown and even babies have high levels of circulating ketone bodies.

First, they are not natural by-products of fat metabolism. The normal beta-oxidation of fats does produce ketone bodies but these are incorporated into the normal cycle of energy production, called the Krebs cycle. When ketone bodies are circulating in your bloodstream, it signals an abnormal physiologic state, called starvation. They are not incorporated into the normal energy cycle, the Krebs cycle, and spill into the bloodstream.

Just because your body has the ability to transport ketone bodies to certain tissues and then use them for energy, does not make it a normal process. It is an alternative pathway that turns "on" only when your body is faced with depleted levels of the main energy source, glucose.

Secondly, babies are not small adults. A baby's liver and brain tissue are made up of different chemicals and pathways, specifically geared to handle the high fat diet coming from mother's milk. These pathways change as a baby grows and starts to eat other foods. Eventually, the normal adult pathways are set up and the infantile chemistry used as evidence to support the safety of ketosis, stop working.

But this is not even related to the fact that ketone bodies are toxic. In medicine, the three ketone bodies mentioned above are classified as toxic acidic chemicals. At high levels, they can cause your blood to become too acidic, a disease state called ketoacidosis.

Granted, this is rare because most of the ketone bodies will be used by the brain as an energy source. Ketoacidosis is usually seen in type 1 diabetics. It is a medical emergency.

So, is ketosis dangerous to your body? Yes and no. Yes, ketosis represents a state of starvation. Losing weight when the body thinks you're starving is the best way to guarantee weight regain. The weight will come back and come back as fat. No, ketosis will not cause ketoacidosis in non-diabetics. And as long as you have a large storage of fat, your brain will not starve for energy.

The Final Verdict

As an alternative physiologic state, ketosis is not dangerous, assuming the levels of ketone bodies do not increase to acidic levels.

As a diet plan, ketogenic diets are not recommended because of the state of starvation they create. Your metabolism will eventually slow down setting you up for weight regain in the near the future.

Ketogenic diets, like the Atkins Diet, may also be dangerous not because they cause ketosis, but because they promote high protein and fat intake. High protein diets, unless you're body building, increases urea production and can damage the kidneys. Supporters claim that this just doesn't happen, reporting that no kidney damage has occurred to the millions of dieters on Atkins Diet or other ketogenic diets.

However, it is well known that microscopic damage can occur to the kidneys effecting their ability to filter the blood. But clinical signs of this damage may take several years to manifest. Chronic renal insufficiency is a concern for ketogenic dieters, which may cause problems in the years to come.

Atkins Diet and other ketogenic diets (low Carb) can be safe and effective in causing weight loss. However, I recommend keeping ketosis to a minimum and keep your carbohydrate intake above 50 grams a day. Don't follow the suggestions for reaching an "induction" phase. It's not necessary to turn "on" the alternative pathways described above and burn fat.

Remember, healthy weight loss is to burn fat and fat only. But it also involves keeping your rate of weight loss around 2-3 pounds/week. The induction phase promoted by the Atkins Diet can result in a rate of weight loss far greater than 2-3 pounds/week. It may sound good to you now, but how does gaining it all back as fat sound? Because that will happen if you lose weight too fast.

For more information on ways to experience healthy weight loss, visit

Diet Basics.

To Healthy Living!

Dr. Michael A. Smith

Chief Medical Consultant

Diet Basics Website

Dr. Smith is the Chief Medical Consultant to Diet Basics, a content rich weight loss site dedicated to all dieters fighting to lose weight. Please visit his site at...Diet Basics

One visit and you'll be convinced that Dr. Smith and Diet Basics is your on-line resource for healthy weight loss!

Friday, December 23, 2011

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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

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