Diets that work!!

Monday, October 31, 2011

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Saturday, October 29, 2011

Are You Confused By All The Different Diets? Here's A Quick Diet Comparison

It would not be surprising to hear your answer is "yes, I'm confused by all these so called diets." You may read from one expert that low carbohydrate (low carb) and high protein is the way to lose weight. Another will try to convince you that low fat, lots of carbs, fresh fruits and vegetables, is the right way to go. Yet another will try to convince you that you need to count the amount of sugar; or another that main culprit for your being overweight is white flour. So, if you are serious about losing weight, who should you listen to?

The brief summaries below give a quick overview of the pros and cons of each of the popular types of diet plans.

1. Weight Loss Programmes

There are quite a few well known weight loss programmes, for example SlimFast, Jenny Craig, and NutriSystem. These and a number of other weight loss programmes rely heavily on pre-packaged 'diet' foods. However, they incorporate professional coaching into the programme; plus, they also offer some sort of social structure and support to reinforce the diet programme.

Advantages of Weight Loss Programmes

The professional coaching and nutritional benefits of such diet programmes are a big positive factor, as are the reinforcement and support aspect of the diets. Meals and supplements are prepackaged in the right proportions, and if you stick to the diets and exercise as directed you should lose weight.

Disadvantages of Weight Loss Programmes

You will normally have to pay weekly charges for this type of programme, plus the cost of the meals can be expensive. Furthermore, if you rely totally on the packaged foods, you will miss out on your re-education as far as your eating habits go. That could be important to maintaining any weight loss in the long term.

2. Low Carb & Hi Protein Diets

Diets like the Atkins diet, the South Beach diet, and the Zone Diet all recommend restricted intake of carbohydrates, but allow liberal amounts of protein, including protein derived from animal sources. Generally, these diets limit the overall amount of carbohydrates, and/or teach you to tell the difference between "good" and "bad" carbohydrates. Bad carbohydrates, which are forbidden, include white flour, white bread, and white sugar.
The diets all encourage learning healthy eating as part of losing weight. Deriving most of your daily calories from high fiber sources of carbs like leafy green vegetables and grains is generally considered the best diet for nutrition by the established medical community. The popularity of the diets makes it easy to find low-carb foods.

Advantages Of Low Carb Diets

These low carbohydrate diets do encourage you to learn healthy eating as part of losing weight. That will have long term benefits for you. A diet in which you derive most of your daily calories from high fibre sources of carbohydrates, such as leafy green vegetables and grains, is often recommended by the established medical community for good nutrition. Because these diets are popular, it is easy to find low-carb foods.

Disadvantages Of Low Carb Diets

The allowance for eating all the protein and fats you like does go against conventional medical wisdom. it is thought that a diet high in saturated fats could lead to heart disease, diabetes, gout and other chronic health conditions. These diets are accompanied by cautions and advice, which suggest you keep portions reasonable. Follow that advice and that concern may be allayed somewhat; but if in doubt, consult your doctor.

3. The Real Mayo Clinic Diet

This diet is not the one which has circulated for the past thirty or more years and purported to have originated at the Mayo Clinic! The true Mayo Clinic's nutrition and diet centre recommends a healthy eating weight loss plan that is based on limiting fats, proteins and carbohydrates, counting calories and deriving most of the daily nutrition from vegetables, grains and fruit.

Advantages Of The Real Mayo Clinic Diet

Really, there is no 'diet' as such, in the sense we often use the word when we are talking about losing weight. Instead, you are encouraged to take control of your own eating. By doing so, you aim to achieve portion control, and a sensible balance of nutrients. These are the pillars of a weight loss plan that takes weight off gradually, but then helps you keep your weight down permanently.

Disadvantages Of The Real Mayo Clinic Diet

This may be a difficult diet to maintain. Counting calories and portions can be difficult if you are eating out or on the run living an active and busy life, and often away from home.

There are many diets claiming to take weight off quickly and painlessly, without exercise or changing your eating habits. Most doctors believe the optimum way to lose weight, for long lasting results, is to lose 1-2 pounds of loss per week. The variations of the three major diets above are all capable of helping you do just that.

This diet comparison [] article was written by Roy Thomsitt, owner of the Routes To Self Improvement website.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Why Are There Different Diet Types?

Diet is a dreadful word for most of us because it will mean food deprivation. This is especially so for those who love to eat, hearing this word seems like asking them to commit suicide. However, the term diet is not what we know it to be, because the definition of the word diet is "the usual food and drink of a person" or "something that is used, enjoyed or provided regularly". Having said this, nothing is dreadful in the word; in fact, it is something enjoyed as the dictionary tells us. Will this change our fear of the word diet? May be not but at least I will try and explain a little bit more about diet and dieting that we know it to be.

Since I already mention that nothing should be dreadful about dieting, it may be worth it to note that there are different diet types because there are different body types. Aside from the body type that we grow in, there are body shapes we long to have. This is the reason why there are nutritionists and health care professionals who design the necessary food intake to give us the body shape we dream of having. It is true that there are different diet types that will deprive you of indulging to your favorite food, but if you want a particular body shape, you need to apply a little sacrifice in order to get it. This is why models and hunks learn to love dieting.

Different diet types only become successful when complimented with exercise. This is because exercise will help speed up your metabolism. Your metabolism is the primary player in loosing weight. If you have slow metabolism, breaking down of food in your body will be slow. Thus, it will be very hard for you to loose weight. There are body types that has fast metabolism, especially the thin ones. They never need the diet that deprives them of food, they have a different diet type requirement, and they need the diet that will require them to eat more.

There are different diet types that are popularly making waves like Atkins diet, south beach diet and so on and so forth. However, success of these different diet types still depends on the discipline of the person dieting. Even if you try all these different diet types but you refuse to exercise, you will never be successful in loosing weight. Exercise is very important in using diet for loosing weight.

There are also different diet types that may help those who want to gain weight, but then again there are exercises necessary for the success of this diet. You need to consider metabolism, which is the major player in designing your body shape, thus it is always a requirement that before you try different diet types, you need to visit a health care professional. The health care professional will be the one to tell you, which among the different diet types will suit you and your desired body shape.

Finally, I would like to reiterate that success of these different diet types only depends on the discipline of the person dieting. Exercise to induce fast metabolism is necessary. Oversleeping is also bad discipline for these different diet types. Programming your eating habit will also depend on the type of diet you are following.

Root word for success in these different diet types is discipline. With discipline, you will get the body shape you want which ever among these different diet types you use.

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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

High Carb & Low Carb Diets: How To Avoid The Dangers

There's a two hundred year history of people prescribing both high and low carb diets for weight loss. So how does one choose? One factor you should consider is the dangers associated with each diet.

What is a carbohydrate, anyways?

There are three types of nutrients that every body uses:
*Proteins in our diet usually come from Meat and soy products like tofu. Amino acids, the building blocks of proteins, are used to make muscles and enzymes (the proteins that do most of the work our bodies need to survive)

* Carbohydrates are sometimes described as "sugars," but they're not just white stuff in you find in the baking aisle. Simple sugars include the sugar you put in coffee; pasta, bread, and potatoes are among the source of starches, or complex carbohydrates. Most of your body uses carbs for energy, and it's the preferred energy source for the brain.

* Fats are long, chainlike molecules that are don't mix with water (oils are fats). They are an efficient way for the body to store energy.

You can see that all three nutrients are crucial for functioning. What happens if you take in more or less of a given nutrient than you need?

The Low-Fat Diet

The low-fat diet reduces fat intake, following the governmental food pyramid that suggests using fats sparingly. There are many good reasons to limit the amount of fat in your diet:

*cholesterol and fats can result in clogged up arteries, leading to heart disease and possible cardiac damage (in the form of a heart attack), stroke, and kidney disease

*fat packs a lot of calories - if you don't use those calories up in your daily activities, they will be stored in your fat cells and cause weight gain

Low-fat diets are often higher in carbohydrates than the average American's diet. Low-fat products take advantage of the fat-carbohydrate trade-off; if you compare "lowfat" cookies with their "normal" counterparts, you may notice that the fat per serving is lower but there is more carbohydrate per serving than the "normal" alternative. Because fat is flavorful, simple sugar and loads of salt may be added to lowfat products to enhance taste.

Carbohydrates are not as good a signal of satiety. In contrast, when you eat a bit of fat, your body "recognizes" it as a signal to limit the amount of intake. So, while a low-fat diet can help you stay healthy, a no-fat diet may encourage you to eat more than you need. If you make up in carb-calories what you lose in fat-grams, excess carbs will be stored as starch in the liver and fat in your fat cells! So even though your diet is low-fat, you may end up gaining weight if you eat more carbs than you use in daily activities.

Lastly, you need the right sorts of carbs to keep healthy and assist weight loss. Simple sugars are quickly absorbed and use little energy to process - in other words, they add lots of calories to your meal. In contrast, foods with more complex carbohydrates, like starches in whole grain breads - take longer for your body to absorb and use more energy. They also give your body time to recognize that you're full. Complex carbohydrates are more likely to have vitamins (like potato skins which have lots of B12) and fiber (like whole grain bread), both of which are important for good health.

Low-Carb Diets

Low-carb diets may help you lose weight by:

* making sure that you're satiated, since both fats are better signals to your body that "food's here!" than carbohydrates

* promoting ketosis: in ketosis/ Ketones are a byproduct of burning fats and proteins instead of carbohydrates.

* leveling out your hormonal response to carbohydrates. We make the hormone insulin in response to food, particularly sugar, entering the body. It's been hypothesized that large changes in insulin levels (for example, a large increase in response to a carb-heavy meal) trigger the storage of sugars as fat.

However, if decreasing carbs increases your fat intake, serious problems can result. In some studies, about 30% of people on low-carbohydrate diets showed an increase in cholesterol levels, even if they lost weight on the diet. Studies have also shown that low-carb diets may increase in kidney problems, especially in people who already had some kidney disease.

In addition, some studies suggest that ketosis in the Atkin's diet is not caused just by fat burn but by burning muscles instead. Muscle loss does result in weight loss, but is unlikely to give you the look you want, or to help you function. Lastly ketosis can be fatal in diabetic - if you're diabetic, you should speak with your doctor before starting any diet.

Women have some special issues to think about when looking at a low-carb diet. Some studies show that people on these diets lose a lot of calcium, which makes them a bad idea for women at risk for osteopenia or osteoporosis. In addition, some low-carb diets do not include the right foods for a balanced intake of vitamins; while a few days of missed vitamins aren't a problem, chronic deficiencies can lead to skin, eye, and bone damage. And for women who are pregnant or trying to become pregnant, ketones can be dangerous for a fetus as well as for you.

Which Diet Should I Use?

The keys to weight loss are moderation and tailoring. If you're interested in losing weight, talk with your healthcare provider about tailoring a weight-loss plan that takes into account your current health and weight-loss goals. Lowering calories and balancing nutrients, rather than focusing on a single "culprit" gives you the best chance of long-term weight reduction.

Auchincloss, E, "Byron's Weight," Times Literary Supplement, 4896, p 15, 1997

Bravata DM, et al." Efficacy and safety of low-carbohydrate diets: A systematic review," Journal of the American Medical Association, Volume 289, issue 14. p 1837-1850. 2003.

Meckling, K, "Comparison of a low-fat diet to a low-carbohydrate diet on weight loss, body composition, and risk factors for diabetes and cardiovascular disease in free-living, overweight men and women," Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, Volume 89, issue 6, pages 2717-23

Westman, EC, et al "Effect of 6-month adherence to a very low carbohydrate diet program," American Journal of Medicine , Volume113, p. 30-36, 2002

Olsen, M., et al,"A low-carbohydrate, ketogenic diet versus a low-fat diet to treat obesity and hyperlipidemia," Annals of Internal Medicine, Voume 140 pages769-777, 2004

Copyright (C) Shoppe.MD and Ian Mason, 2004-2005

Learn more about health, diet and exercise at our weight loss forum. is a popular discussion forum for weight loss programs, diet tips, and support to help you burn more fat and lose weight permanently.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Top Ten Fad Diets Reviews

Many people want to lose a lot of weight and are willing to try anything from a stomach staple to a far out wacky diet. Some diets are controversial and can be injurious to health. Others are short-term starvation. Here is a list of the top ten fad diets.

#1 The Atkins diet is a one of Americas most popular and still endures after many years. The Atkins diet basis is that processed foods and a high carbohydrate diet are the core problems that make and keep people fat. The diet has four phases.

The first phase and most restrictive is the OWL phase. The Owl phase (Ongoing Weight Loss) restricts the carbohydrate intake to just 20 grams per day. Twelve to fifteen of those grams must come from salads. Meat, seafood, fish and poultry are plentiful in this stage. A little soft cheese is allowed daily, some low carbohydrate vegetables, no alcohol, limited caffeine, butter or oils and water, lots and lots of water, needs to be consumed.

Phase two allows more carbohydrates each week selected from a food ladder. The dieter gets an increase of five grams of carbohydrates per week from a different food group each week during this phase.

The next phase increases the carbohydrates until weight loss stops. Once the dieter reaches the final weight goal the maintenance phase kicks begins.

The Atkins diet shows immediate weight loss but is difficult to stick to because of rigid eating patterns. A study showed that the diet might cause kidney damage.

#2 The green tea diet uses a nutritional low calorie diet and adds green tea to every meal and snack.

#3 Number three on the top ten fad diet list is the negative calorie diet.
The diet gets its name from the theory that the foods on the diet use more calories to digest than they contain. While there is no scientific proof that you can eat your way thin, many of these foods are healthy, nutritional foods that are low in calories. The foods on the list increase the body's metabolism and aid in faster weight reduction.

#4 The grape diet is number four of the top ten fad diets and one probably the worst. Nothing but grapes and water becomes the fare for days on end. This diet, originally created to cleanse the system and fight cancer, became a weight loss diet somewhere along the way.

#5 The three hour diet takes into consideration the time of day that you eat. The diet breaks the food down to mini-meals eaten every three hours. It resembles a diet for hypoglycemia. The diet is nutritionally balanced and keeps blood sugar levels stable. That stability reduces the urge for a 5:00 o'clock feeding frenzy that frequently occurs in dieters. This one makes sense. The down side is the need to constantly eat, even if you're busy or not hungry.

#6 The lemonade diet was another cleanse diet that switched to a weight loss one. Nothing but a concoction of maple syrup, cayenne pepper and lemon juice is on the list of edibles for the ten day fast.

#7The ice cream diet is just a regular calorie controlled diet that makes room for a little ice cream at the end of the day. Of course, if calories are controlled, weight loss occurs. The diet is nothing more than allotting for ice cream. The calcium in the ice cream is good for the bones and aids metabolism, but outside of that, you could substitute a brownie and call it the brownie diet.

#8 The cabbage soup diet uses a soup created from cabbage and other vegetables and mixes it with rations of other low calorie foods and cranberry juice or tea for five days of monotony and gassy stomachs.

#9 The raw food diet is a vegan diet with all foods left uncooked. Blend them, chop them and arrange them but don't cook anything or heat it beyond 116 degrees Fahrenheit. Raw food contains more vitamins in many cases than its cooked counterparts do. Nuts are included in the raw food diet as the protein source. The diet consisting mostly of vegetables is a low calorie diet, but it is difficult to keep it well balanced. It is a lot healthier than most fad diets and the introduction of raw vegetables into the body brings in many nutrients. The fiber of the raw vegetables cleans out a lot of noxious waste.

#10 The final diet on the list of the top ten fad diets is Zone diet. Much like the Atkins diet it has phases and attempts to change lifestyle and eating habits. The Zone diet uses a balancing act for its carbohydrate ratio. Each meal consists of 40 % of the food as carbohydrates, 30% protein and 30% of the meal in fats. The popularity of this diet created by Oprah's endorsement puts it on the list of the top ten fad diets.

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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Candida Diet

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The Candida Diet is a necessary evil, as many of my patients will agree. If you are a Candida sufferer, the diet is something that "you can't live with yet you can't live without." The diet is feared, hated, despised, misunderstood, and often can make the difference between the success and failure in the elimination of the yeasty beast! The purpose of this article is not to explain what the Candida Diet is. This can actually be found on our website in the "patient only section," or by simply searching the Candida Diet on the internet. The purpose here is to explain why it is important!

I will also explain how the diet is generally healthier than most diets that are being followed in the 21st century.

The Candida Diet is low in carbohydrates, low in sugar, and generally low in fermented foods like vinegar, alcoholic beverages, etc. Candida feeds on sugars. Sugars make it grow and strengthen its adherence to the intestinal lining. While on a Candida Diet, the total amount of carbohydrates for the day should not exceed 150 grams. At the Biamonte Center, we use 3 versions of the Candida Diet that range between 30-50 grams, 60-90 grams, and 100-150 grams of total carbohydrates for the day. Avoiding sugar and alcohol are the most important factors. These substances can cause the fastest and greatest increase in Candida growth. They are the most dangerous. Starches come next. Starches convert to sugars in your body. Candida can feed on healthy sugars just the same as it can on junk food. Many of your patients will notice that sweet fruits will flare their symptoms just as noticeably as junk foods! When eating starches (carbohydrates), choosing those foods that have a lower "glycemic index" rating is best. The glycemic index is a scale that rates how fast a food converts to sugar in you blood stream. Examples of the glycemic index can easily be found on the internet. Fermented foods like soy sauce, vinegar, etc. can be important to avoid, especially if the person has reactionary symptoms from the food. These foods often produce an allergic reaction in the Candida sufferer's intestinal tract which can upset the good flora and the intestinal immune response. Foods from the fungus family like mushrooms, etc. can be allergens in the same manner as the fermented foods.

Foods high in yeast can have a similar effect to fermented foods and the foods from the fungal family. Foods that contain yeast do not contain Candida. They contain baker's yeast. This is not Candida. These foods can aggravate Candida by causing allergic reactions, but they cannot cause Candida.

The Candida Diet, though apparently restrictive, is actually higher in nutrients than the diet of the average American. The Candida Diet in fact is very similar to "The South Beach Diet," "The Zone," and "The Hunter/Gatherer Diet" (also known as the "Paleolithic Diet"). There are races of people who are all slimmer, stronger, and faster than us. They all have straight teeth and perfect eyesight. Arthritis, diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, stroke, depression, schizophrenia, and cancer are absolute rarities to them. These people are the last 84 tribes of hunter-gatherers in the world. They share a secret that is over 2 million years old. Their secret is their diet- a diet that has changed little from that of the first humans 2 million years ago, and their predecessors, up to 7 million years ago. Theirs is the diet that man evolved on, the diet that is coded for in our genes. It has some major differences to the diet of "civilization." You are in for a few big surprises.

The diet is usually referred to as the "Paleolithic Diet," referring to the Paleolithic or Stone Age era. It is also referred to as the "Stone Age Diet," "Cave Man Diet," or the "Hunter/Gatherer Diet." More romantic souls like to think of it as the diet that was eaten in the "Garden of Eden," and they are correct in thinking so. For millions of years, humans and their relatives have eaten meat, fish, fowl, and the leaves, roots, and fruits of many plants. One big obstacle to getting more calories from the environment is the fact that many plants are inedible. Grains, beans, and potatoes are full of energy but are all inedible in the raw state, as they contain many toxins. There is no doubt about that- please don't try to eat them raw. They can make you very sick.

Around 10,000 years ago, an enormous breakthrough was made- a breakthrough that was to change the course of history, and our diet, forever. This breakthrough was the discovery that cooking these foods made them edible- the heat destroyed enough toxins to render them edible. Grains include wheat, corn, barley, rice, sorghum, millet, and oats. Grain based foods also include products such as flour, bread, noodles and pasta. The cooking of grains, beans, and potatoes had an enormous effect on our food intake- perhaps doubling the number of calories that we could obtain from the plant foods in our environment.

Grains, beans, and potatoes (GBP) share the following important characteristics:

-- They are all toxic when raw. There is no doubt about this; it is a fact that no competent source would dispute. They can be extremely dangerous and it is important never to eat them raw or undercooked. These toxins include enzyme blockers, lectins, and other types. I will talk about them in detail later as they are very important.

-- Cooking destroys most but not all of the toxins. Insufficient cooking can lead to sickness such as acute gastroenteritis.

-- They are all rich sources of carbohydrate, and once cooked, this is often rapidly digestible, giving a high glycemic index (sugar spike).

-- They are extremely poor sources of vitamins (particularly vitamins A, B-group, folic acid, and C), minerals, antioxidants, and phytosterols.

Therefore diets high in grains, beans, and potatoes (GBP):

-- contain toxins in small amounts

-- have a high glycemic index (i.e. have a similar effect to raw sugar on blood glucose levels)

-- are low in many vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytosterols ( i.e. they are the original "empty calories")

-- have problems caused by the GBP displacing other foods

As grains, beans and potatoes form such a large proportion of the modern diet, you can now understand why it is so common for people to feel they need supplements or that they need to detoxify (i.e. that they have toxins in their system). Indeed both feelings are absolutely correct. The essentials of the Paleolithic Diet are:

-- Eat none of the following: (Note the following is not the Candida Diet - this information is present in order to compare the Candida Diet to the Paleolithic Diet.)

-- grains- including bread, pasta, noodles

-- beans- including string beans, kidney beans, lentils, peanuts, snow-peas, and peas

-- potatoes

-- dairy products

-- sugar

Eat the following: (Note the following is not the Candida Diet- this information is present in order to compare the Candida Diet to the Paleolithic Diet.)

-- meat, chicken, and fish

-- eggs

-- fruits

-- vegetables (especially root vegetables, but definitely not including potatoes or sweet potatoes)

-- nuts, e.g. walnuts, Brazil nuts, macadamia, almond- Do not eat peanuts (a bean) or cashews (a family of their own)

-- berries- strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, etc.

Try to increase your intake of:

-- root vegetables- carrots, turnips, parsnips, rutabagas, Swedes

-- organ meats- liver and kidneys (I accept that many people find these unpalatable and won't eat them.)

This diet strongly resembles the typical Candida Diet, which in fact is higher in nutrient density than most diets that are followed by the average American.

From a layman's point of view, we can say that we use the diet to starve Candida in order to kill it. From a more scientific point of view, sugars, when metabolized by Candida cells, help Candida to adhere to the intestinal lining in order to hold on and keep its grip on you! Therefore, the avoidance of sugars can weaken the grip that the Candida has on your intestinal lining.

Sugars also make up and comprise the outer most layers of the yeast cells. A flip to this statement is the sugar, "Mannose." The sugar, Mannose, is currently being researched by this author, as it has shown the ability to block the adherence of Candida to the vaginal lining and perhaps the intestinal lining.

Candida above all is a yeast/fungus so it can be considered vegetation, like a mushroom. Like brewer's yeast, it metabolizes sugars and converts them to toxic alcohols called aldehydes. Many of the symptoms of Candida are produced by this toxic alcohol, the toxic proteins called antigens, mycotoxins (fungal toxins), and the neurological toxins (neurotoxins) that the Candida produces. When Candida is fed sugars, it not only strengthens its grip on you but it produces more of these toxins. Starches and carbs are naturally broken down and converted to sugars by your own body. This is normal for your health. However, Candida will eat these sugars as well. Fermented foods contain predigested sugars and substances that react like an allergen with your Candida. So sugars, starches, alcohol, and fermented foods feed Candida and make it worse! They also make it harder for medicines to kill Candida.

Diet, however, rarely causes Candida. It is usually caused by antibiotics, steroids, birth control pills, and other drugs. However, a diet high in sugar, starch, and alcohol, consumed during a period of extreme stress, can bring Candida about as if one took these medications.

At the Biamonte Center, the Candida Diet is used to weaken the Candida by starving it. This makes it more susceptible to the anti-yeast/ anti- fungal substances that we use. The Candida Diet is not used to kill the Candida as its own weapon. Diet very rarely can eliminate Candida. Candida grows a root system into your blood vessels. Here it taps into you blood and feeds on blood glucose and other nutrients. There is always enough blood glucose to keep the Candida alive, despite being on a low carbohydrate diet or even if you fasted. Fasting cannot kill Candida! This is because even when you fast, your body must keep a normal level of glucose (blood sugar) circulating for your brain and muscles to work. However, the low carb diet weakens it, like a weed which has had little water for some time.

Even when it is barely alive, it can continue to survive. And if "watered and fed properly," could grow again, returning to its former glory.

This is a very important concept to understand when we consider the importance and place the diet treatment holds in the elimination of Candida.


When you cheat on the diet, the Candida can temporarily increase. If one cheats for 1 day on the diet but continues the Candida rotation and phase 0, little will happen to set one back. Any increase in growth can be reduced within 1-2 days. The more one cheats, the more Candida grows. If one does the program but does not follow the diet, either no progress will be made or the person will continually feel ill from feeding the Candida, then making it grow, and then killing it and becoming toxic from the dead Candida wastes!

So when you cheat a day or so here and there on the diet, it does not defeat the entire program, providing that you stay on the anti-fungal rotation and Phase 0.


Many of the Candida diets also suggest excluding Gluten and Casein (milk protein) from the diet. What isn't explained is why. It is observed that most, but not all Candida patients worsen when eating these foods.

A possible theory as to why is that an underlying allergy to these foods causes damage to the intestinal condition, where damage to the intestinal villi occurs. These villi are finger- like hairs that absorb nutrients that pass through the intestines. This damage causes putrefaction and decay of food in the intestines due to malabsorption.

In that case, the Candida is provided with food so it can continue to proliferate. This can also suppress normal, healthy flora and the intestinal immune response. The underlying problem is gluten-induced intestinal damage, but because the Candida is easier to identify, the underlying pathology is missed. Candida could easily eat these foods and release allergens as a by product of its metabolism, which causes intestinal allergies and further degrades the intestinal flora.


"It's Not Your Fault"

If you have failed to lose weight despite following a diet exactly, it could be due to Candida. The late Dr. Robert Atkins, an international expert on the low carbohydrate diet, says in his books that Candida or low thyroid function can prevent weight loss despite a low carbohydrate diet. Candida adversely affects your metabolism and interferes with many hormones, nutrients, and the body's ability to burn fat!

One of the major secondary problems associated with Candida Albicans is weight gain. A number of the problems associated with loosing weight and staying with a diet are due to Candida Albicans. A person with Candida Albicans will often crave sugar and simple carbohydrates because this is the main source of nutrients for yeast. Mood swings and depression are often associated with the rapid change in blood sugar levels caused by the yeast.

Lower thyroid function, lower Dhea levels, Estrogen dominance, and elevated Cortisol levels are all typical in someone with chronic Candida. Each of these situations has been known to contribute to weight gain or difficulty losing weight. Focusing on removing Candida Albicans from the body rewards the dieter with a feeling of well being and weight loss that is steady, sustainable, and healthy. Very often a person trying to lose weight will not be able to do so because of a Candida infection.


Hemp Hearts (Shelled Hemp Seed) is a natural food that is concentrated with all of the required proteins, essential fats, and many vitamins and enzymes, and contains only insignificant quantities of saturated fats and carbohydrates.

Because Hemp Hearts provides people with an excellent balance of proteins and essential fats, they will have less difficulty avoiding the sugar and starchy carbohydrates that cause obesity and many other late onset health problems. Individuals who use Hemp Hearts as described above--eating them in the morning for their nutritional essentials, to increase their energy and reduce their dependence on sugar and carbohydrates, and having all day to burn off the calories--these individuals always experience profound health benefits.

Except for those with diabetes and other conditions which may seem to require individuals to eat more frequently, most people eat at least four, but usually five, measuring tablespoons of Hemp Hearts early each morning, preferably on fruit and yogurt (vegetables for diabetics), but also sometimes on cereal. They frequently report that they are not yet hungry at lunch time, and often only slightly hungry at three or four o'clock in the afternoon. Those who are overweight can quite easily limit themselves to a large salad in the afternoon. Because those who eat Hemp Hearts in quantity every morning are nutritionally satisfied, they have less difficulty avoiding foods made with sugar, flour, potatoes, pasta, and rice, and they are less inclined to regain lost weight.

Michael Biamonte holds a Doctorate of Nutripathy, a Degree in Natural Healing, and a Master's in Clinical Nutrition. He is affiliated with the International Academy of Clinical Nutritionists and the International Academy of Nutrition and Preventive Medicine. He is listed in "The Directory of Distinguished Americans" for his research in Nutrition and Physiology. Michael Biamonte, C.C.N. 139 Fulton St. Suite 507, New York, NY 10038 (212) 587-2330,

Saturday, October 1, 2011

In Search of The Perfect Cleansing Diet

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My friend was in her mid fifties as she rambled on about cleansing diets and detoxification. Out of respect for the fact she was older than I, my initial ridicule was stuffed back down my throat and I politely listened. She began to talk about these cleansing processes that initially I thought sounded rather barbaric. Milk thistle just sounded like something prickly to drink. But apparently it was part of this cleansing diet she was speaking about, so again, I nodded politely.

I think she knew that I found the notion of cleansing diets a bit silly. I left that day rolling my eyes and reminding myself that Kate does those things, she's so ready to try something new and different just to try to gain an ounce of good health. Less than a week later there was milk thistle and some sort of colon cleansing drink in our pantry. Knowing full well this did not belong to anyone in my family, I questioned my room mate about it, and was told all about the benefits of colon cleansing. This would have made sense to me if Kate and my room mate were friends, but in reality they had only met once for less than three minutes. Not to mention that the room mate was not one to try new things and to go out of her way to discover the latest and greatest health fad the way Kate did.

I allowed the room mate to take me through these websites that had nasty, graphic photographs of the results of colon cleansing. If anything like that ever came out of my body I suppose I would have to call an ambulance, considering that about half of it looked bigger than my entire body. Despite the fact that we mocked her daily, the room mate insisted on her colon cleansing routine everyday for several weeks. Somewhere in the middle of it there was a huge commotion as people were charging in and out of her bedroom. Apparently something resembling those pictures she showed me on the internet came out of her body, and the plumbing couldn't handle it. She had cleansed her colon right into a plumbing crisis. Despite her best efforts to get me to go into her bathroom and look at it, I just watched the parade of people coming out of her bedroom, shaking their heads.

Out of concern for her health and ignorance over the colon cleansing process, I looked up some information on the internet, and sure enough, whatever she produced was considered quite normal for colon cleansing. Apparently colon cleansing really cleans out everything that has been stored in the intestines for twenty years or so.

After the commotion died down, the room mate carried on for awhile about how wonderful she felt. Her colon cleansing had apparently solved her chronic back ache she'd been complaining of for several years. Ironically, a few days later I saw my friend Kate again, and she looked really good. In fact, she looked better than I had ever seen her before. When I complimented her on this, she launched into a full scale explanation of the cleansing diet. She explained how it cleansed everything she felt like she had been carrying around in her body for nearly 60 years and just washed it away. She told me that the cleansing diet made her feel like she was 20 again.

By now I am realizing that there's something about this cleansing diet that I just didn't get. At home I had seen the results of what appeared to be a very successful colon cleansing while right in front of me was the very obvious results from the cleansing diet.

I would have to be blind not to be able to notice the benefits of both the colon cleansing and the cleansing diet. What I really didn't seem to understand was how this was all so necessary. Wasn't our body supposed to be able to provide its own colon cleansing? I was also well aware of how careful Kate was about what she stuck in her body. So how could someone so health conscious have all of these toxins stored up in their body?

When I got home I realized that it was time for some serious research on both colon cleansing and the cleansing diet. I actually have very few health complaints, but who doesn't want to feel better if they can? So I looked up the colon cleansing and the cleansing diet. I have access to some extraordinary research tools through a University, and I was thoroughly surprised by what the research revealed. For starters, the cleansing diet, provided it is performed correctly, really does remove approximately 60-75% of your body's toxins. This really set my wheels thinking, and I continued on with some more research. There are a few parameters to the appropriate diet. 80% of the cleansing diets out there are more scam than research based cleansing diet information. Finding a safe and effective cleansing diet could prove to be a challenge. The wrong cleansing diet would simply allow a person to shed a few pounds, but other than that, it won't get rid of the real toxicity levels in the body.

So how does one determine the right cleansing diet from the wrong cleansing diet? The first question I asked was how does the cleansing diet offered educate me? Apparently we run around ingesting toxins every day. There are the common types that most people are aware of and then are the uncommon types. So any really good cleansing diet is going to educate me on which foods and drinks contain which toxins so that I can avoid them. I don't just want an outline of a cleansing diet. I'm going to want to know why I am eating some things and not eating other things. I am going to want my cleansing diet to work, but I am also going to want to keep the toxins out of my body.

It turns out the cleansing diets are really inappropriate for some people. There are people who should avoid cleansing diets altogether. So I don't want a cleansing diet sales person who is willing to just sell their version of the cleansing diet to just anyone without warning them that there are people who should avoid the cleansing diet. I certainly didn't know that some people actually become addicted to cleansing diets. This definitely concerned me. I was relieved to know that there are a couple of cleansing diet programs out there that do tell you how to avoid this and why cleansing diet addiction happens.

I did know that it is possible to overdose on vitamins, and while vitamins are an important part of ridding the body of toxins, there has to be a way to know when you are abusing the benefits of vitamins. I found a few more cleansing diets that offered information on avoiding vitamin overdosing. Although most of the information on cleansing diets that offered information on avoiding vitamin overdosing didn't offer information on cleansing diet addiction, and only one offered information on vitamin overdosing, cleansing diet addiction, and informed me on how to avoid the toxins altogether.

I dug a little deeper. There are ample people out there selling information on cleansing diets, some which include information on cleansing diet addiction, vitamin overdosing, and avoiding toxins. However these people aren't offering a cleansing diet plan! So now I have to go purchase a cleansing diet plan from one organization and then turn around and try to find comprehensive information on cleansing diet addiction, vitamin overdosing, and avoiding toxins. Why doesn't everyone just include it all in one package?

Well, it turns out that someone does. The package includes everything I wanted to know plus a few things that I didn't know that I wanted to know. The package included information on being aware of the potential to overdose on vitamins, a section on cleansing diet addiction, and even a section on avoiding toxins. Apparently there are 84 common toxins that I needed to be aware of. That's quite a few things I come in daily contact with that contain toxins. On top of all this information that I wanted, the package also included actual recipes for following a highly effective cleansing diet. I was so excited to find this.

I got hold of the, detox manual and found out that there is so much more information, despite my research, that I still needed to know. There are the common toxins, which everyone knows about and includes in their cleansing diet plans, but there are also some that most people are unfamiliar with that are still easy to avoid. But since most people are unfamiliar with them, they aren't included in every cleansing diet plan.

The package offered in detox manual contained everything I ever wanted to know about an effective cleansing diet. In fact, I haven't found a more comprehensively covered cleansing diet plan out there on the internet as of yet, and truthfully I doubt that I ever will.

Bobby Ryatt, If you enjoyed reading this articles, then go to my website where the detox guide is available. You will have all the information on the subject. The facts will open your eyes and expose some real truths.